execution creditor oor Kroaties

execution creditor

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Arrangement with creditors versus tax execution
Dogovor s vjerovnicima i ovrha radi naplate poreznog dugaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Second, even if the lower figures submitted by the beneficiary are used in the calculation of the proceeds from tax execution, the market economy creditor, had he had the possibility, would have favoured this procedure over arrangement.
Drugo, čak i ako se u izračunu prihoda od ovrhe radi naplate poreznog duga primijene niži iznosi koje je dostavio korisnik, da je vjerovnik u tržišnom gospodarstvu imao tu mogućnost, odabrao bi ovaj postupak prije nego sporazum.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to the agreement, the creditors were not entitled to any forced execution of the outstanding debt.
U skladu sa sporazumom, vjerovnici nisu imali pravo ni na kakvu prisilnu naplatu nepodmirenog duga.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The legal limitations relate to the effects of the so-called special administration procedure (Article 16 paragraph (5) (c) of the Romanian law No 137/2002) under which the tax-and-contributions creditors cannot execute their debts as long as the company is prepared for privatisation.
Pravna ograničenja odnose se na učinke takozvanog postupka posebne uprave (članak 16. stavak 5. točka (c) rumunjskog zakona br. 137/2002), tijekom kojeg vjerovnici kojima dužnici duguju poreze i doprinose svoje dugove ne mogu naplatiti dok god je društvo spremno za privatizaciju.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Romania also argues that the lack of sellable assets not used as collateral for secured creditors de facto limited AAAS's ability to enforce its claims and would also explain why private creditors did not execute their claims either.
Rumunjska tvrdi i da je manjak imovine koju se moglo prodati, a koja nije iskorištena kao kolateral za osigurane vjerovnike, de facto ograničio mogućnost AAAS-a da naplati svoja potraživanja, a to objašnjava i zašto ni privatni vjerovnici nisu naplatili svoja potraživanja.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It protects the execution creditor, or the applicant for measures after the maturity of a claim.
Njome se štiti ovrhovoditelj, odnosno predlagatelj osiguranja nakon dospijeća tražbine.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
transmit to the receiving payment service provider and, if specifically requested by the consumer, to the consumer, the available information about recurring incoming credit transfers and creditor-driven direct debits executed on the consumer's payment account in the previous 13 months;
proslijedi pružatelju platnih usluga koji je primatelj te potrošaču, ako je on to izričito zatražio, dostupne informacije o ponavljajućim dolaznim kreditnim transferima i izravnim terećenjima kojima upravlja vjerovnik koja su izvršena na potrošačevu računu za plaćanje u prethodnih 13 mjeseci;not-set not-set
transmit to the receiving payment service provider and, if specifically requested by the consumer, to the consumer, the available information about recurring incoming credit transfers and creditor-driven direct debits executed on the consumer’s payment account in the previous 13 months;
proslijedi pružatelju platnih usluga koji je primatelj te potrošaču, ako je on to izričito zatražio, dostupne informacije o ponavljajućim dolaznim kreditnim transferima i izravnim terećenjima kojima upravlja vjerovnik koja su izvršena na potrošačevu računu za plaćanje u prethodnih 13 mjeseci;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Member States shall require that ▌ when manufacturing credit products or granting, intermediating or providing advisory services on credit and, where appropriate, ancillary services to consumers or when executing a credit agreement, the creditor, credit intermediary or appointed representative acts honestly, fairly, transparently and professionally, taking account of the rights and interests of the consumers.
Države članice zahtijevaju da ▌ prilikom osmišljavanja kreditnih proizvoda, odobravanja, posredovanja ili pružanja savjetodavnih usluga o kreditu i prema potrebi, dodatnih usluga potrošačima ili prilikom izvršavanja ugovora o kreditu, vjerovnik, kreditni posrednik ili imenovani predstavnik postupa pošteno, pravedno, transparentno i profesionalno, uzimajući u obzir prava i interese potrošača.not-set not-set
Member States shall require that when manufacturing credit products or granting, intermediating or providing advisory services on credit and, where appropriate, ancillary services to consumers or when executing a credit agreement, the creditor, credit intermediary or appointed representative acts honestly, fairly, transparently and professionally, taking account of the rights and interests of the consumers.
Države članice zahtijevaju da prilikom osmišljavanja kreditnih proizvoda, odobravanja, posredovanja ili pružanja savjetodavnih usluga o kreditu i prema potrebi, dodatnih usluga potrošačima ili prilikom izvršavanja ugovora o kreditu, vjerovnik, kreditni posrednik ili imenovani predstavnik postupa pošteno, pravedno, transparentno i profesionalno, uzimajući u obzir prava i interese potrošača.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Besides, Romania claims that AAAS would have been prevented to ask for the enforcement of its claims towards Oltchim by the privatisation law (96) which foresees that, as of the date of the establishment of the special administration procedure, tax-and-contributions (i.e. budgetary) creditors cannot execute their debts and will not take any steps towards such execution measures as long as the company is prepared for privatisation (97).
Osim toga, Rumunjska tvrdi da AAAS ne bi mogao zatražiti prisilnu naplatu svojih potraživanja prema društvu Oltchim zbog zakona o privatizaciji (96) kojim se predviđa da od datuma uvođenja posebne uprave vjerovnici kojima se duguju porezi i doprinosi (tj. proračunski vjerovnici) ne mogu naplaćivati svoja potraživanja i ne smiju poduzimati mjere naplate sve dok traje privatizacija društva (97).Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It should be noted that it is certainly not the duty of the execution creditors but debtors themselves must take care of their outstanding obligations.
Treba naglasiti da to svakako nije dužnost Ovrhovoditelja već sam dužnik mora brinuti o svojim nepodmirenim obavezama.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
However, the creditors were not entitled to any forced execution of the outstanding debt, such as seizing the company's assets or forcing the launch of the bankruptcy procedure against the company.
Međutim, vjerovnici nisu imali pravo na prisilnu naplatu nepodmirenog duga, primjerice zapljenom imovine društva ili prisilnim pokretanjem stečajnog postupka nad društvom.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
provide the consumer free of charge with a list of all the currently active standing orders for credit transfers and debtor-driven direct debit mandates, where available, and with available information about recurring incoming credit transfers and creditor-driven direct debits executed on the consumer's payment account in the previous 13 months.
potrošaču besplatno dostavi popis svih trenutno aktivnih trajnih naloga za kreditne transfere i ovlaštenja za izravno terećenje kojima upravlja dužnik, ako su dostupni, te dostupne informacije o ponavljajućim dolaznim kreditnim transferima i izravnim terećenjima kojima upravlja vjerovnik, a koji su izvršeni na potrošačevu računu za plaćanje u prethodnih 13 mjeseci.not-set not-set
provide the consumer free of charge with a list of all the currently active standing orders for credit transfers and debtor-driven direct debit mandates, where available, and with available information about recurring incoming credit transfers and creditor-driven direct debits executed on the consumer’s payment account in the previous 13 months.
potrošaču besplatno dostavi popis svih trenutno aktivnih trajnih naloga za kreditne transfere i ovlaštenja za izravno terećenje kojima upravlja dužnik, ako su dostupni, te dostupne informacije o ponavljajućim dolaznim kreditnim transferima i izravnim terećenjima kojima upravlja vjerovnik, a koji su izvršeni na potrošačevu računu za plaćanje u prethodnih 13 mjeseci.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Specifically, the Commission found that the Tax Office was in a situation legally different from the other creditors, as it possessed secured claims and could initiate tax execution.
Točnije, Komisija je smatrala da je porezni ured bio u situaciji pravno gledano različitoj od ostalih vjerovnika s obzirom na to da je imao osigurana potraživanja i mogao je pokrenuti ovrhu radi naplate poreznog duga.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where the debtor allows a substantial modification of the plan to creditors, referral to the Court may be made by the Commissioner in execution of the plan’.
Ako položaj dužnika omogućuje bitnu promjenu plana u korist vjerovnika, povjerenik za provedbu plana može pokrenuti postupak pred trgovačkim sudom.”EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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