grantor oor Kroaties


(law) a person who grants something.

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Ryanair argues that according to the case law (48), a comparator analysis should be the primary test used to verify the presence of aid to airlines and the cost-based test should only be used if it was impossible to compare the situation of the alleged grantor of aid with that of a private group of undertakings.
Društvo Ryanair tvrdi bi u skladu sa sudskom praksom (48), analiza usporedivih subjekata trebala biti prvi test za provjeru postojanja državne potpore zračnim prijevoznicima i da bi se test utemeljen na troškovima trebao upotrebljavati samo ako je nemoguće usporediti situaciju navodnog davatelja potpore sa situacijom privatne skupine poduzetnika.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
As the Advocate General observes in point 41 of his Opinion, the parties often also lay down specific terms concerning the distribution by the distributor of the goods sold by the grantor.
Kao što je to istaknuo nezavisni odvjetnik u točki 41. svog mišljenja, stranke isto tako često ugovaraju posebne klauzule o distributerovoj distribuciji principalove robe.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
4. If Questions 2 and 3 are answered in the negative, is the contested obligation in the event of the termination of an exclusive distribution agreement the obligation of the seller-grantor or that of the buyer-distributor?’
4) U slučaju negativnog odgovora na dva prethodna pitanja, odnosi li se, u slučaju raskida ugovora o distribuciji, sporna obveza na prodavatelja-principala ili na kupca-distributera?“EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Next, the applicants submit that, if Geodis were to be regarded as the current beneficiary of the incompatible aid, it should, on that basis, be considered jointly and severally liable, together with the other beneficiaries and grantors of that aid, for compensating the Mory companies for the harm caused.
Potom, žalitelji tvrde da se Geodis treba smatrati sadašnjim korisnikom nespojivih potpora i, stoga, dužnikom obveze koja se odnosi na popravljanje štetnih posljedica nastalih društvima Mory, solidarno sa drugim korisnicima i davateljima potpora.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In applying this condition, the grantor and any related parties shall be considered together.
Kod primjene ovog uvjeta, davatelj koncesije i sve povezane stranke promatraju se zajedno.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The amount due from or at the direction of the grantor is accounted for in accordance with IFRS 9 as measured at:
Iznos potraživanja od davatelja koncesije ili po njegovoj diskrecijskoj odluci u skladu s MSFI-jem 9 mjeri se:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to the French authorities, the outcome was that the prudent private investor in a market economy test was indeed applicable since the state had acted as shareholder in reclassifying, free of tax, the provisions for grantor rights as capital contributions to EDF.
Iz toga, prema mišljenju francuskih tijela, proizlazi da je test razumnog privatnog ulagača u tržišnom gospodarstvu bio primjenjiv jer je država postupala u svojstvu dioničara kad je bez oporezivanja reklasificirala rezerviranja prava davatelja koncesije u dokapitalizaciju EDF-a.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Member States may provide that grantors of new or interim financing are entitled to receive payment with priority in the context of subsequent insolvency procedures in relation to other creditors that would otherwise have superior or equal claims ▌.
Države članice mogu predvidjeti da davatelji novog ili privremenog financiranja imaju pravo na primanje uplata s prioritetom u kontekstu naknadnih postupaka u slučaju nesolventnosti u odnosu na druge vjerovnike koji bi inače imali nadređene ili jednakovrijedne tražbine ▌.not-set not-set
Concessions shall be awarded by the grantor on the basis of objective award criteria which comply with the principles set out in Article -26a(2).
Davatelj dodjeljuje koncesije na temelju objektivnih kriterija za dodjelu koji su u skladu s načelima iz članka -26.a stavka 2.not-set not-set
the grantor controls — through ownership, beneficial entitlement or otherwise — any significant residual interest in the infrastructure at the end of the term of the arrangement.
davatelj koncesije upravlja – putem vlasništva, stvarnog prava ili na neki drugi način – svakim značajnim preostalim udjelom u infrastrukturi na kraju razdoblja sporazuma.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The grantor should also be able to approach economic operators who have not responded to the concession notice.
Davatelj bi također trebao biti u mogućnosti pristupiti gospodarskim subjektima koji nisu odgovorili na obavijest o koncesiji.not-set not-set
the operator is obliged to hand over the infrastructure to the grantor in a specified condition at the end of the period of the arrangement, for little or no incremental consideration, irrespective of which party initially financed it.
subjekt je dužan infrastrukturu na kraju razdoblja sporazuma prenijeti na davatelja koncesije u određenom stanju za malu naknadu ili bez dodatne naknade, bez obzira na stranku koja ju je prvobitno financirala.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The grantor may decide to withhold certain information referred to in paragraph 1, regarding the contract, where the release of such information would impede law enforcement, would otherwise be contrary to the public interest, would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of economic operators, whether public or private, or might prejudice fair competition between such operators.
Davatelj može odlučiti uskratiti određene informacije navedene u stavku 1., a koje se tiču ugovora, ako bi objava takvih informacija ometala provedbu zakona, na neki drugi način bila u suprotnosti s javnim interesom, štetila legitimnim tržišnim interesima gospodarskih subjekata, javnih ili privatnih, ili bi mogla dovesti u pitanje pošteno tržišno natjecanje među takvim subjektima.not-set not-set
The grantor shall not invoke this Article in the following cases: Amendment 234 Proposal for a directive Article 42 - paragraph 7 – point b Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (b) where the modification would aim at compensating risks of price increases that are the result of price fluctuations that could substantially impact the performance of a contract and that have been hedged by the concessionaire. (b) where the modification would aim at lessening the operating risks assumed by the concessionaire.
Davatelj se ne poziva na ovaj članak u sljedećim slučajevima: Amandman 234 Prijedlog Direktive Članak 42. – stavak 7. – točka b Tekst koji je predložila Komisija Izmjena (b) ako bi cilj izmjene bila kompenzacija rizika od povećanja cijena kao rezultat oscilacija cijena koje bi bitno mogle utjecati na provedbu ugovora i koje je koncesionar ograničio. (b) ako bi cilj izmjene bilo smanjenje operativnih rizika koje preuzima koncesionar.not-set not-set
Not later than 48 days after the award of a concession, the grantor shall in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 28 send a concession award notice on the results of the concession award procedure.
Najkasnije 48 dana nakon dodjele koncesije davatelj koncesije šalje u skladu s postupcima iz članka 28. obavijest o dodjeli koncesije i o rezultatima postupka dodjele koncesije.not-set not-set
Second, given the nature and purpose of Article 4 of Act No 97-1026, the French authorities took the view that the state had acted in its capacity as shareholder by granting a tax exemption on the reclassification of the grantor rights.
Kao drugo, uzevši u obzir narav i predmet članka 4. Zakona br. 97-1026, francuska tijela smatraju da je država djelovala u svojstvu dioničara kada je izuzela od poreza reklasifikaciju rezerviranja prava davatelja koncesije.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
That selection, which is a characteristic element of that type of agreement, confers a competitive advantage on the distributor in that the latter has the sole right to sell the grantor’s products in a particular territory or, at the very least, that a limited number of distributors enjoy that right.
Tim odabirom, karakterističnim obilježjem takve vrste ugovora, distributer stječe prednost na tržištu zato što će samo on imati pravo prodavati principalove proizvode na određenom području ili barem zato što će to pravo uživati ograničen broj distributera.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(37) Grantors should have the possibility to provide for modifications to a concession in the concession contract itself, by way of review clauses which should not give them unlimited discretion.
(37) Davatelji bi trebali imati mogućnost provesti izmjene koncesije u samom ugovoru o koncesiji u obliku revizijskih klauzula, no takve klauzule ne bi im trebale omogućiti neograničenu diskreciju.not-set not-set
They took the view that, contrary to the presentation in the decision to open the investigation procedure of 16 October 2002 and in the decision to extend the procedure of 2 May 2013, the measure that the Commission should analyse was a single measure to recapitalise EDF through the adoption of Article 4 of Act No 9-1026 and not the measure to grant a tax exemption on the reclassification of the grantor rights as a capital contribution, which was separable under the said Act.
Smatraju da, suprotno navodima iz odluke o pokretanju postupka od 16. listopada 2002. i odluke o proširenju postupka od 2. svibnja 2013., mjera koju je Komisija trebala analizirati jest jedinstvena mjera dokapitalizacije EDF-a primjenom članka 4. Zakona br. 9-1026, a ne mjera izuzeća od oporezivanja koja se odnosi na reklasifikaciju prava davatelja koncesije u dokapitalizaciju, koja je bila nerazdvojiva od odredaba navedenog zakona.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Directive 87/102/EEC — Consumer credit — Right of the consumer to pursue remedies against the grantor of credit for non-performance or performance not in accordance with the contract relating to the goods or services financed by the credit — Conditions — Indication in the offer of credit of the goods or service being financed — Credit facility enabling the credit granted to be used on a number of occasions — Possibility for the national court to raise of its own motion the right of the consumer to pursue remedies against the grantor of credit
Direktiva 87/102/EEZ – Potrošački kredit – Pravo potrošača na pravna sredstva protiv davatelja kredita zbog nepostupanja ili postupanja koje nije u skladu s ugovorom u pogledu robe ili usluga financiranih kreditom – Uvjeti – Navođenje u ponudi o kreditu robe ili usluga koji se financiraju – Omogućuje se upotreba odobrenog kredita u nizu slučajeva – Mogućnost nacionalnog suda da po službenoj dužnosti navede pravo potrošača da ulaže pravna sredstva protiv davatelja kreditaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
In other words, the government' actions as the grantor of the alleged subsidisation, always fall under the scope of the CVD investigation, regardless of the use of a sample of exporting producers.
Drugim riječima, Vladini postupci u svojstvu tijela koje odobrava navodno subvencioniranje uvijek su obuhvaćeni ispitnim postupkom u vezi s kompenzacijskom pristojbom, bez obzira na korištenje uzorka proizvođača izvoznika.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The grantor may limit the number of candidates or tenderers to an appropriate level, on condition that this is done in a transparent manner and on the basis of objective criteria.
Davatelj koncesije može ograničiti broj natjecatelja ili ponuditelja na odgovarajuću razinu, pod uvjetom da se to učini na transparentan način i na osnovi objektivnih kriterija.not-set not-set
If the amount due from the grantor is measured at amortised cost or fair value through other comprehensive income, IFRS 9 requires interest calculated using the effective interest method to be recognised in profit or loss.
Ako se potraživanje od davatelja koncesije mjeri po amortiziranom trošku ili po fer vrijednosti kroz ostalu sveobuhvatnu dobit, MSFI-jem 9 zahtijeva se da se kamate izračunane metodom efektivne kamatne stope priznaju u računu dobiti i gubitka.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The grantor shall as soon as possible inform each candidate and tenderer of decisions reached concerning the award of a concession, including the grounds for any decision to reject his application or tender and the grounds for any decision not to award a contract for which there has been publication of a concession notice or to recommence the procedure.
Davatelj što je prije moguće obavještava svakog natjecatelja i ponuditelja o odlukama koje donese u vezi s dodjelom koncesije, uključujući i razloge zbog kojih je odlučio odbiti zahtjev ili ponudu te razloge zbog kojih je odlučio ne dodijeliti ugovor za koji je već postojala objava obavijesti o koncesiji ili ponoviti postupak.not-set not-set
the base case on which the grantor has founded the notice of concession, as referred to in Annex VII B to Directive 2004/18/EC; this base case shall include the estimated costs as defined in Article 7(9) envisaged under the concession, the forecasted traffic divided into types of vehicle, the levels of tolls envisaged and the geographic extent of the network covered by the concession contract.
polazišne postavke na kojima davatelj koncesije temelji obavijest o koncesiji kako je navedeno u Prilogu VII. B Direktivi 2004/18/EZ; ove polazišne postavke uključuju procjenu troškova iz članka 7. stavka 9. koji se predviđaju koncesijom, predviđen promet prema tipovima vozila, predviđene razine cestarina i geografski raspon mreže obuhvaćen ugovorom o koncesiji.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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