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He didn't arrive where he was because he'd answered a help wanted ad in the Washington Post.
Nije došao do položaja koji je imao tako što se javio na oglas za posao u Washington Postu.Literature Literature
Time to get out the help-wanted ads.
Vrijeme je za čitanje oglasa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When he didn’t say anything, I added, “You want me to help you kill someone else, I will!”
Budući da nije rekao ništa, dodao sam: “Ako želiš da ti pomognem da ubiješ nekog drugog, pomoći ću ti!”Literature Literature
Those she was adding would only help settle everything the way he wanted it settled.
One koje bi ona dodala samo bi pomogli da se sve sredi onako kako on to želi.Literature Literature
Put an ad on Craigslist, this guy Carlo wanted us to help him with a couple crates.
Našli smo oglas da taj Carlo treba pomoć s par sanduka.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I beat it with regrets, knowing full well I shouldn’t have added that zinger, not if I wanted Callie’s help.
Zbrisao sam sa žaljenjem, u potpunosti znajući kako nisam trebao to dodati, ne ako sam želio Cllienu pomoć.Literature Literature
The amendments would then be submitted to the OSCE and the Venice Commission, Berisha said, adding that he wants EP members to help with the reforms
Amandmani će potom biti podneseni OESS- u i Venecijanskoj komisiji, kazao je Berisha, dodajući kako želi da članovi EP- a pomognu oko reformiSetimes Setimes
" There are clear problems still that we want to solve when it comes to integration, " Merkel noted, adding that Ankara demonstrates " a large desire to help as much as it can and to stand by our side in a constructive manner "
" I dalje postoje jasni problemi koje želimo riješiti kada je riječ o integraciji ", istaknula je Merekl, dodajući kako Ankara pokazuje " veliku želju da pomogne koliko može i bude uz nas na konstruktivan način "Setimes Setimes
Other unorthodox methods of recording were used during the production, including Björk wanting to record outside on the porch and using non-professionals to help with production, such as Rebecca Storey, who was hired as a babysitter but added to the production staff after showing interest in the equipment.
Tijekom produkcije bile su korištene i netipične metode snimanja, uključujući i Björkinu želju za snimanjem izvan studija, na trijemu, i korištenjem neprofesionalaca koji bi pripomogli pri produkciji; Rebecca Storey izvorno je bila zaposlena kao dadilja, ali je bila uvrštena na popis produkcijskog tima nakon što ju je zainteresirala oprema.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" We want to make the European future of Kosovo concrete and tangible in the everyday life of its people, " Rehn said during his Wednesday press conference, adding that the EU 's goal is to help build " a truly multiethnic Kosovo in which all citizens feel secure and equally treated "
" Želimo europsku budućnost Kosova učiniti konkretnom i opipljivom u svakodnevnom životu njegovih građana ", izjavio je Rehn na tiskovnoj konferenciji u srijedu, dodajući kako je cilj EU pomoći izgradnju " istinski multietničkog Kosova u kojem će se svi njegovi građani osjećati sigurno i biti jednako tretirani "Setimes Setimes
This is especially helpful if you have a lot of disapproved ads and want to see all the disapproval reasons at once or if you want to see the approval status of an ad that's currently paused.
To je posebice od pomoći ako imate mnogo neodobrenih oglasa i želite vidjeti sve razloge neodobravanja odjednom ili ako želite vidjeti status odobrenja oglasa koji je trenutačno pauziran.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But don’t worry - the added accuracy that Galileo provides will get you to where you want to go, without the need to turn to the local biker community for help!
No, ne brinite se – dodana točnost sustava Galileo odvest će vas tamo gdje želite i nećete se morati obratiti zajednici lokalnih motorista za pomoć!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Regulation of this rock we want to do for the benefit of the sport, but also for tourism in this area, we believe that we will get help with tourist communities of this area, "said Kauzlarić, adding that they plan to edit climbing wall on the south side of the inner wall of Sport Hall Delnice, on which would be able to host major comeptitions.
Uređenjem ove stijene želimo učiniti korist i za ovaj sport, ali i za turizam ovoga kraja pa vjerujemo da ćemo na pomoć naići i kod turističkih zajednica ovog područja«, rekao je Kauzlarić, dodavši kako je u planu rada PK-a urediti i na južnoj strani unutrašnjeg zida Doma sportova Delnice veliku penjačku stijenu na kojoj bi se mogla raditi i velika natjecanjaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For example, we provide general demographic and interest information to advertisers and/or product vendors (e.g., that an ad or product campaign was seen by a female between the ages of 25 and 34 who lives in the USA and likes weight loss supplements) to help them better understand their audience, including their preferences and wants.
Na primjer, pružamo opće demografske podatke i podatke koji zanimaju oglašivače (na primjer, da je oglas vidjela osoba koja živi u Goraždu) kako bismo im pomogli bolje razumjeti njihovu publiku. Također potvrđujemo koji su oglasi na portalu doveli do kupovine ili aktivnosti u vezi s oglašivačem. 3.4.2 Partneri za mjerenjaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For example, we provide general demographic and interest information to advertisers and/or product vendors (e.g., that an ad or product campaign was seen by a male between the ages of 25 and 34 who lives in Germany and is a long distance runner) to help them better understand their audience, including their preferences and wants.
Na primjer, pružamo opće demografske podatke i podatke koji zanimaju oglašivače (na primjer, da je oglas vidjela osoba koja živi u Zagrebu) kako bismo im pomogli bolje razumjeti njihovu publiku. Također potvrđujemo koji su oglasi na doveli do kupnje ili aktivnosti u vezi s oglašivačem. 3.4.2 Partneri za mjerenjaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
15 sinne gevind in 33 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.