human digestive system oor Kroaties

human digestive system

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combination of anatomical organs that are responsible for digestive function

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["'Gulp' A tour of the human digestive system by Mary Roach."]
["'Gutljaj', Putovanje probavnim sustavom, autorice M. Roach"]ted2019 ted2019
So in this particular case, it's about the human digestive system.
U ovom konkretnom slučaju radi se o ljudskom probavnom sustavu.ted2019 ted2019
And that's because the human digestive system is very efficient at squeezing all it can out of any food, including crisps.
Čovjekov sistem za varenje vrlo efikasno iscjedi sve što može iz bilo kakve hrane, pa čak i čipsa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(See also Constipation; Digestive System; Human Body)
(Vidi i Ljudsko tijelo)jw2019 jw2019
“Postmortems on the five lions,” reports the Johannesburg newspaper The Star, “revealed human remains in the animals’ digestive systems.”
“Obdukcije tih pet lavova”, izvještavaju johanesburške novine The Star, “pokazale su da u probavnom traktu tih životinja ima ljudskih ostataka.”jw2019 jw2019
Candida is one of the most widely spread fungi that can be found in the human intestine , i. e. in the digestive system , from mouth till rectum .
Candida je jedna od najzastupljenijih gljivica koja se može naći u ljudskom crijevu tj . u probavnom sustavu , od usta do rectuma .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Above all, the tablets contain green tea extract, which has a positive effect on the human digestive system.
Prije svega, tablete sadrže ekstrakt zelenog čaja koji ima pozitivan učinak na ljudski probavni sustav.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"Indicates" this finger on the human digestive system.
"Označava" ovaj prst na ljudskom probavnom sustavu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
First of all, the green tea extract found in pills has a beneficial effect on the human digestive system.
Prije svega, ekstrakt zelenog čaja koji se nalazi u tabletama ima blagotvoran učinak na ljudski probavni sustav.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
First of all, the green tea extract found in the pills, which has a good effect on the human digestive system.
Prije svega, ekstrakt zelenog čaja koji se nalazi u tabletama, koji ima dobar učinak na ljudski probavni sustav.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Therefore, comparing the human digestive system and those found in carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, we can conclude that the human digestive tract is designed to digest only plant foods.
Prema tome, uspoređujući čovjekov probavni sustav s onim u mesojeda, biljojeda i svejeda možemo zaključiti da je čovjekov probavni sustav dizajniran za probavu samo biljne hrane.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
One of the areas of interest is also the human body. Particularly how microorganisms in the human digestive system affect the processes that take place there, and how they interact with the host.
Jedno od interesnih područja je postalo i ljudsko tijelo, odnosno kako mikroorganizmi koji se nalaze u ljudskom probavnom sustavu, utječu na procese koji se tamo odvijaju, te kakvu interakciju imaju sa domaćinom.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The human digestive system generally contains over 500 different types of bacteria that play a vital and complex role in competing with harmful bacteria and performing the many functions necessary throughout our life, such as the integration of nutrients and production of vitamins for example.
Ljudski probavni sustav uglavnom sadrži više od 500 različitih vrsta bakterija koje imaju značajnu i složenu ulogu u borbi sa štetnim bakterijama, te obavljaju mnoge značajne funkcije tijekom našeg života, poput integracije hranjivih sastojaka i proizvodnje vitamina.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
whereas the most obvious risks concern human health, particularly ENT diseases and diseases affecting the skin, the lungs and the digestive system, as well as cancer, the main victims being young people and women, of whom the highest numbers are in sectors of the food production sector in which PPPSIs are used;
budući da se najočitiji rizici tiču zdravlja ljudi, osobito bolesti uha, grla i nosa i bolesti koje utječu na kožu, pluća i probavni sustav te rak, pri čemu su glavne žrtve mladi i žene, od kojih najveći broj dolazi iz sektora proizvodnje hrane u kojemu se upotrebljava PPPSI;Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
It also helps in removal of toxins from colon as well as digestive system of human body.
Ona također pomaže u uklanjanju toksina iz debelog crijeva i probavni sustav ljudskog tijela.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The stomach volume occupies 21-27% of the total volume of the digestive system of humans.
Volumen želuca zauzima 21-27% ukupnog volumena probavnog sustava čovjeka.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Has a positive effect on the digestive system of humans, and studies have shown favorable gastrointestinal function, reduce bloating and increase tolerance to food.
Pozitivno djeluje na probavni sustav čovjeka, a istraživanja su pokazala povoljno gastrointestinalno djelovanje, smanjenje nadutosti te povećanje tolerancije hrane.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They are commonly called intestinal bacteria, because they can be found in digestive system of humans and animals, but also can be found in soil, water and plants.
Nazivaju se još i crijevne bakterije jer se nalaze u probavnom sustavu ljudi i životinja, no mogu se pronaći i u tlu, vodi i na biljkama.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Tiny plastic particles can pass through the human digestive tract to the lymphatic and circulatory (cardiovascular) systems and the placenta.
Sitne plastične čestice lako prolaze kroz ljudski probavni trakt do limfnog, krvožilnog i kardiovaskularnog sustava te posteljice.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The fact that the system of the digestive tract in humans and dogs differ.
Činjenica da se sustav probavnog trakta kod ljudi i pasa razlikuje.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The fact that the system of the digestive tract in humans and dogs differ.
Činjenica da se sistem digestivnog trakta kod ljudi i pasa razlikuje.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Depending in their properties, they can cause different problem sin humans, from problems in digestive, bone and nervous system through the problem sin the respiratory and vascular system.
Ovisno o njihovim svojstvima mogu prouzročiti različite probleme u ljudi, od problema u probavnom, koštanom i živčanom sustavu, do problema u dišnom i krvožilnom sustavu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
explain interconnected action of digestive, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, reproductive, nervous, endocrine and immune system in a human enabling the organism to function as a whole
objasniti međusobno povezano djelovanje probavnog, krvožilnog, dišnog, mokraćno-spolnog, živčanog, endokrinog i imunosnog sustava u čovjeka čime je omogućeno funkcioniranje organizma kao cjeline;ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This process incorporates part of the yolk sac into the lining of the digestive system and forms the chest and abdominal cavities of the developing human. Introduction
U okviru tog procesa dio žumanjčane kese se razvija u probavni sistem i dolazi do nastanka grudnog koša i trbušne šupljine nastajućeg živog bića.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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