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The ill-starred delegation had not expected to run up against Golub and they hastened to withdraw.
Zlosretna delegacija nikako nije očekivala susret sa Golubom, i požuri da što prije umakne.Literature Literature
The boy is ill-starred acquaintance with such misfortunes.
I dječaka prati takva nesreća.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One day the ill-starred student George turned up from Moscow, bringing a wife with him.
Iznenada je zajedno sa ženom stigao iz Moskve propali student Žorž.Literature Literature
The race was ill-starred, and out of seventeen competitors more than half were thrown and injured.
Trka nije prošla sretno, i od sedamnaestorice popadalo je i ugruhalo se više od polovine.Literature Literature
As far as I know, none of my ill-starred relations has ever died by the gun.
Koliko znam, nijedan od mojih zlosretnih rođaka nije poginuo od puške.Literature Literature
As hers did, following her ill-starred trip out to the garage for batteries.
Baš kao što se i njezin život nastavio nakon onog nesretnog izleta u garažu po baterije.Literature Literature
Is he to become a member of the luckless crews that man those dark, ill-starred ships called prisons?...
Treba li on postati dio nesretne gomile koja napučuje te mračne, nesretne brodove koje zovemo zatvorima?...Literature Literature
The unfortified camp of the ill-starred First Century stood neat and orderly, almost a miniature of the main camp.
Neutvrđeni tabor nesretne Prve centurije bio je čist i uredan, gotovo kao minijatura glavnog tabora.Literature Literature
An indentured servant could not marry, so how could he think to torment an ill-starred transportee girl, she could not fathom.
Sluškinja pod pogodbom se nije mogla vjenčati, stoga, kako je mogao pomisliti tako mučiti prevezenu djevojku loše sreće, nije mogla zamisliti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Someday Ill wish upon a star
Jednog dana poželjet ću zvijezduOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Doctors say the simple act of regularly washing your hands “helps get rid of germs and viruses that cause colds, flu, strep throat, stomach disorders and more serious illnesses,” reports The Toronto Star.
Liječnici kažu da jednostavna radnja redovitog pranja ruku “pomaže riješiti se klica i virusa koji uzrokuju prehladu, gripu, jaku grlobolju, želučane poremećaje i ozbiljnije bolesti”, izvještava The Toronto Star.jw2019 jw2019
If she was faking illness, he decided, Hollywood had missed a major star.
Ako je glumila bolest, pomislio je, Hollywood je propustio veliku zvijezdu.Literature Literature
Malina's first job in the film business was as a production assistant on the Chevy Chase comedy Fletch Lives, an ill-received sequel to the star's hit movie Fletch.
Prvi posao Joshue Maline u filmskom svijetu bio je onaj asistenta produkcije u filmu Fletch Lives u kojem je Chevy Chase ponavljao ulogu Fletcha iz istoimene hit komedije.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As reported in The Toronto Star, “stress is a major contributor to illness, loss of productivity and premature death.”
Kao što je pisalo u The Toronto Staru, “stres je jedan od glavnih uzroka bolesti, pada produktivnosti i prerane smrti”.jw2019 jw2019
Not to speak ill of the dead, but Omar wasn't exactly a rock star.
Ne govoriti loše o mrtvima, Ali Omar nije baš rock zvijezda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Language contains many fossils which testify that the race has long been steeped in magical superstition, such words as spellbound, ill-starred, possessions, inspiration, spirit away, ingenuity, entrancing, thunderstruck, and astonished.
Jezik sadrži mnogo fosila koji svjedoče da je rasa već dugo preplavljena čarobnim praznovjerjem, što se može vidjeti u riječima i izrazima: opčinjen, rođen pod nesrećnom zvijezdom, opsjednutost, inspiracija, oduševiti, genijalnost, opčinjen, kao pogođen gromom i fasciniran.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The movie, adapted from Franz Lidz's memoir, starred Nathan Watt as a boy in 1960s whose mother (Andie MacDowell) becomes ill with cancer.
U njemu su nastupili Nathan Watt kao dječak u šezdesetima čija majka (Andie MacDowell) obolijeva od raka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The media are trying to survive, sacrificing on the way the real, quality media content and offering instead Facebook statuses and posts of self-proclaimed stars or shady tycoons, almost always riddled with spelling mistakes and ill-fated indiscreet photographs, because these bizarreries bring them the life preserving clicks.
Mediji se bave vlastitim preživljavanjem, žrtvujući pri tom prave, kvalitetne medijske sadržaje umjesto kojih nam nude facebook statuse i objave samozvanih zvijezda ili mutnih tajkuna gotovo u pravilu pune pravopisnih grešaka i neukusnih indiskretnih fotografija, jer te bizarnosti im donose klikove od kojih preživljavaju.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When director Mario Bonnard fell ill during the production of the 1959 Italian epic The Last Days of Pompeii (Gli Ultimi Giorni di Pompei), starring Steve Reeves, Leone was asked to step in and complete the film.
Kad je redatelj Mario Bonnard obolio tijekom snimanja talijanskog epskog filma Posljednji dani Pompeja, zamolili su Leonea da uskoči u redateljsku stolicu i završi film.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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