exhausted oor Kroaties


adjektief, werkwoord
Depleted; in a state of exhaustion.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


He developed a bad flu, and that exhausted him.
Dobio je gadnu gripu i to ga je iscrpilo.



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

boiler exhaust piping
cjevovod za odvod plinova kotla
exhaust gas line
cjevovod · ispušni cjevovod
exhaust piping
cjevovod ispušnih plinova
exhaust manifold
ispusna grana
Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Resolver
Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Resolver
exhaust valve
ispušni ventil · ispušni ventil u motoru
Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector
Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector
exhaust pipe
ispusna sapnica · ispušna cijev · odvodna cijev
exhaust steam
ispušna para


Advanced filtering
By virtue of the Paragraph 120 Austrian Gewerbeordnung (Crafts, Trade and Industry Code) a licence to trade as a chimney sweep is required for the cleaning, sweeping and inspection of chimney and gas flues, smoke and gas exhaust pipes and the fireplaces attached to them.
Prema članku 120. austrijskog Gewerbeordnunga (Zakonik o obrtničkim, trgovačkim i industrijskim djelatnostima) odobrenje za obavljanje djelatnosti dimnjačara potrebno je za čišćenje, metenje i pregled dimnjaka, dimnih plinova i cijevi za ispuštanje dima i plinova te kamina koji su na njih priključeni.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I'm exhausted.
Preumoran sam.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Although, and I shall return to this, Directive 2007/44 introduces the exhaustive harmonisation of the assessment criteria, by contrast it does not introduce exhaustive harmonisation of the assessment procedure.
Iako Direktiva 2007/44 provodi potpuno usklađenje kriterija procjene, na što ću se vratiti kasnije, ipak ne provodi potpuno usklađenje postupka procjene.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Look, I'm exhausted.
Vidi ja sam iscrpljena..OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(19) ‘tube heater system’ means a tube local space heater comprising more than one single burner, of which the products of combustion of one burner may feed into a next burner, and of which the products of combustion of multiple burners are to be evacuated by a single exhaust fan;
19. „sustav cijevnih grijalica” znači cijevna grijalica za lokalno grijanje prostora s više plamenika, kod koje proizvodi izgaranja jednog plamenika mogu napajati sljedeći plamenik i kod koje je proizvode izgaranja više plamenika potrebno odvesti putem jednog usisnog ventilatora;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
You look exhausted
Izgledaš iscrpljenoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
1.2. As an alternative to sound measurement tests, recreational craft with inboard engine configuration or stern drive engine configuration, without integral exhaust, shall be deemed to comply with the noise requirements set out in point 1.1 if they have a Froude number of ≤ 1,1 and a Power to Displacement ratio of ≤ 40 and where the engine and exhaust system are installed in accordance with the engine manufacturer’s specifications.
1.2 Kao alternativna mogućnost za testiranje razine buke, smatra se da rekreacijska plovila s ugrađenim motorom ili krmenim propulzorom bez integralnog ispuha ispunjavaju zahtjeve u vezi s bukom utvrđene u točki 1.1. ako imaju Froudeov broj ≤ 1.1 i omjer snage i istisnine ≤ 40 te ako su motor i ispušni sistem ugrađeni u skladu sa specifikacijama proizvođača motora.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to the information received by the Commission, catches of the stock referred to in the Annex to this Regulation by vessels flying the flag of or registered in the Member State referred to therein have exhausted the quota allocated for 2016.
Prema informacijama koje je primila Komisija, ulovom stoka iz Priloga ovoj Uredbi koji su ostvarila plovila koja plove pod zastavom države članice iz tog Priloga ili su registrirana u toj državi članici iscrpljena je kvota dodijeljena za 2016.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The average particulate emission and the average exhaust gas backpressure are regarded as suitable assessment variables for this purpose.
Odgovarajućim varijablama za ocjenu u tu svrhu smatraju se prosječna emisija čestica i prosječni protutlak ispušnog plina.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Investments also need to be consistent with the water hierarchy, with a focus on demand management options with alternative supply options only to be considered when the potential for water savings and efficiency has been exhausted.
Ulaganja također trebaju biti u skladu s hijerarhijom na području opskrbe vodom, s naglaskom na opcijama za upravljanje potražnjom, pri čemu se alternativne opcije opskrbe uzimaju u obzir samo ako je potencijal za štednju i učinkovitu potrošnju vode iscrpljen.not-set not-set
(b) in craft or in on-board machinery after 30.6.2007 the exhaust gas limit values as referred to in Annex XV of Directive 97/68 apply.
(b) u plovila ili u brodske strojeve nakon 30.6.2007. primjenjuju se granične vrijednosti ispušnih plinova iz Priloga XV. Direktivi 97/68/EZ.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whatever the criteria and provisions of Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 that are relied on, the requested Member State shall, within the time allowed by Article 18(1) and (6) of that Regulation, check exhaustively and objectively, on the basis of all information directly or indirectly available to it, whether its responsibility for examining the application for asylum is established.
Neovisno o kriterijima i odredbama Uredbe (EZ) br. 343/2003 na kojima se zahtjev temelji, država članica kojoj se podnosi zahtjev provjerava, u roku koji je dopušten člankom 18. stavkom 1. i 6. te Uredbe, temeljito i objektivno, na osnovi svih informacija koje su joj izravno ili neizravno dostupne, je li njezina odgovornost za razmatranje zahtjeva za azil utemeljena.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The exhaust emissions are diluted with ambient air and a continuously proportional sample is collected for analysis.
Ispušne emisije se razrjeđuju zrakom iz okoline i uzima se za analizu kontinuirano proporcionalan uzorak.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
1a. Both Parties agree to exhaust all possible options for dialogue under Article 8, except in cases of special urgency, prior to commencement of the consultations referred to in paragraph 2(a) of this Article.
1.a Obje stranke suglasne su istražiti sve mogućnosti za dijalog u skladu s člankom 8., osim u posebno hitnim slučajevima, prije početka konzultacija iz stavka 2. točke (a) ovog članka.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
He was fuddled with exhaustion and bad sleep and misery, and he forgot to be angry with Lemuel.
Bio je toliko omamljen od iscrpljenosti, lošeg spavanja i jada koji ga je grizao, da je zaboravio da je ljut na Lemuela.Literature Literature
Fear, however, proved as exhausting as hard labor.
Međutim, strah se pokazao iscrpljujućim poput teška rada.Literature Literature
A politician exhausts his welcome after a while, Pug.
Političar potroši svoju popularnost. poslije nekog vremena, PugOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On 21 April, however, the exhausted garrison was ordered to withdraw towards Saigon.
Međutim, do 21. travnja izmučeni garnizon morao se povući prema Sajgonu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The proposed structure is not exhaustive and will need to be adapted to the needs of each Member State.
Predložena struktura nije sveobuhvatna i morat će se prilagoditi potrebama svake države članice.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
artificially heating up the temperature of the exhaust;
umjetnim zagrijavanjem temperature ispuha;EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The time-delay switch shall be set for the duration of gas exhaust resulting from the provisions laid down in point
Prekidač vremenske zadrške mora se postaviti za trajanje protoka ispušnih plinova iz odredbi utvrđenih u točki eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
For certain activities such as maintenance, in respect of which it is foreseeable that there is the potential for a significant increase in exposure of workers, and in respect of which all scope for further technical preventive measures for limiting workers' exposure has already been exhausted, the employer shall determine, after consultation of the workers and/or their representatives in the undertaking or establishment, without prejudice to the employer's responsibility, the measures necessary to reduce the duration of workers' exposure to the minimum possible and to ensure protection of workers while they are engaged in such activities.
Pri pojedinim aktivnostima kao što je održavanje, pri kojima se predviđa znatno povećanje izloženosti radnika i za koje su već iscrpljene sve tehničke preventivne mjere za smanjenje izloženosti radnika, poslodavac nakon savjetovanja s radnicima i/ili njihovim predstavnicima u poduzeću ili pogonu i ne dovodeći u pitanje vlastitu odgovornost odlučuje o poduzimanju mjera za smanjenje izloženosti radnika na najkraće moguće vrijeme i osiguranju njihove zaštite tijekom obavljanja tih aktivnosti.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
60 As is apparent from the analysis of the first ground of appeal, in order to establish whether the author of the infringement decides independently upon its own conduct on the market, account must be taken of all the relevant factors relating to the economic, organisational and legal links which tie that author to its holding entity, which may vary from case to case and cannot therefore be set out in an exhaustive list (see, to that effect, Akzo Nobel and Others v Commission, paragraphs 73 and 74; Elf Aquitaine v Commission, paragraph 58; and Alliance One International and Standard Commercial Tobacco v Commission and Commission v Alliance One International and Others, paragraph 45).
60 Kao što, dakle, proizlazi iz analize prvog žalbenog razloga, potrebno je, u svrhu utvrđivanja odlučuje li počinitelj povrede samostalno o svom ponašanju na tržištu, razmotriti sve relevantne okolnosti koje se tiču gospodarskih, organizacijskih i pravnih veza između počinitelja povrede i njemu nadređenog tijela, a koje se mogu razlikovati od slučaja do slučaja pa stoga ne mogu biti taksativno navedene (vidjeti u tom smislu gore navedene presude Akzo Nobel i dr. protiv Komisije, točke 73. i 74. ; Elf Aquitaine protiv Komisije, točku 58., kao i Alliance One International i Standard Commercial Tobacco protiv Komisije i Komisija protiv Alliance One International i dr., točku 45.).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Purification installations for exhaust air and wastewater
Sustavi za odvod zraka i odvod vodetmClass tmClass
Therefore the rapporteur considers it necessary and urgent to act at European level in order to reduce workers’ exposure to diesel engine exhaust by including in Annex I work involving exposure to such exhaust gases and setting an occupational exposure limit value in Annex III of 50μg/m3 (0.05 mg/m3) calculated on the basis of elemental carbon(8).
Izvjestitelj stoga smatra da je potrebno hitno djelovati na europskoj razini kako bi se ograničila izloženost radnika ispušnim plinovima dizelskih motora i to tako da se u Prilog I. unese rad koji uključuje izlaganje tim ispušnim plinovima te da se u Prilogu III. utvrde granične vrijednosti profesionalne izloženosti od 50 μg/m3 (0,05 mg/m3), izračunate na temelju elementarnog ugljika(8).not-set not-set
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