heavily pregnant oor Kroaties

heavily pregnant

Being in the last stages of pregnancy.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

u visokom stupnju trudnoće

With his wife Meghan heavily pregnant with their second child, it is thought he is eager to return to the US as quickly as possible. (The Guardian, Sun 18 Apr 2021 16.06 BST)
Sa svojom suprugom Meghan u visokom stupnju trudnoće s njihovim drugim djetetom, smatra se da je željan vratiti se u SAD što je brže moguće.

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Though heavily pregnant, Rizzoli was not one to reach for assistance.
Iako u visokoj trudnoći, Rizzolijeva nije bila od osoba koje će prihvatiti pomoć.Literature Literature
Heavily pregnant ewes
Visoko bređe ovceEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Heavily pregnant goats
Visoko bređe kozeEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
In a couple of them my mother was heavily pregnant.
Na nekoliko njih moja je majka bila u visokom stupnju trudnoće.Literature Literature
She's heavily pregnant...
U poodmakloj je trudnoći.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And, she's heavily pregnant.
Ona je u poodmakloj trudnoći.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
How did you cope with two suitcases and two small children when your wife was so heavily pregnant?
Kako to da ste uspjeli dovući dva kovčega i dvoje male djece i to bez pomoći supruge koja je u visokom stupnju trudnoće?Literature Literature
Sir, I have just diagnosed a heavily pregnant patient with advanced TB.
Upravo sam dijagnosticirao tuberkulozu pacijentici u poodmakloj trudnoći.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Lady Sazuko was waiting patiently for her on the veranda, heavily pregnant, Mariko nearby.
Gospa Sazuko strpljivo ju je čekala na verandi, u poodmaklom stadiju trudnoće, a pored nje Mariko.Literature Literature
Joe’s wife, Ellie, who was heavily pregnant, smiled and said: “Thank you, Toby Peterson.”
Joeova supruga, Ellie, u poodmakloj trudnoći, nasmiješi se i reče: “Hvala, Toby.”Literature Literature
And it wasn’t only the absence of Susie, the heavily pregnant ghost in the opposite chair.
Ne samo zbog odsutnosti Susie, sada samo duha u visokoj trudnoći, u naslonjaču njemu nasuprot.Literature Literature
Heavily pregnant mares require special attention.”
Posebnu pažnju valja posvetiti kobilama koje se uskoro trebaju oždrijebiti.”jw2019 jw2019
I have been asked to be an interpreter for this heavily pregnant Somali woman, who is wearing a headscarf.
Zatražili su me da prevodim za tu Somalku u poodmaklom stadiju trudnoće, glave omotane u maramu.Literature Literature
Instead she saw a woman dressed in full hijab, her heavily pregnant belly straining against the material of her gown.
Umjesto toga ugledala je ženu odjevenu u hidžab, a haljina je bila napeta oko njezina velikog trudničkog trbuha.Literature Literature
However, what does seem clear is that the young, heavily pregnant woman came home, and she was subjected to, what police described as a " frenzied stabbing of brutal ferocity. "
Međutim, ono što se čini jasno je da mlad, jako trudnica došao kući, i ona je podvrgnut, što policija opisao kao " pomahnitao ubadanje brutalnog divljaštvo. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ben’s young wife Margaret was heavily pregnant with their first child and living in with her in-laws, Sarah and Benjamin Nixon Senior in south-west Sydney.
Benova mlada supruga Margaret, koja je bila u poodmakloj trudnoći, također je živjela na ovoj adresi u jugo-zapadnom Sydney-u, kod svojih svekra i svekrve,Benjamina i Sarah Nixon.Ministarstvo obrane Australije ih je redovno izvještavalo o stanju njihova sina i supruga.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I hear lots of the violence inflicted by the Croatian police, in one instance even beating a heavily pregnant woman so badly that she lost her baby and had to give birth to the still-born child, volunteers I have spoken to who directly worked with this family also said that the whole family (including children) was then dropped into and left in a mine field.
Čujem za dosta nasilja do strane hrvatske policije, u jednom slučaju prebijanje trudne žene tako jako da je izgubila bebu (mrtvorođenu), a volonteri koji su direktno radili sa ovom porodicom kažu da su onda cijelu porodicu, uključujući djecu, ostavili u minskom polju.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
23 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.