grievous bodily harm oor Kroaties

grievous bodily harm

(UK Law) Serious physical injury, or the fact of causing such injury.

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You'll be charged with attempted murder, deprivation of liberty, and grievous bodily harm.
Bićete optuženi za pokušaj ubistva, lišavanje slobode, i nanošenje teških telesnih povreda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was a youth offender, convicted of grievous bodily harm and sent down for seven months.
Bio je mlađi prijestupnik, zbog nanošenja teških tjelesnih ozljeda i osuđen na sedam mjeseci.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Do you find this defendant guilty or not guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm?
Proglašavate li optuženika krivim ili nevinim za nanošenje teških tjelesnih ozljeda?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The defendant was convicted of grievous bodily harm.
Optuženik je osuđen od teške tjelesne ozljede.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ron had been sentenced to three years in prison for grievous bodily harm.
Ron je bio osuđen na 3 g. zatvora zbog teške tjelesne ozljede.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The name GBH was inspired by then-bassist Sean McCarthy's trial for grievous bodily harm.
Ime GBH dolazi od suđenja basistu Seanu McCarthyu za nanošenje bolnih tjelesnih ozljeda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
James Andrew Bradley, I am arresting you on suspicion of armed robbery and grievous bodily harm...
Džejmse Bredli, hapsim vas zbog sumnje u oružanu pljačku i nanošenje teških povreda...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And grievous bodily harm, maybe attempted murder, on Bob Yates.
Teške tjelesne ozljede, možda pokušaj ubojstva Boba Yatesa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
� �Robbery, grievous bodily harm and murder.� �I still don�t understand.� �What�s your fax number?
« »O ubojstvu, pljački i nasilju.« »Ne shvaćam.« »Koji vam je broj faksa?Literature Literature
He’s being held for grievous bodily harm, and seems to think he can bargain with us by revealing something.
Uhićen je pod optužbom za fizičko nasilje i umislio si je da ćemo pregovarati s njim ako nam da neke informacije.Literature Literature
I did not charge Lisbeth Salander because she is a woman, but on a charge of grievous bodily harm.
Ja nisam podigao optužnicu protiv Lisbeth Salander zato što je žena, nego zato što je počinila teške zločine.Literature Literature
In the meantime, I managed to evade the serious charge of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
U međuvremenu sam uspio izbjeći tešku optužbu za napad s namjerom nanošenja teških tjelesnih ozljeda.jw2019 jw2019
Pennant was found guilty of grievous bodily harm and affray following the clash at a Tyneside working man's club last month.
Pennant je proglašen krivim za teške tjelesne ozlijede i remećenje javnog mira u sukobu u Tyneside radničkom klubu prošlog mjeseca.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There'll be no difficulty in continuing with a Section 20 if the prosecution applies to amend the indictment to reckless infliction of grievous bodily harm.
Neće biti teško nastaviti suđenje po čl. 20. ako se optužnica promijeni u nanošenje teških ozljeda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The following morning they identified me as their assailant, and I was arrested on the charge of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
Oni su me idućeg jutra prepoznali, pa sam bio uhapšen i optužen za napad s namjerom nanošenja teških tjelesnih ozljeda.jw2019 jw2019
Laurence Forest, Jamie MacDermott and Tommy White were released today having served just six months of a one year sentence for grievous bodily harm against Sandy Mardell.
Laurence Forest, Jamie MacDermott i Tommy White su pusteni danas, odsluzivsi samo sest mjeseci od ukupno godinu dana kazne zbog mucnog fizickog napada na Sandy Mardella.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Laurence Forest, Jamie MacDermott and Tommy White were released today having served just six months of a one year sentence for grievous bodily harm against Sandy Mardell
Laurence Forest, Jamie MacDermott i Tommy White su pusteni danas, odsluzivsi samo sest mjeseci od ukupno godinu dana kazne zbog mucnog fizickog napada na Sandy Mardellaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
A three-member panel, including two international judges and one from Kosovo, found Gani Gashi # " guilty of murder, attempted murder and grievous bodily harm ", EULEX said in a statement
Tročlano vijeće koje uključuje dvoje međunarodnih sudaca i jednog s Kosova, zaključilo je kako je Gani Gashi # " odgovoran za ubojstvo, pokušaj ubojstva i teške tjelesne ozljede ", navodi se u priopćenju EULEX- aSetimes Setimes
From 21 July 2008 to 25 February 2009, Fielder-Civil was imprisoned following his guilty plea on charges of trying to pervert the course of justice and of grievous bodily harm with intent.
U razdoblju od 21. srpnja 2008. do 25. veljače 2009. godine Fielder-Civil se nalazio u zatvoru zbog optužbe o ometanju istrage i nanošenja teških tjelesnih ozljeda s namjerom.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If a worker slaps me, they may lock me up because I provoked him, but if I slap a worker, it' s classed as grievous bodily harm, even if it' s only a hero less slap
Ako me radnik ošamari, oni mogu da me zatvore zato što sam ga provocirao, ali ako ja ošamarim radnika, to je kvalifikuje kao teška telesna povreda, čak i kad je heroj samo malo ćušnutopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I'm arresting you under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 on suspicion of rape of a child under the age of 13, assault of a child under the age of 13 by penetration and inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent.
Uhićeni ste zbog kršenja Akta o seksualnim prijestupima iz 2003. zbog sumnje u silovanje djeteta mlađeg od 13 godina, nasrtaja na dijete mlađe od 13 godina penetracijom i nanošenja teških tjelesnih ozljeda s namjerom.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On 5 September 2018, the UK Crown Prosecution Service charged Alexander Petrov for conspiracy to murder Sergei Skripal; for the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal, Yulia Skripal and Nick Bailey; for the use and possession of Novichok; and for causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Yulia Skripal and Nick Bailey.
Državno tužiteljstvo Ujedinjene Kraljevine 5. rujna 2018. optužilo je Alexandera Petrova za planiranje ubojstva Sergeja Skripala; za pokušaj ubojstva Sergeja Skripala, Julije Skripal i Nicka Baileya; za upotrebu i posjedovanje Novičoka te za nanošenje teške tjelesne ozljede, pri čemu je postupao s namjerom, Juliji Skripal i Nicku Baileyu.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
On 5 September 2018, the UK Crown Prosecution Service charged Ruslan Boshirov for conspiracy to murder Sergei Skripal; for the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal, Yulia Skripal and Nick Bailey; for the use and possession of Novichok; and for causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Yulia Skripal and Nick Bailey.
Državno tužiteljstvo Ujedinjene Kraljevine 5. rujna 2018. optužilo je Ruslana Boshirova za planiranje ubojstva Sergeja Skripala; za pokušaj ubojstva Sergeja Skripala, Julije Skripal i Nicka Baileya; za uporabu i posjedovanje Novičoka te za nanošenje teške tjelesne ozljede, pri čemu je postupao s namjerom, Juliji Skripal i Nicku Baileyu.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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