examinations oor Kroaties


Plural form of examination.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


He failed in the examination because he had not studied.
Pao je ispit jer nije učio.


We had an examination in mathematics today.
Imali smo danas ispit iz matematike.


He failed in the examination because he had not studied.
Pao je ispit jer nije učio.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

prijemni ispit
repeat examination
popravni ispit
neurologic examination
neurološki pregled
teaching qualification examination
ispit za nastavničko zvanje
prior information or examination
prethodno obavješćivanje ili razmatranje
examination and assessment
ispitivanje i ocjenjivanje
ispitivanje · ispitni · pregledavanje · razmatrajući
methodological - method examinations
metodologija-metode ispitivanja
supplementary examination
dodatno ispitivanje


Advanced filtering
The Court previously had occasion to examine in Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund (3) whether, in the exercise of its jurisdiction to give advisory opinions on employment matters, the Oberster Gerichtshof acted as a ‘court or tribunal’ within the meaning of Article 267 TFEU.
U presudi Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund(3) Sud je već imao priliku ocijeniti nastupa li Oberster Gerichtshof prilikom izvršavanja svojih savjetodavnih ovlasti u području radnog prava kao „sud“ u smislu članka 267. UFEU-a.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
79 Dunamenti Erőmű complains that the General Court failed to examine the question of its legal personality and that of Electrabel in order to respond to its argument that any aid resulting from the PPA at issue had been repaid by virtue of its privatisation.
79 Društvo Dunamenti Erőmű prigovara Općem sudu da nije ispitao pitanje njegove pravne osobnosti i pravne osobnosti društva Electrabel kako bi odgovorio na njegov argument da je potpora koja eventualno proizlazi iz predmetnog SKEE-a bila vraćena zbog njegove privatizacije.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The study carried out and the conclusions on the options examined have shown that the problems will remain if the Directive is not revised.
Provedenim istraživanjem i zaključcima o mogućnostima utvrđeno je kako će bez revizije Direktive problemi ostati.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 19(3) a common set of interconnection and security standards that single points of contact are to meet before exchanging sensitive and confidential information across the cooperation network.
Ti se provedbeni akti donose u skladu s postupkom ispitivanja iz članka 19. stavka 3. zajednički skup standarda za međusobno povezivanje i sigurnost koje jedinstvene kontaktne točke moraju ispuniti prije razmjene osjetljivih i povjerljivih podataka u mreži suradnje.not-set not-set
In accordance with Article 4 of the Agreement of 19 January 2001 between the European Community and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the criteria and mechanisms for establishing the State responsible for examining an application for asylum lodged in a Member State or in Iceland or Norway ( 5 ), this Regulation is to be applied by Iceland and Norway as it is applied by the Member States of the European Community.
U skladu s člankom 4. Sporazuma od 19. siječnja 2001. između Europske Zajednice i Republike Islanda i Kraljevine Norveške o kriterijima i mehanizmima za utvrđivanje države odgovorne za razmatranje zahtjeva za azil podnesenog u državi članici ili na Islandu ili u Norveškoj ( 5 ), Island i Norveška primjenjuju ovu Uredbu na isti način kako je primjenjuju države članice Europske zajednice.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In accordance with Article 3(5) and (6) of the basic anti-dumping Regulation, it was examined whether the dumped imports of the product concerned originating in the country concerned caused injury to the Union industry; Known factors other than the dumped imports, which could at the same time be injuring the Union industry, were also examined to ensure that possible injury caused by these other factors was not attributed to the dumped imports.
U skladu s člankom 3. stavcima 5. i 6. Osnovne antidampinške uredbe, ispitano je je li dampinški uvoz dotičnog proizvoda podrijetlom iz dotične zemlje uzrokovao štetu industriji Unije. Poznati čimbenici, osim dampinškog uvoza, koji su u isto vrijeme mogli prouzročiti štetu industriji Unije, također su ispitani kako bi se osiguralo da se moguća šteta koju su prouzročiti ti ostali čimbenici ne pripiše dampinškom uvozu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The procedures used to perform the investigations shall be appropriate to the device under examination.
Postupci koji se upotrebljavaju u ispitivanjima primjereni su ispitivanim proizvodima.not-set not-set
92 However, for an argument based on such a justification to succeed, a direct link must be established, according to settled case‐law, between the tax advantage concerned and the compensating of that advantage by a particular tax levy, with the direct nature of that link falling to be examined in the light of the objective pursued by the rules in question (Santander Asset Management SGIIC and Others, paragraph 51 and case-law cited).
92 Međutim, da bi argument utemeljen na takvom opravdanju mogao biti uspješan, potrebno je, prema ustaljenoj sudskoj praksi, pokazati postojanje izravne veze između porezne prednosti u pitanju i prijeboja te prednosti s pojedinim poreznim predujmom, dok se izravnost te veze mora ocijeniti u odnosu na cilj propisa u pitanju (gore navedena presuda Santander Asset Management SGIIC i dr., t. 51. i navedena sudska praksa).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court of Auditors shall examine the accounts of all revenue and expenditure of the Union.
Revizorski sud provjerava račune svih prihoda i rashoda Unije.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The Council and the Commission shall examine the stability programme within at most 3 months of its submission.
Vijeće i Komisija ispituju program stabilizacije u roku od najviše tri mjeseca od dostave.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The type-examination procedure (Module SB) for the design and development phase in combination with the production quality management system procedure (Module SD)) for the production phase, or
postupak tipskog ispitivanja (modul SB) za fazu projektiranja i razvoja s postupkom upravljanja kvalitetom u proizvodnji (modul SD) za fazu proizvodnje, iliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On close examination from the top view of the DNA it has a dodecahedron shape.
Detaljnim ispitivanje s vršnim pogledom, DNA ima oblik dodekahedrona.Literature Literature
EU actions generally delivered the expected outputs but weaknesses in the monitoring tools hindered the assessment of the results achieved 32 We examined whether actions were implemented as planned and outputs were delivered as intended.
Mjerama EU-a, općenito gledajući, postigla su se očekivana ostvarenja, no nedostatci u alatima za praćenje otežali su procjenu postignutih rezultata 32 Ispitali smo jesu li se mjere provodile u skladu s planom i jesu li ostvarenja postignuta kako je planirano.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
(i) In the case of Class 1 medical certificates and Class 2 medical certificates, when an instrument rating is to be added to the licence held, hearing shall be tested with pure tone audiometry at the initial examination and, at subsequent revalidation or renewal examinations, every 5 years until the age 40 and every 2 years thereafter.
i. U slučaju certifikata o zdravstvenoj sposobnosti kategorije 1 i kategorije 2, kada se na dozvolu dodaje ovlaštenje za instrumentalno letenje, sluh mora biti testiran čistom tonalnom audiometrijom na inicijalnom liječničkom pregledu te sljedeći na pregledu za produžavanje i obnavljanje certifikata svakih 5 godina do 40. godine starosti i svakih 2 godine nakon toga.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
With regard to its content, as seen in points 38 and 39 of this Opinion, the contested measure states that ECHA examined the information submitted by Esso Raffinage in response to the decision of 6 November 2012, and concluded that it had not provided all of the information requested.
Što se tiče njezina sadržaja, kako je opisan u točkama 38. i 39. ovog mišljenja, u spornoj se mjeri navodi da je ECHA ispitala informacije koje je društvo Esso Raffinage dostavilo povodom odluke od 6. studenoga 2012. i zaključila da ono nije pružilo sve zatražene informacije.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
41 On the other hand, according to the State Secretary, the period prescribed for a decision in respect of that application started to run only from 14 December 2016, the date on which the Kingdom of the Netherlands declared that it was responsible for examining the application.
41 Suprotno tomu, prema mišljenju državnog tajnika, rok za odlučivanje o navedenom zahtjevu počeo je teći tek 14. prosinca 2016., na datum kad se Kraljevina Nizozemska proglasila odgovornom za njegovu obradu.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Without prejudice to the Member State’s possibility of proceeding with the measures referred to in paragraph 6, the Commission shall examine the compatibility of the notified measures with Union law in the shortest possible time.
Ne dovodeći u pitanje mogućnost države članice da nastavi s mjerama iz stavka 6., Komisija istražuje usklađenost mjera o kojima je država članica prethodno obavijestila Komisiju sa zakonodavstvom Zajednice u najkraćem mogućem roku.not-set not-set
Council Directive 77/96/EEC of 21 December 1976 on the examination for trichinae (trichinella spiralis) upon importation from third countries of fresh meat derived from domestic swine ( 4 ) was repealed by Directive 2004/41/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 repealing certain Directives concerning food hygiene and health conditions for the production and placing on the market of certain products of animal origin intended for human consumption and amending Council Directives 89/662/EEC and 92/118/EEC and Council Decision 95/408/EC ( 5 ).
Direktiva Vijeća 77/96/EEZ od 21. prosinca 1976. o pregledu na trihinelu (Trichinella spiralis) kod uvoza svježeg mesa domaćih svinja ( 4 ) iz trećih zemalja, stavljena je izvan snage Direktivom 2004/41/EZ Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 21. travnja 2004. o stavljanju izvan snage određenih direktiva o higijeni hrane i zdravstvenim uvjetima za proizvodnju i stavljanje na tržište nekih proizvoda životinjskog podrijetla namijenjenih za prehranu ljudi te o izmjeni direktiva Vijeća 89/662/EEZ i 92/118/EEZ i Odluke Vijeća 95/408/EZ ( 5 ).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If there is limitation in the scope of examination or if the level of irregular expenditure detected does not allow the provision of a unqualified opinion for the annual opinion referred to in Article 61(1)(e) of the basic Regulation or in the closure declaration referred to in Article 61(1)(f) of that Regulation, the audit authority shall give the reasons and estimate the scale of the problem and its financial impact.
Ako postoji ograničenje u sustavu ispitivanja ili uočena razina nepravilnosti izdataka ne dopušta davanje pozitivnog mišljenja u okviru godišnjeg mišljenja iz članka 61. stavka 1. točke (e) Osnovne uredbe ili u okviru završne izjave iz članka 61. stavka 1. točke (f) navedene Uredbe, revizijsko tijelo iznosi razloge i procjenjuje opseg problema i njegov financijski učinak.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
6. the estimated unit costs for sampling and laboratory examination, as well as estimated total costs for carrying out the operations.
6. procjene jediničnih troškova uzimanja uzoraka i laboratorijskog testiranja, kao i procjenu ukupnih troškova provedbe mjera.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 72(2).
Ti provedbeni akti moraju se donositi u skladu s postupkom ispitivanja navedenim u članku 72. stavku 2.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
77 In those circumstances, an application which, as in the present case, seeks the imposition of a lump sum cannot be dismissed as disproportionate solely because it concerns a failure to fulfil obligations which, having persisted over time, came to an end by the time of the Court’s examination of the facts.
77 U tim okolnostima, tužba kojom se, kao u predmetnom slučaju zahtijeva nalaganje paušalnog iznosa ne može se odbiti kao neproporcionalna samo zbog toga što je njezin predmet povreda obveze, koja je, iako je trajala određeno vrijeme, prestala u trenutku kad je Sud ispitivao činjenice.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
In accordance with Article 2(2) of the basic Regulation, the Commission first examined whether the sales of the like product to independent customers were representative.
U skladu s člankom 2. stavkom 2. Osnovne uredbe, Komisija je najprije ispitala je li prodaja istovjetnog proizvoda nezavisnim kupcima reprezentativna.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If the appeal is admissible, the Board of Appeal shall examine whether it is well-founded.
Ako je žalba dopuštena, Odbor za žalbe ispituje je li osnovana.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The competent visa authority shall consult the VIS for the purposes of the examination of applications and the decisions relating to those applications, including the decision whether to annul, revoke, ►M1 or extend the visa ◄ in accordance with the relevant provisions.
Nadležno tijelo za izdavanje viza koristi VIS u svrhu obrade zahtjeva i donošenja odluka koje se tiču tih zahtjeva, uključujući odluku o tome treba li se viza poništiti, oduzeti, ►M1 ili produljiti ◄ u skladu s mjerodavnim odredbama.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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