genes accumulation oor Kroaties

genes accumulation

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

akumulacija gena


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By using suitable methods of crossing ( partial diallel ) resistance genes were accumulated from various sources of resistance , obtained through exchange . New ZG-lines , resistant to Fusarium on spikes were thus developed .
Usporedo pogodnim metodama križanja ( polovični dialel ) akumulirani su geni otpornosti iz raznih izvora do kojih smo došli razmjenom i time su dobivene nove ZG- linije otporne na fuzarioze klasa .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Like genes, languages evolve because they accumulate mutations.
Kao i geni, jezici evoluiraju jer se u njima nagomilavaju promjene.Literature Literature
Sweet maize is the mutant of dent maize where mutations of su gene causes greater accumulation of sugar in the endosperm.
Kukuruz šećerac je mutant zubana gdje mutacija su gena uvjetuje veću akumulaciju šećera u endospermu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Creation of genetic variability and accumulation of desired genes
Stvaranje genetske varijabilnosti i akumulacije poželjnih gena pšeniceParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Quantum superpositions of gene mutations do not manifest immediately in the phenotype of the organisms but accumulate in the gene pool of the species over millions of
Kvantna superpozicija mutacije gena se ne manifestira odmah u fenotipu organizma već se akumulira u genskom pool-u vrsta tijekom milijuna godina.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Quantum superpositions of gene mutations do not manifest immediately in the phenotype of the organisms but accumulate in the gene pool of the species over millions of years.
Kvantna superpozicija mutacije gena se ne manifestira odmah u fenotipu organizma već se akumulira u genskom pool-u vrsta tijekom milijuna godina.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Immunohistochemistry and the ultrastructural findings showed that this gene involves in regulation of autophagosom accumulation in the autophagic pathways.
Tehnika imunohistokemije i ultrastrukturalno proučavanje su otkrili kako ovaj gen sudjeluje u regulaciji nakupljanja autofagosoma u autofagnom metaboličkom putu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is well known that HFE gene mutations (C282Y and H63D) lead to iron accumulation and cause hereditary hemochromatosis (HH).
Poznato je da točkaste mutacije HFE gena (C282Y i H63D) dovode do gomilanja željeza u organizmu i uzrok su hereditarne hemokromatoze (HH).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Sažetak: Colon cancer tumorigenesis is a multistep process of mutation accumulation in a number of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.
Razvoj zloćudnih tumora debelog crijeva je složeni proces u kojem dolazi do nakupljanja promijena u nizu onkogena te tumor supresorskih gena.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Decline of cells is affected by older age, a variant of the gene for the transcription factor TCF7L2, lipotoxicity, glucotoxicity and accumulation of amyloid deposits.
Slobodne masne kiseline doprinose inzulinskoj rezistenciji, glukoneogenezi u jetri i oštećenju stanica utječu starija životna dob, varijanta gena za transkripcijski faktor TCF7L2, lipotoksičnost, glukotoksičnost i nakupljanje depozita amiloida.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Decline of cells is affected by older age, a variant of the gene for the transcription factor TCF7L2, lipotoxicity, glucotoxicity and accumulation of amyloid deposits.
Na propadanje stanica utječu starija životna dob, varijanta gena za transkripcijski faktor TCF7L2, lipotoksičnost, glukotoksičnost i nakupljanje depozita amiloida.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Generations and generations of genes before us lived the entire lives accumulating experiences and rising to new levels, which is why when these aching words try to get inside us, we need to know how to block them.
Generacije i generacije gena prije nas proživjele su čitave živote skupljajući iskustva i rasteći do novih razina i baš zato, kad se te bolne riječi pokušaju uvući u našu unutrašnjost, treba znati kako ih blokirati.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The disease arises from the accumulation of mutations in oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and mismatch repair genes during progression from normal colon epithelium to adenoma and metastatic carcinoma. The majority of colorectal cancers arise in sporadic form.
Bolest nastaje kroz duži niz godina tijekom kojih kao posljedica mutacija u onkogenima, tumor supresorskim genima i genima za popravak DNA iz normalne sluznice kolona preko adenoma nastaje zloćudni metastatski karcinom.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Biology Abstract Karcinom arises from a stepwise accumulation of genetic and epigenetic changes in the number of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.
Karcinom debelog crijeva nastaje kao rezultat stupnjevitog procesa akumulacije genetičkih i epigenetičkih promjena u nizu onkogena i tumor supresorskih gena.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
However, they submit, the obligations laid down in Directive 2001/18 do not apply to those varieties, even though they present risks for the environment or health arising in particular from the release of genetic material of those varieties leading to the appearance of weeds which have acquired the herbicide-resistant gene, from the ensuing need to increase the quantities and vary the types of herbicides used and the resulting pollution of the environment, or from unintentional effects, such as undesired or off-target mutations on other parts of the genome and the accumulation of carcinogenic molecules or endocrine disruptors in cultivated plants intended for human or animal consumption.
Međutim, obveze predviđene Direktivom 2001/18 ne primjenjuju se na te sorte iako one predstavljaju rizike za okoliš ili zdravlje koji proizlaze, među ostalim, iz uvođenja genetskog materijala tih sorata u okoliš koje uzrokuje pojavu korova koji je stekao gen otpornosti na herbicide, iz popratne potrebe povećanja količina i variranja vrsta upotrebljavanih herbicida i iz onečišćenja okoliša koje iz toga proizlazi ili pak iz nenamjeravanih učinaka poput neželjenih ili neciljanih mutacija na drugim dijelovima genoma i iz nakupljanja kancerogenih molekula ili endokrinih disruptora u biljkama uzgojenima i namijenjenima za prehranu ljudi ili životinja.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
We're changing the algae's gene structure to get them to produce hydrocarbons similar to those that come out of the ground and to trick them into pumping these hydrocarbons out instead of accumulating them.
Mi mijenjamo gensku strukturu algi kako bi one proizvodile ugljikovodike slične onima koje crpimo iz tla i kako bismo ih naveli da ispumpavaju te ugljikovodike umjesto da ih sakupljaju.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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