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An ill omen.
Neku bolest.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ill omens of the gravest import were to be assumed.
Trebalo je pretpostaviti zlokobne znakove od najveće važnosti.Literature Literature
Was ever a name more ill-omened?”
Je li ikad bilo zlosretnijeg imena?""Literature Literature
The architect considered the accidental destruction of the original to be an ill omen.
Arhitekt je smatrao daje slučajno uništenje originala loš znak.Literature Literature
As for the weather ... well, in such ill-omened and confusing times as these, anything was possible.
Što se vremena ticalo... pa, u tako zlokobno i zbrkano doba kao što je ovo, sve je bilo mogu će.Literature Literature
You’ve no objection to a bird of ill omen following you, have you, Corwin?”
Nemaš ništa protiv da te prati ptica zloslutnica, ha, Corwine?""Literature Literature
He thought of a bird of ill omen, a curse following his every step.
Razmišljao je o ptici nesreće, prokletstvu zakovanom za njegove korake.Literature Literature
His spies slip through every net, and his birds of ill omen are abroad in the sky.
Njegove se uhode provuku kroz svaku mrežu, a njegove ptice zloslutnice putuju nebom.Literature Literature
Traditionally these times of transition between one age and the next have been regarded as ill-omened.
U predajama se takvo prijelazno razdoblje iz jednoga doba u drugi smatra veoma lošim.Literature Literature
Maybe dog did sensed the ill omen.
Možda je i pas nanjušio zlu kob.QED QED
“He is a messenger, good-daughter,” Lord Wyman said, “an onion of ill omen.
"""On je glasnik, snaho,"" reče knez Wyman, ""luk lošeg znamenja."Literature Literature
An ill omen for our side.
Loš znak za našu stranu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Most would say that was an extraordinarily ill omen.
Mnogi bi rekli da je to izrazito loš znak.Literature Literature
Black from hoof to plume, the ill- omened knave
Crn je kao noć, zlosretni podlacopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Heaven forbid, you ill-omen.
Daleko bilo, baksuze jedan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That' s an ill omen
To će ti biti znakopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Go away, you cursed, ill-omened thing, he demanded, but he knew that it would not comply.
Nestani, ti prokletnice zloguka, zapovijedi on, ali znao je da ga ona neće poslušati.Literature Literature
The staff felt that the changes would neutralize the ill omen.
Osoblje je smatralo da će se tim promjenama riješiti zle kobi.jw2019 jw2019
An owl was always an ill-omen for Herod.
Ona je Herodu uvek bila loš znak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, ill omens for the future, my dear.
Pa, ovo su zla predskazanja naše budućnosti, draga moja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It may be an ill omen to sing in a cemetery... but there's no law against it.
To bi moglo biti loš predznak... ali još ne postoji zakon protiv toga.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They say it's an ill omen that we should see each other on the morning of our wedding day.
Oni kažu da će se jedan loš znak vidjeti ujutro na dan našeg vjenčanja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The love of the mob might be considered rather of ill omen; and the sceptical Petronius was superstitious also.
Ljubav puka mogla se prije smatrati za zlu kob, a skeptični Petronije bio je ujedno i praznovjeran.Literature Literature
Out from the mirrored doors onto the corner of Smolensky flew the doorman, and he burst into ill-omened whistling.
Iz ozrcaljenih vrata izletio je na ugao Smolenskog trga portir i zlokobno zazviždao.Literature Literature
Do you know what I reply when one of those birds of ill omen importunes me with his acid considerations?""
Znaš li što odgovorim kad mi neka od tih ptičica dodijava svojim zajedljivim opažanjima?Literature Literature
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