immemorial oor Kroaties


That is beyond memory; ancient.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


There are stories that they are beings which have been around since time immemorial and are still around.
Postoje priče da su oni bića koja su ovdje još od prastarih vremena.


From age immemorial, societies have relied on the moral force of women.
Od pradavnih vremena, društva su se pouzdala na moralnu snagu žena.


I don't believe in the immemorial wisdom of the East, but I do believe in you.
ne vjerujem u nezapamćen mudrosti Istoka, ali ja to vjerujem u tebe.


There are stories that they are beings which have been around since time immemorial and are still around.
Postoje priče da su oni bića koja su ovdje još od prastarih vremena.
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From time immemorial, this area of origin has witnessed the presence of farms primarily involved in crop production, with limited stock breeding with a dual purpose of milk production and for ploughing, etc.
Na tom području izvornosti od pamtivijeka djeluju poljoprivredna gospodarstva koja su ponajprije posvećena proizvodnji usjeva i uzgoju nekoliko grla stoke, koja je služila za proizvodnju mlijeka i kao pomoć u poljima.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The ‘Abbacchio Romano’ has had, since time immemorial, a strong link with the region’s countryside, which is proven not only by the importance of sheep raising for the economy and traditions of the Region of Lazio as a whole but also and above all by its long-standing reputation with consumers.
„Abbacchio Romano” oduvijek ima jaku vezi s ruralnim dijelom navedene regije, koja se dokazuje ne samo važnošću uzgoja ovaca za gospodarstvo i običaje regije Lazio u cijelosti, već i slavom koju uživa među potrošačima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Olives have been grown on the island of Cres since time immemorial — the first documentary proof dates back to 1441 (N.
Maslina se na otoku uzgaja od davnih vremena – prvi pisani spomen datira iz 1441. (N.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Since time immemorial, the Green Lantern Corps has served as the keepers of peace, order and justice throughout the universe.
Green Lanterni od pamtivijeka su održavali mir, red i pravdu u svemiru.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Because no duel since time immemorial has ever been fairer than ours.
Zato što poštenijeg dvoboja od našega nije bilo od pamtivijeka.Literature Literature
Besides, Paris is itself an imitator, and particularly in this immemorial and senseless waste.
Uostalom, i sam Pariz oponaša, naročito u ovom nečuvenom i bezumnom rasipanju.Literature Literature
Since time immemorial Crete has been covered with aromatic plants and thyme and the honeydew secreted by the pine parasite Marchalina hellenica L. has been known since at least the 18th century (Gennadius, 1883).
Kreta je od pamtivijeka prekrivena aromatskim biljem i majčinom dušicom, a medljika koju luči nametnik Marchalina hellenica L. poznata je najmanje od 18. stoljeća (Gennadius, 1883.).eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
As the plant has been used in the region since time immemorial, this leads one to believe it is indigenous.
Vrlo duga uporaba te biljke navodi na pomisao da je autohtona u toj regiji.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
From time immemorial they have warmed the hearts of young and old alike.
Ono od pamtivijeka raduje srca i mladih i starih.jw2019 jw2019
Hot and cold's the way the cards run, sir, time immemorial.
Vruće i hladno je kako karte idu, ser, stara poslovica.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Three Elf-towers of immemorial age were still to be seen on the Tower Hills beyond the western marches.
Još su se mogle vidjeti tri vilin-kule koje su od pamtivijeka stajale na bregovima iza zapadnih granica.Literature Literature
Man has relied from time immemorial on the laws of nature.
Čovjek se od pamtivijeka oslanja na ove zakone.jw2019 jw2019
Yet from time immemorial a guard had always remained upon the summit of the outer wall.
Pa ipak je od pamtivijeka jedan čuvar uvijek stražario na vrhu vanjskog zida.Literature Literature
Since time immemorial, it has been the custom for a hero to have his favoured possession placed in his coffin.
Od pamtivijeka vlada običaj da se junakovi omiljeni predmeti stave s njim u lijes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Something like twenty-four miles a day is the immemorial standard of the human race before the industrial revolution.
Udaljenost od četrdeset kilometara bila je vječnim standardom za ljudsko putovanje prije industrijske revolucije.Literature Literature
There are stories that they are beings which have been around since time immemorial and are still around.
Postoje priče da su oni bića koja su ovdje još od prastarih vremena.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Age immemorial.
lz pradoba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We recommend also the famous local cheese of Pag , which has been prepared carefully by the inhabitants of Pag since time immemorial .
Isto tako preporučamo nadaleko poznati paški sir kojeg stanovnici otoka Paga već stoljećima brižno pripremaju .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Various authors provide evidence of how since time immemorial the climatic factors, altimetry and the type of soil of the region have influenced its dominant vegetation cover, which in turn has influenced the characteristics of the milk produced by the animals consuming it and which is a determining factor for the characteristics of the cheese for which this is the raw material.
Razni autori navode dokaze o utjecaju klimatskih čimbenika, nadmorske visine i vrste tla u toj regiji na vegetacijski pokrov koji u njoj prevladava i koji je utječe na karakteristike mlijeka dobivenog od životinje koje se njime hrane. To je važan čimbenik koji određuje karakteristike sira koji se proizvodi od tog mlijeka.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Despite that reality, since time immemorial, man has expressed a desire to fly.
Unatoč toj realnosti, ljudi od pamtivijeka imaju želju za letenjem.jw2019 jw2019
Since time immemorial, Monsieur Anatole, it has fallen to the Gallic races to bring civilisation to the rude northerly provinces of their empire.
Od pradavnih vremena galska je rasa civilizirala neotesane sjeverne provincije svog carstva.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the vicinity of Dobrinj is the cave Biserujka , that has been of interest to visitors from times immemorial , once by stories about hidden smuggling treasures and today owing to its wealth of interesting sedimentary forms .
Nedaleko Dobrinja nalazi se špilja Biserujka , koja od davnina budi radoznalost posjetilaca , nekad pričama o skrivenom krijumčarskom blagu , a danas bogatstvom i zanimljivošću istaloženih oblika .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The routine use of both languages – Spanish and Catalan – in the territory of the Balearic Islands means that ‘Hierbas de Mallorca’/‘Herbes de Mallorca’ has been referred to interchangeably in both Spanish (‘Hierbas de Mallorca’) and in Catalan (‘Herbes de Mallorca’) since time immemorial.
Uobičajeno korištenje oba jezika – španjolskog i katalonskog – na području Balearskih otoka znači da se „Hierbas de Mallorca”/„Herbes de Mallorca” oduvijek naizmjenično navode i na španjolskom jeziku („Hierbas de Mallorca”) i na katalonskom jeziku („Herbes de Mallorca”).EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Since time immemorial cattle breeding has formed the mainstay of the small family farms in the pasture belt in the foothills of the Alps.
U zelenom pojasu predalpskog područja uzgoj goveda oduvijek je bio kamen temeljac seljačke poljoprivrede.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
" Of my most immemorial year "
" Leta nekog davno izbledelaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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