flagon oor Kroaties


/flæɡ.ən/ naamwoord
A large bottle for drinks such as wine or cider.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


For example, the tavern girl serving flagons of mead.
Na primjer, djevojka u taverni koja služi bokale medovine.


He poured a flagon of Rhenish on my head once.
Jednom mi je sručio na glavu bocu rajnskog vina.


I had two flagons of claret and a double helping of curried turtle!
Naprotiv. Dva vrča crnog vina i dvije porcije kornjače s curryjem.



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One flagon of Arbor gold, and one of that sweet red.
Jedan bokal sjeničkog zlatnog, i jedan onog slatkog crnog.Literature Literature
For example, the tavern girl serving flagons of mead.
Na primjer, djevojka u taverni koja služi bokale medovine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In response to this, the renegade Hamza downs his flagon with several loud gulps.
Kao reakciju na taj komentar, otpadnik Hamza iskapi sadržaj krigle u svega nekoliko glasnih gutljaja.Literature Literature
The flagon of wine stood beside the door, untouched.
Vrč vina stajao je pokraj vrata netaknut.Literature Literature
He poured for them from a flagon of blackberry wine so sweet that it drew more flies than honey.
Iz vrča im je natočio kupinova vina, tako slatkog daje počelo privlačiti više muha nego med.Literature Literature
Well here is another nit for you.The flagons
Evo još jedne činjenice.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When he stumbled from the table, he knocked a flagon from the hands of a serving girl.
Kad je oteturao od stola, izbio je vrč iz ruku služavke.Literature Literature
Boy, a flagon of wine.
Momče, bokal vina.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When he saw the broken flagon, he uttered a blistering curse and demanded to know what had happened here.
Kad je spazio razbijeni vrč, procijedio je krvavu psovku i oštro priupitao što se tu dogodilo.Literature Literature
You have to get me flagons of ale.
Ti mi moraš natočiti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
« he cried, handing the heavy charged flagon to the nearest seaman. »The crew alone now drink.
- poviknu pružajući najbližima teški i uzvrli puni pehar. - Sada pije samo posada.Literature Literature
You can drink your fancy ales You can drink ' em by the flagon
Možete svoja fina piva piti Možete ih piti ako vam pehare dajuopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Lord Roose found an empty cup, wiped it out on the tablecloth, and filled it from a flagon.
Knez Roose pronađe prazan pehar, obriše ga stolnjakom i napuni iz vrča.Literature Literature
Only a flagon?
Samo bocu?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I have been known to drink a flagon of mead at Gedruff's Tavern.
Znao sam popiti vrč medovice Gedruffovom konačištu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""But I'd like a flagon of wine."""
"""Ali, rado bih popio vrč vina."""Literature Literature
A flagon of sour red, dark as blood, all a man needs.
Vrč trpkog crvenog, tamnog poput krvi, sve je stoje muškarcu potrebno.Literature Literature
Sighing, Tyrion started to reach for the wine again, then remembered Lord Janos and pushed the flagon away.
Uzdišući, Tyrion krene da će ponovno posegnuti za vinom, tad se sjeti kneza Janosa i odgurne vrč od sebe.Literature Literature
At this very moment you're down in the West Country, hunting down flagons, I believe.
Sada, ovog trenutka, ste dolje u West Countryju, i tražite nekakve bokale, mislim.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was wet head to toe, but I’d managed to save the wine flagon.
« Bio sam mokar od glave do pete, ali barem sam uspio spasiti vrč vina.Literature Literature
A flagon with a dragon.
Bokal sa zmajemOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stannis held out his cup, and Devan filled it again from the flagon.
Stannis pruži svoju kupu, a Devan je ponovno napuni iz vrča.Literature Literature
Oh, and, Barnabus, fill out the travel flagons and grab some munchies.
Oh, i, Barnabuse, napuni nam bokale za put i nešto klope.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was already drunk and had a flagon of five grain spirit hanging from his belt.
Već je bio pijan, a oko pasa mu je visjela bočica s pićem od pet vrsta žitarica.Literature Literature
Did you get the flagons of wine I sent you?
Jeste li popili vino koje sam vam poslao?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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