generously oor Kroaties


In a manner that is generous, in a way that is giving or ample.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


You're brave and you're beautiful and generous and big hearted.
Ti si hrabar i kako si lijepa i velikodušan i velika srca.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

General Staff of the Armed Forces
Glavni stožer oružanih snaga
general plan for wastewater management
generalni plan upravljanja otpadnim vodama
lieutenant general
noise generator


Advanced filtering
The ►M131 appointing authority of each institution ◄ shall adopt general provisions for giving effect to this Article in accordance with Article 110.
►M130 Tijelo za imenovanje svake institucije ◄ donose opće odredbe za primjenu ovog članka u skladu s člankom 110.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
General policy for the engagement and use of temporary agents
Opća politika zapošljavanja i upotrebe privremenog osobljaeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Iran has recently announced its intention to mass produce new generation centrifuges which will require FACI carbon fibre production capabilities.
Iran je nedavno objavio kako planira masovnu proizvodnju nove generacije centrifuga za koje će FACI morati razvijati kapacitete za proizvodnju ugljikovih vlakana.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Constitution of the United States is generally a moral-stage 5 document (postconventional and worldcentric).
U stav Sjedinjenih D ržava općenito je dokum en t petog m oraln og stupnja (postkonvencion alan i svjetocentričan).Literature Literature
The appraisal of the facts by the General Court does not constitute, save where the clear sense of the evidence produced before it is distorted, a question of law which is subject, as such, to review by the Court of Justice.
UFEU-a, za nadzor pravne kvalifikacije tih činjenica i pravnih posljedica koje je Opći sud iz njih izveo.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Wensleydale cheese was exclusively made in the designated area up until well into the 20th century, when its style and name were copied by cheesemakers up and down the country and it became a more generic style of cheese called Wensleydale.
Sir Wensleydale se isključivo proizvodio u navedenom području do duboko u 20. stoljeće kada su njegov način izrade i naziv kopirali proizvođači sira diljem zemlje te je tako postao više generička vrsta sira naziva Wensleydale.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the 2013 reform, the general objectives of the CAP were streamlined around three blocks:
U sklopu reforme iz 2013., opći ciljevi ZPP-a temeljili su se na tri sastavnice:Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Relations with NATO shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions laid down in the 17 March 2003 Exchange of Letters between the Secretary-General/High Representative and the NATO Secretary-General.
Odnosi s NATO-om odvijaju se u skladu s odgovarajućim odredbama utvrđenima u razmjeni pisama od 17. ožujka 2003. između Glavnog tajnika/Visokog predstavnika i Glavnog tajnika NATO-a.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Therefore, general principles applicable to all claims made on foods should be established in order to ensure a high level of consumer protection, give the consumer the necessary information to make choices in full knowledge of the facts, as well as creating equal conditions of competition for the food industry.
Stoga bi trebalo uspostaviti opća načela koja se mogu primijeniti na sve tvrdnje koje se navode na hrani s ciljem osiguravanja visoke razine zaštite potrošača, pružanja informacija potrošaču potrebnih za njegov odabir uz potpuno poznavanje činjenica, kao i s ciljem stvaranja jednakih uvjeta tržišnog natjecanja u prehrambenoj industriji.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
79 Dunamenti Erőmű complains that the General Court failed to examine the question of its legal personality and that of Electrabel in order to respond to its argument that any aid resulting from the PPA at issue had been repaid by virtue of its privatisation.
79 Društvo Dunamenti Erőmű prigovara Općem sudu da nije ispitao pitanje njegove pravne osobnosti i pravne osobnosti društva Electrabel kako bi odgovorio na njegov argument da je potpora koja eventualno proizlazi iz predmetnog SKEE-a bila vraćena zbog njegove privatizacije.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Now, the one thing I've learned in all my years in the private sector, is that real estate generates revenue
Jedna stvar koju sam naučio u godinama mog privatnog rada je da predajući vaše znanje doprinosite blagostanju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
a general description of the subsystem, its overall design and structure,
općenit opis podsustava, njegov cjeloviti koncept i strukturu,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those vessels should thus be removed from the Union list despite the fact that they have not yet been deleted from the list established by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (‘GFCM’).
Stoga bi ta plovila trebalo ukloniti s popisa Unije iako još nisu uklonjena s popisa koji je sastavila Opća komisija za ribarstvo u Sredozemnome moru („GFCM”).Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
If the decision concerns a member of the General Court or of a specialised court, the Court shall decide after consulting the court concerned.
Ako se odluka odnosi na člana Općeg suda ili specijaliziranog suda, Sud odluku donosi nakon savjetovanja s dotičnim sudom.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
According to case law of the Court of Justice (44), aid to land transport may be declared compatible on the basis of Article 93 of the Treaty only in well-defined cases which do not jeopardise the general interests of the union.
Prema sudskoj praksi Suda (44) potpora cestovnom prijevozu može se proglasiti spojivom na temelju članka 93. Ugovora samo u dobro definiranim slučajevima koji ne ugrožavaju opće interese Unije.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Where the generating installation or energy storage facility bears the costs related to ensuring unlimited connection, no limitation shall apply.
Ako proizvodno postrojenje ili postrojenje za skladištenje energije snosi troškove povezane s osiguravanjem neograničenog priključivanja, ne primjenjuju se nikakva ograničenja.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
As regards support for rural development, the general principle of the applicability of State aid rules in that context is set out in Article 81(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013.
U pogledu potpora za ruralni razvoj, opće načelo primjenjivosti pravila o državnim potporama u tom kontekstu utvrđeno je u članku 81. stavku 1. Uredbe (EU) br. 1305/2013.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The oxygen equipment provided shall be capable of generating a mass flow to each user of at least four litres per minute, STPD.
Postojeća oprema za kisik mora omogućavati masovni protok za svakog korisnika od najmanje četiri litre u minuti, STDP.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
provide that, as regards fees and other costs, the treatment of applicants shall not be more favorable than the treatment generally accorded to their nationals in matters pertaining to legal assistance.
odrediti da postupanje prema podnositeljima zahtjeva, u vezi s naknadama i drugim troškovima, nije povoljnije od postupanja koje je općenito namijenjeno njihovim državljanima u stvarima koje se odnose na pravnu pomoć.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Manifesto quoted by the GOC covers the whole paper and pulp industries sectors and serves a general policy purpose.
Manifest koji je navela kineska vlada obuhvaća sve sektore industrije papira i papirne mase te služi za potrebe opće politike.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The General Court thus has exclusive jurisdiction to find and appraise the relevant facts and to assess the evidence.
Opći sud je stoga jedini nadležan za utvrđivanje i ocjenu relevantnih činjenica kao i ocjenu dokaza.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
having regard to Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (6), and in particular Articles 50, 86, 145, 146 and 147 thereof,
uzimajući u obzir Uredbu Vijeća (EZ, Euratom) br. 1605/2002 od 25. lipnja 2002. o Financijskoj uredbi koja se primjenjuje na opći proračun Europskih zajednica (6), a posebno njezine članke 50., 86., 145., 146. i 147.,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Graph 1.6 is based on all audit testing of EU spending over the last two years (17), for the annual reports on the general budget and the European Development Funds.
Grafikon 1.6. temelji se na cjelokupnom revizijskom ispitivanju potrošnje EU-a tijekom zadnje dvije godine (17), i to za godišnja izvješća o općem proračunu i o europskim razvojnim fondovima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
EU actions generally delivered the expected outputs but weaknesses in the monitoring tools hindered the assessment of the results achieved 32 We examined whether actions were implemented as planned and outputs were delivered as intended.
Mjerama EU-a, općenito gledajući, postigla su se očekivana ostvarenja, no nedostatci u alatima za praćenje otežali su procjenu postignutih rezultata 32 Ispitali smo jesu li se mjere provodile u skladu s planom i jesu li ostvarenja postignuta kako je planirano.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
(f) After completion of all maintenance a general verification must be carried out to ensure the aircraft or component is clear of all tools, equipment and any other extraneous parts and material, and that all access panels removed have been refitted.
(f) Nakon završetka cjelokupnog održavanja, potrebno je provesti opću provjeru kako bi se osiguralo da na zrakoplovu ili sastavnom dijelu nema nikakvog alata, opreme i svih ostalih stranih dijelova i materijala, te da su sve pristupne ploče koje su skinute ponovno montirane.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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