flat addressing oor Kroaties

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You know, before I was arrested, a man came to my flat and took my addresses.
Znaš, prije nego što su me uhapsili, čovjek je došao u moj stan i uzeo moju adresu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You know, before I was arrested, a man came to my flat and took my addresses
Znaš, prije nego što su me uhapsili, čovjek je došao u moj stan i uzeo moju adresuopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
They climbed into the patrol car and Bond gave the address of his flat off the King’s Road.
Sjeli su u ophodno vozilo i Bond je dao adresu svoga stana pokraj King's Roada.Literature Literature
Later , she and her common law husband Viktor Ivancic purchased a flat at Bacvice , at the address Viska St. 15.
Nakon toga ona i njezin izvanbračni suprug Viktor Ivančić kupili su stan na Bačvicama , na adresi Viška ulica 15 .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Oh, it's addressed to my old flat in London!
O, je upućena bi moj stari stan u Londonu!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Li and Li, you have the address of Robert Karlsen's flat and the search warrant.
Li i Li, imate li adresu Karlsenova stana i nalog za pretres?Literature Literature
Then a summary of that day’s short meeting in a flat that could be entered from two different addresses.
Nakon toga sažetak o kratkom sastanku tog dana, u stanu u koji se moglo ući s dviju različitih adresa.Literature Literature
They got my address from the landlord at my old flat.
Adresu su dobili od gazde mog bivšeg stana.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And if you don't have an address you can't get a flat, and if you don't have a phone number you can't get a phone.
A ako nemaš adresu, ne možeš dobiti stan, pa ako nemaš broj telefona, ne možeš ga dobiti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nor is this altered by the optional nature of the flat-rate scheme for farmers, which I addressed in my previous Opinion concerning that subject. (12)
Ni neobvezatnost paušalnog oporezivanja poljoprivrednika, na koju sam skrenuo pažnju u svojim prethodnim opažanjima posvećenima toj temi, nema utjecaja u tom pogledu(12).eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Those difficulties have been addressed in some Member States by establishing a flat-rate margin for a given period.
U nekim se državama članicama na te poteškoće odgovorilo uspostavom paušalne marže za dano razdoblje(35).Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Address: Maria Trappgränd 7, Södermalm, Stockholm, a two-room flat that he inherited from his mother
Adresa: Maria Trappgrand 7, Sadermalm, Stockholm, dvosobni stan naslijeđen od majke.Literature Literature
We got a tip that the hostages were being held in a flat in Earl’s Court – not one of the known addresses.
Dobili smo dojavu da taoce drže u jednom stanu u Earl's Courtu, što nije jedna od poznatih adresa.Literature Literature
Or a one-bedded flat in London when I’ll never be able to afford a decent address?
Ili jednosobnog stana u Londonu u kojem si nikada neću moći priuštiti pristojan smještaj?Literature Literature
THE COMMISSION ’ S REPLIES Common reply to paragraphs 5.23 to 5.25: While the Commission and the Court audit compliance with public procurement rules in the same way, the Commission applies since the 2000-2006 programming period proportionate flat-rate corrections thereby addressing the risk of damage to the EU budget and taking into account the nature and gravity of the actual irregularities.
Zajednički odgovor na odlomke 5.23. i 5.25. Iako Komisija i Sud na isti način vrše reviziju usklađenosti s pravilima javne nabave, Komisija od programskog razdoblja 2000. – 2006. primjenjuje razmjerne paušalne ispravke time umanjujući rizik od štete za proračun EU-a i uzimajući u obzir prirodu i težinu stvarnih nepravilnosti.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Each Member State shall notify the other Member States and the Commission of the name and address of the body designated to pay the flat-rate aid.
Svaka država članica obavješćuje ostale države članice i Komisiju o nazivu i adresi tijela nadležnog za isplatu paušalne potpore.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Always in an empty flat, always with a communal garden at the back that could be accessed from another address.
Uvijek u praznom stanu, uvijek s komunalnim vrtom straga u koji se moglo ući s druge adrese.Literature Literature
322 Unlike the Flat glass (Italy) decision, the Flat glass (Benelux) decision, adopted in 1984, was addressed not only to, among others, a subsidiary of the Saint-Gobain group, SA Glaceries de Saint-Roch, but also to Compagnie de Saint-Gobain.
322 Odluka o ravnom staklu (Benelux), donesena 1984., bila je, za razliku od Odluke o ravnom staklu (Italija), upućena ne samo društvu kćeri grupe Saint‐Gobain, odnosno društvu SA Glaceries de Saint‐Roch, već također Compagnie.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Albanian Parliament approved a new law in July regulating street addresses and defining the procedures for naming streets where new flats or buildings have been constructed
Albanski parlament usvojio je u srpnju novi zakon kojim se reguliraju ulične adrese i definira procedura za davanje imena ulicama gdje su izgrađene nove kuće ili stanoviSetimes Setimes
That conclusion applies a fortiori to the Flat glass (Italy) decision, since the only company to which it was addressed was Fabbrica Pisana, and not Compagnie de Saint-Gobain.
Taj zaključak je a fortiori primjenjiv na Odluku o ravnom staklu (Italija) jer je jedini adresat te odluke bila Fabbrica Pisana, a ne Compagnie.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The address, given to him by Caroline Dupayne, was in the Barbican and proved to be a flat on the seventh floor.
Adresa koju mu je dala Caroline Dupayne bila je u Barbicanu i pokazalo se da je to stan na sedmom katu.Literature Literature
296 As regards the Flat glass (Benelux) decision, which was addressed to Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, the Commission maintains that, in the light of Case C‐3/06 P Groupe Danone v Commission [2007] ECR I‐1331, the finding and the assessment of the specific features of repeated infringement are part of its discretion for the purpose of determining the amount of fines and that it cannot therefore be bound by any limitation period in order to make such a finding.
296 Kada je riječ o Odluci o ravnom staklu (Benelux) koja je bila upućena Compagnie, Komisija tvrdi da u skladu s presudom Suda od 8. veljače 2007., Groupe Danone/Komisija (C‐3/06 P, Zb., str. I‐1331.), utvrđivanje i ocjena posebnih karakteristika ponavljanja povrede čine dio njezine diskrecijske ovlasti u određivanju iznosa novčanih kazni i da ona stoga ne može biti vezena bilo kakvim rokom zastare za takvo utvrđenje.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
On the basis of EN 521:2006 as well as the information submitted by the Netherlands and the other Member States, by CEN and by industry, and after consulting the Gas Appliances Working Group, there is a wide agreement that in the absence of any provisions in EN 521:2006 addressing the specificities of portable flat gas stoves and the related risks, the standard does not satisfy the essential requirements of Directive 2009/142/EC as regards this type of appliances.
Na temelju norme EN 521:2006, kao i informacija koje su dostavili Nizozemska, druge države članice, Europski odbor za normizaciju (CEN) i industrija, te nakon savjetovanja s radnom skupinom za plinske aparate, postoji općenito slaganje da, s obzirom na to da norma EN 521:2006 ne sadržava odredbe o specifičnostima prenosivih stolnih plinskih kuhala i opasnostima povezanima s tim aparatima, norma ne ispunjava bitne zahtjeve Direktive 2009/142/EZ u pogledu navedene vrste aparata.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to address the Commission's competition concerns on hot rolled, cold rolled and galvanised flat carbon steel, ArcelorMittal proposed to sell a number of steel plants throughout Europe to one or more buyers competing with ArcelorMittal on a lasting basis.
Kako bi otklonilo zabrinutost Komisije u pogledu tržišnog natjecanja koje se odnosi na toplovaljane, hladnovaljane i galvanizirane plosnate proizvode od ugljičnog čelika, društvo ArcelorMittal predložilo je prodaju određenog broja svojih čeličana u cijeloj Europi jednom kupcu ili više kupaca koji se s društvom ArcelorMittal natječu na tržištu na trajnoj osnovi.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
335 As regards, last, the complaint alleging failure to state reasons, in that the contested decision does not state the reasons why the Commission imputed the Flat glass (Benelux) decision to Saint-Gobain when that decision had not been addressed to it, it cannot be upheld.
335 Konačno, što se tiče prigovora koji se temelji na nedostatku u obrazloženju s obzirom na to da se u pobijanoj odluci ne iznose razlozi zbog kojih je Komisija Saint‐Gobainu pripisala Odluku o ravnom staklu (Benelux), premda to društvo nije bilo njezin adresat, on se ne može prihvatiti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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