gentile oor Kroaties


/ˈʤɛntaɪl/ adjektief, naamwoord

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A religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination.
The preaching work opens up to uncircumcised Gentiles
Kršćani počinju propovijedati neobrezanim ne-Židovima





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A non-Jewish person.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


A religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination.
Understandably, those who held to these views felt uncomfortable in the presence of Gentile believers.
Razumljivo je da su se oni koji su imali takva gledišta osjećali neugodno u društvu ne-židovskih kršćana.

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Joe Gentile
Joe Gentile
Gentile Bellini
Gentile Bellini
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8 At the birth of the Messianic Kingdom in 1914 at the end of “the times of the Gentiles,” war broke out in the heavenly domain of Jehovah God.
8 Godine 1914, prilikom rođenja Mesijanskog Kraljevstva, na kraju “vremena neznabožaca” izbio je rat u Jehovinom nebeskom području (Luka 21:24).jw2019 jw2019
* According to verses 1–2, how did Paul describe the Gentiles prior to their conversion?
* Prema stihovima 1–2, kako je Pavao opisao pogane prije njihovog obraćenja?LDS LDS
7 The year 36 C.E. saw another significant development —the conversion and baptism of Cornelius, a Gentile.
7 Godine 36. n. e. odigrao se još jedan značajan događaj — obraćenje i krštenje ne-Židova Kornelija.jw2019 jw2019
Seven Gentile Times 2,520 Years of Rule by Beastly
Sedam vremena neznabožaca 2 520 godina vladanja zvjerskih vladavinajw2019 jw2019
The gentiles, observing the early Christians, said: how they love each other, how they wish one another well!
Promatrajući prve kršćane, pogani su govorili: gle kako se samo ljube, kako se vole!
Some 27 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., it could be said that “the message of truth of the good news” had reached Jews and Gentiles “in all creation under heaven.” —Col.
Otprilike 27 godina nakon što su Isusovi učenici počeli svjedočiti moglo se reći da se dobra vijest “propovijedala među svim stvorenjima pod nebom”, što se odnosilo i na Židove i na pripadnike drugih naroda (Kol.jw2019 jw2019
(Luke 21:20) The second, and larger, fulfillment would come when the Gentile Times had ended, and it would indicate that “the kingdom of God is near.” —Compare Matthew 24:3.
Drugo ili veće ispunjenje nastupilo bi kad završe vremena naroda, ono bi trebalo ukazati da ‘se približilo kraljevstvo Božje’. (Usporedi Matej 24:3.)jw2019 jw2019
(Daniel 4:17, 26, 34, 35) Thus we have good reason to look to this vision for information on the duration of Gentile domination of the earth.
Stoga imamo dobre razloge da u viziji tražimo objašnjenje o duljini trajanja ljudskih vladavina nad zemljom.jw2019 jw2019
That “wall,” or symbol of separation, was the Law covenant arrangement that acted as a partition between Jews and Gentiles.
Ova “pregrada” ili znak odvajanja bio je zavjetni Zakon koji je u neku ruku služio kao pregradni zid između Židova i ne-Židova.jw2019 jw2019
Paul offered the gospel to Israel, then to the Gentiles.
Pavao je ponudio evanđelje Izraelu, a zatim poganima.LDS LDS
Compelling Titus and other Gentiles to get circumcised would have been denying that salvation depends on Jehovah’s undeserved kindness and on faith in Jesus Christ rather than on works of the Law.
Prisiliti Tita i ostale ne-Židove na obrezanje značilo bi zanijekati da spasenje ovisi o Jehovinoj nezasluženoj dobrohotnosti i o vjeri u Isusa Krista, a ne o djelima Zakona.jw2019 jw2019
Even though Cornelius could not join the Church as a Gentile, how did he show his faith in God?
Iako se Kornelije nije mogao priključiti Crkvi kao poganin, kako je pokazao svoju vjeru u Boga?LDS LDS
Was the territory in which the good news should be preached divided into Jews and proselytes on the one hand and Gentiles on the other?
Je li time područje na kojem se dobra vijest trebala propovijedati podijeljeno na dvije skupine ljudi, to jest na Židove i židovske obraćenike te na ne-Židove?jw2019 jw2019
Gentile Christians could now become ‘sharers of the olive’s root of fatness.’ —Romans 11:17.
Kršćanima koji nisu židovskog porijekla sada se ukazala prilika da ‘dobiju udio u masnom korijenu masline’ (Rimljanima 11:17).jw2019 jw2019
Summarize Ephesians 3:1–16 by explaining that Paul preached about Jesus Christ and taught that through Him, Gentiles can be “fellowheirs” (verse 6) with Israel and partakers of God’s promises.
Sažmite Efežanima 3:1–16 objašnjavajući da je Pavao propovijedao o Isusu Kristu i naučavao da pogani kroz njega mogu biti »baštinici iste baštine« (stih 6) s Izraelom i dionici Božjih obećanja.LDS LDS
After “seven times,” or 2,520 years, of beastlike Gentile rule of the earth, it would be known again “that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind.” —Daniel 4:14-17.
Po isteku “sedam vremena” ili 2 520 godina zvjerskog vladanja neznabožaca zemljom, ponovo će se znati “kako Svevišnji ima vlast nad kraljevstvom ljudskim: On ga daje kome hoće i postavlja nad njim najnižega od ljudi (Danijel 4:14-17, ST).jw2019 jw2019
Go preach to the Gentiles who accept you as the reformed sinner.
Idi propovijedati nežidovima koji su te prihvatili kao reformiranog grješnika.Literature Literature
* See also Centurion; Gentiles; Peter
* Vidi također Petar; Pogani; StotnikLDS LDS
Fourth, almost anyone —the blind, the lame, and uncircumcised Gentiles— could enter the Court of the Gentiles.
Kao četvrto, gotovo svi — slijepi, hromi i neobrezani ne-Židovi — mogli su ući u Dvorište za ne-Židove (Matej 21:14, 15).jw2019 jw2019
This choice indicates that the beneficiaries of his preaching are not only his compatriots, but those who arrive in the cosmopolitan “Galilee of the Gentiles” (v. 15, cf.
Taj izbor znači da primatelji njegova propovijedanja nisu samo njegovi sunarodnjaci, već svi koji dolaze u kozmopolitsku "Galileju pogansku" (r. 15;
1880: “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope” —pinpointed 1914 for the ending of the Gentile Times
1880. “Jedno tijelo, jedan duh, jedna nada” — ukazao je na 1914. kao na svršetak vremena narodajw2019 jw2019
The gathering of “the things in the heavens,” that is, individuals who would be with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom, was first from among the Jews, next the Samaritans and then the Gentiles.
Sakupljanje “sve što je na nebesima”, to jest pojedinaca koji bi bili s Kristom u njegovom nebeskom Kraljevstvu, počelo je najprije među Židovima, zatim Samarićanima i konačno neznabošcima.jw2019 jw2019
In this way, Abraham became the father of all the faithful, whether uncircumcised (Gentiles) or circumcised (Jews).
Na taj je način Abraham postao otac svih vjernika, bilo neobrezanih (poganih) ili obrezanih (Židova).LDS LDS
(Galatians 6:16; Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5) The first uncircumcised Gentile believer was Cornelius.
Prvi neobrezani poganski vjernik bio je Kornelije.jw2019 jw2019
Since that time Jerusalem has been, as Christ said, ‘trampled on by the Gentiles.’”
Od tog vremena Jeruzalem je bio, kao što je rekao Krist, ‘gažen od neznabožaca’”.jw2019 jw2019
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