halting problem oor Kroaties

halting problem

(computer science) The problem of deciding in finite time whether any program will finish running in finite time, when given a certain finite input.

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problem zaustavljanja

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Much of computability theory builds on the halting problem result.
Veći je dio teorije izračunljivosti izgrađen oko rezultata problema zaustavljanja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The halting problem is therefore called non-computable or undecidable.
Problem zaustavljanja se stoga zove neizračunljiv ili neodlučiv.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Turing's biographer Hodges does not have the word "halting" or words "halting problem" in his index.
Turingov biograf Hodges nema riječ "zaustavljanje" ili riječi "problem zaustavljanja" u svom indeksu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This machine is capable of deciding the halting problem by directly simulating the execution of the machine in question.
Ovaj je stroj u stanju odlučiti izravnim simuliranjem izvršavanja stroja u pitanju.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Davis casts the proof in this manner: "Invent whose solution would lead to a solution to the halting problem."
Davis dokaz izvodi na ovaj način: "izmisli čije bi rješenje vodilo ka rješenju problema zaustavljanja."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Copeland (2004, p 40) states that: "The halting problem was so named (and it appears, first stated) by Martin Davis ...
Copeland (2004.) veli da: "Problem je zaustavljanja tako imenovan (i kako se čini, po prvi put iskazan) od strane Martina Davisa ...WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Alan Turing proved in 1936 that a general algorithm to solve the halting problem for all possible program-input pairs cannot exist.
Alan Turing je 1936. dokazao da općenit algoritam za rješavanje problema zaustavljanja za sve moguće parove programa-ulaza ne može postojati.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Intuitively, this difference in unsolvability is because each instance of the "total machine" problem represents infinitely many instances of the Halting problem.
Intuitivno ova razlika u nerješivosti postoji pošto svaka instanca problema "totalnog stroja" predstavlja beskonačno mnogo instanci problema zaustavljanja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This result preceded Alan Turing's work on the halting problem, which also demonstrated the existence of a problem unsolvable by mechanical means.
Ovaj je rezultat prethodio poznati rad Alana Turinga na problemu zaustavljanja, koji je također demonstrirao postojanje problema nerješivih mehaničkim sredstvima.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While each of them can solve the halting problem for a Turing machine, they cannot solve their own version of the halting problem.
Iako svaki od njih može riješiti problem zaustavljanja za Turingov stroj, oni ne mogu riješiti svoje vlastite inačice problema zaustavljanja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are many equivalent formulations of the halting problem; any set whose Turing degree equals that of the halting problem is such a formulation.
Postoji mnogo istovjetnih formulacija problema zaustavljanja - bilo koji skup sa Turingovim stupnjem istim kao onim problema zaustavljanja se može shvatiti kao takva formulacija.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It can be shown (See main article: Halting problem) that it is not possible to construct a Turing machine that can answer this question in all cases.
Može se pokazati (vidi glavni članak: Problem zaustavljanja) da nije moguće konstruirati Turingov stroj koji općenito može odgovoriti na ovo pitanje.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The halting problem is one of the most famous problems in computer science, because it has profound implications on the theory of computability and on how we use computers in everyday practice.
Podrobniji članak o temi: Problem zaustavljanja Problem zaustavljanja je jedan od najpoznatijih problema u računarstvu, budući da ima duboke implikacije u teoriji izračunljivosti i na način na koji se računala koriste u svakodnevnom životu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Redwood City, California: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. Appendix C includes impossibility of algorithms deciding if a grammar contains ambiguities, and impossibility of verifying program correctness by an algorithm as example of Halting Problem.
Theory of Computation: Formal Languages, Automata, and Complexity, Redwood City, California: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. Appendix C uključuje nemogućnost algoritama koji odlučuju sadrži li gramatika nejednoznačnosti, te nemogućnost verificiranja ispravnosti programa algoritmom kao primjer problema zaustavljanja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In computability theory, the halting problem is a decision problem which can be stated as follows: Given the description of an arbitrary program and a finite input, decide whether the program finishes running or will run forever.
U teoriji izračunljivosti, problem zaustavljanja je problem odluke koji se neformalno može iskazati na sljedeći način: Za dani opis programa i konačnog ulaza, odluči završuje li program ili se izvršuje unedogled, za dani ulaz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The statement that the halting problem cannot be solved by a Turing machine is one of the most important results in computability theory, as it is an example of a concrete problem that is both easy to formulate and impossible to solve using a Turing machine.
Problem zaustavljanja je jedan od najvažnijih rezultata u teoriji izračunljivosti, jer predstavlja primjer konkretnog problema kojeg je i lako formulirati i nemoguće riješiti koristeći Turingov stroj.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But the process was halted due to the internal political problems, including the recent government crisis
Međutim, proces je zastao zbog unutarnjih političkih problema, uključujući i nedavnu krizu vladeSetimes Setimes
A co-operation protocol between BiH 's and Serbia 's war crimes prosecution offices has come to a halt due to administrative problems, but the bigger glitch is that the protocol 's content is little known
Potpisivanje protokola između tužiteljstava za ratne zločine BiH i Srbije moralo je biti zaustavljeno zbog administrativnih poteškoća, ali veći problem jest to što se malo zna o njegovu sadržajuSetimes Setimes
" Galenika was on strike this summer and had halted production for a period; Hemofarm also had problems, while Srbolek is bankrupt, " she said
" Galenika je ljetos bila u štrajku, a zaustavila je i proizvodnju na određeno vrijeme; Hemofarm je također imao probleme, a Srbolek je u stečaju ", rekla jeSetimes Setimes
But thirty seconds of carefully directed problem-solving would have brought the shameful episode to a halt.
Možda, ali trideset sekunda pomna bavljenja tim problemom spriječilo bi tu sramotnu epizodu.Literature Literature
Traffic through the Eastbay tube came to a halt this Saturday evening after an SFTA train experienced mechanical problems, causing major delays.
Večeras je zaustavljen promet kroz tunel Eastbay nakon što je vlak doživio mehaničke probleme i uzrokovao kašnjenja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Neither the current financial problems, nor enlargement fatigue will bring EU expansion to a halt, officials stressed in Sarajevo on Wednesday
Ni sadašnji financijski problemi niti zamor od proširenja neće zaustaviti širenje EU, istaknuli su dužnosnici u srijedu u SarajevuSetimes Setimes
Milos Zivkovic, a member of the work group that came up with the initial draft, believes the proposed changes do not address the root of the problem: the enormous influence state officials have on the council. " This problem led to a halt in the operations of this working body
Miloš Živković, član radne skupine koja je izradila prvotni nacrt zakona, vjeruje kako predložene izmjene ne rješavaju bit problema: izniman utjecaj kojeg državni dužnosnici imaju na vijeće. “ Taj problem doveo je do zaustavljanja rada ovog radnog tijelaSetimes Setimes
According to the government, the process was halted because of " technical difficulties ", but according to numerous NGOs based in Croatia, the real problem was corruption that entangles the sector
Prema vladi, proces je obustavljen zbog " tehničkih poteškoća ", ali prema brojnim nevladinim organizacijama u Hrvatskoj, stvaran je problem predstavljala korupcija u kojoj je sektor ogrezaoSetimes Setimes
It is hoped that the problem of subsidence resulting from the depletion of underground aquifers for industrial uses has been definitively halted, but sea levels worldwide continue to rise.
Stručnjaci vjeruju da su konačno riješili problem spuštanja morskog dna, koji je posljedica prekomjernog crpljenja podzemnih voda za potrebe industrije, no nevolja je u tome što u čitavom svijetu razina mora neprestano raste.jw2019 jw2019
36 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.