illegal abortion oor Kroaties

illegal abortion

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nezakoniti pobačaj


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Only persons who perform illegal abortions are criminally punishable, never the women who undergo them.
Samo osobe koje obavljaju ilegalne pobačaje kazneno su kažnjive, a nikada trudnice.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Did your husband ever perform any illegal abortions?
Je li vaš muž ikad obavio ilegalni pobačaj?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Did your husband perform any illegal abortions?
Je li obavio koji ilegalan pobačaj?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Illegal abortion
Nezakonit pobačajEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Well, I'd like to suggest to you that you attempted to perform an illegal abortion on Mrs Evans.
Htio bih vas podsjetiti da ste pokušali izvesti ilegalni abortus na gđi Evans.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He might have carried out an illegal abortion in'66.
Možda je obavio ilegalni pobačaj'66.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jemmie goes to bed early the night of her illegal abortion, complaining about something nasty she ate.
Jemmie rano legne te večeri nakon ilegalno obavljenog pobačaja, tužeći se na hranu kojom je pokvarila želudac.Literature Literature
That nurse at the clinic basically admitted That benning was performing illegal abortions.
Sestra u klinici je priznala da je Benning radio ilegalne pobačaje.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Turkish state should support mothers in difficult circumstances by providing independent specialist advice, so as to reduce the number of illegal abortions.
Turska država trebala bi pomoći majkama koje se nalaze u teškoj situaciji pružanjem nezavisnog stručnog savjetovanja kako bi se na taj način smanjio broj nezakonitih pobačaja.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
He told me that, just after he'd qualified, he came into Bart's with a teenage girl who was seriously ill after an illegal abortion.
Nakon dobivene specijalizacije je došao u bolnicu s tinejdžerkom bolesnom od ilegalnog pobačaja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It has been brought to the Chamber's attention, that you may have been involved in unlawful conduct, with intend to administer an illegal abortion, resulting in the untimely death, of a patient.
Komora doznaje da ste možda sudjelovali u ilegalnom postupku.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“In the world some 33 million legal abortions take place annually, and if all the illegal abortions are added to this, the total would come to be between 40 million and 60 million,” says the Buenos Aires morning newspaper Clarín.
“U svijetu se godišnje izvrši nekih 33 milijuna legalnih abortusa, a kad bi tome dodali sve nelegalne abortuse, ukupan broj iznosio bi negdje između 40 milijuna i 60 milijuna”, kaže jutarnji list Clarín, koji izlazi u Buenos Airesu.jw2019 jw2019
In the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany it is calculated that 25 percent of pregnancies end in legal or illegal procured abortion.
Izračunato je, da u Nizozemskoj i Saveznoj republici Njemačkoj 25 posto trudnoća završi dozvoljenim ili nedozvoljenim pobačajem.jw2019 jw2019
Despite its illegality, "black market" abortions existed.
Unatoč svojoj nezakonitosti, postajala su "crna tržišta" pobačaja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Until 1967, abortion was illegal in almost all the Western democracies except Sweden and Denmark.
Do 1967. godine, pobačaj je bio nezakonit u gotovo svim zapadnim demokracijama osim Švedske i Danske.Literature Literature
Abortion is illegal, so is pregnancy if you don't have a license.
Pobačaj je ilegalan, i trudnoća bez dozvole.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The law's my business and procuring an abortion is illegal.
Zakon je moj posao I izdavanje pobačaj je protuzakonito.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Abortion was illegal in the Russian Empire.
Pobačaj je bio zabranjen u Ruskom Carstvu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Aside from the fact that back then abortion was illegal, it’s something I would never do.
– Uz činjenicu da je pobačaj u to vrijeme bio nezakonit čin, ja to nikad ne bih mogao učiniti.Literature Literature
Abortion is illegal, so is pregnancy if you don' t have a license
Pobačaj je ilegalan, i trudnoća bez dozvoleopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
whereas the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) have explicitly recognised the connection between unsafe illegal abortion and high maternal mortality rates; whereas the Convention against Torture stipulates that states that have an absolute prohibition on abortion under any circumstances expose women and girls to circumstances in which they are being humiliated and treated with cruelty;
budući da Konvencija o ukidanju svih oblika diskriminacije žena, Konvencija o pravima djeteta i Odbor za ekonomska, socijalna i kulturna prava izričito potvrđuju povezanost nesigurnog ilegalnog pobačaja i visoke stope smrti žena pri porodu; budući da se u Konvenciji protiv mučenja navodi da su u državama u kojima je na snazi opća zabrana pobačaja bez obzira na okolnosti žene i djevojčice izvrgnute poniženju i okrutnostima;Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Should we rant about the horrors of abortion, legal and illegal?
Bismo li trebali govoriti o užasima pobačaja, bio on zakonit ili nezakonit?Literature Literature
In El Salvador, abortion is now illegal under all circumstances.
U E1 Salvadoru je sada pobačaj ilegalan u svim okolnostima.Literature Literature
Abortion was illegal in Romania as in other European countries, but Romania has a history of very lenient punishments for abortion, compared to many other European countries during that historical period.
Pobačaj u Rumunjskoj bio je većinom ilegalan tijekom povijesti, a za razliku od drugih europskih zemalja, strožije se kažnjavao, još u 19. stoljeću.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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