frown oor Kroaties


/fɹaʊn/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A facial expression in which the eyebrows are brought together, and the forehead is wrinkled, usually indicating displeasure, sadness or worry, or less often confusion or concentration.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

namrštiti se

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The man could turn day to night with disapproving frown.
Čovjek može da pretvori dan u noć neslagajućim mrgođenjem.

mrštiti se

He goes hence frowning, but it honors us that we have given him cause.
On odlazi mršteći se, ali u našu čast ide što smo mu dali povod.
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Not fully comprehending the seriousness of the situation, I let out a loud laugh which my father silenced with a frown.
Ne shvaćajući tragicnost situacije, prasnuh u smijeh koji otac presječe jednim migom.Literature Literature
The cashmere gown forgotten in her hand, Jenny stared at the closing door, her forehead furrowed in a thoughtful frown.
Zaboravivši kašmirsku haljinu u ruci, Jenny je zurila u vrata koja su se zatvarala, zamišljeno namrštenog čela.Literature Literature
Ted frowned, but Norman knew he was pleased; Ted loved to lecture.
Ted se namrštio, ali je Norman znao da mu je to drago; Ted je volio docirati.Literature Literature
He frowned, letting me know that he doubted the relevance of my inquiry.
Namrštio se, dajući mi do znanja kako sumnja u važnost mojih upita.Literature Literature
He frowned, thinking about this, but only to establish the time.
Namrštio se, razmišljajući o tome, ali samo da bi utvrdio vrijeme.Literature Literature
"He paused, frowned, and said, ""Who is that?"""
"Zaustavio se, namrštio se, i rekao: ""Tko je to?"""Literature Literature
A smile may bring death, while a frowning, life.
Osmeh može doneti smrt, dok mrštenje - život.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Some of the men smiled at her; others frowned.
Neki muškarci su joj se smiješili; drugi su se mrštili.Literature Literature
When I frowned with concern, Matthew nodded to me, a sign that I should keep going.
Kada sam se zabrinuto namrštila, Matthew je kimnuo dajući mi znak da nastavim.Literature Literature
The young man frowned and shook his head, then opened the door.
Mladić se namrštio i zatresao glavom, a zatim otvorio vrata.Literature Literature
asked Jane, turning towards the old lady who had sat silent, a puzzled frown on her face.'
pitala je Jane i okrenula se prema starici koja je šutke sjedila sa zbunjenim izrazom na licu.Literature Literature
It gives you premature frown lines.
Stvara rano bore.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
she gasped, and then frowned; that was not her son’s name.
dahnula je, pa se namrštila; to nije ime njenog sina.Literature Literature
Scott sat on the edge of Boo’s bed and looked at his daughter, her cute little face contorted into a frown.
Scott je sjeo na rub Booinog kreveta i pogledao svoju kderku, čije se slatko lišde namrštilo.Literature Literature
Jessica McDermott Price was taller than Anna had been, her hair a shade darker, and her mouth bracketed by frown lines.
Jessica McDermott Price bila je viša od Anne, nijansu tamnije kose, usta u zagradama bora od mrštenja.Literature Literature
The pointy-nosed woman of indeterminate age at the information counter frowned and waved her hand dismissively.
Žena neodređenih godina i šiljata nosa na informacijama namrštila se i nehajno odmahnula rukom.Literature Literature
West looked over his shoulder at the Prince, stumbling daintily through the mud with a petulant frown on his face.
West se preko ramena osvrne prema princu koji je delikatno posrtao kroz blato s razdražljivom grimasom na licu.Literature Literature
He frowned at Murcatto, riding on her own ahead, hood up, a black figure in a black landscape.
Namršteno je gledao Murcatto koja je jahala sama na čelu, crna figura s navučenom kapuljačom u crnom krajoliku.Literature Literature
The big knight frowned: had he also known that Palamedes and Will would come after their friend?
Krupni vitez se namrštio: ali kako je mogao znati da će Palamed i Will poći za prijateljem?Literature Literature
She eyed the massive tree with a frown, plainly not pleased with the idea of getting any closer to it.
Gledala je veliko drvo mršteći se, očito nezadovoljna idejom da mu se više približava.Literature Literature
The registrar frowned and glanced at a card before him.
Tajnik se namrštio i pogledao karticu pred sobom.Literature Literature
"""And I you,"" Philip said angrily, but the shadow of a doubtful frown crossed his brow."
"""I meni"", reče Philip ljutito, ali sjenka sumnje je prešla preko njegova lica."Literature Literature
The priest frowned crossly and said: “Alfred and Aliena are now married in the eyes of God, and may the blessing—”.
"Svećenik se ljutito namrštio i rekao: ""Alfred i Aliena sada su vjenčani u očima Gospodina i neka blagoslov..."""Literature Literature
Through the windows, he could see Dodgson sitting inside at a booth, his bland features frowning.
Kroz prozore ugleda Dodgsona kako sjedi u separeu, namrštenih neuglednih crta lica.Literature Literature
Mothertongue frowned at Duffy's tone.
Mothertongue se namrštio na Duffyjev ton.Literature Literature
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