incurableness oor Kroaties


The state or condition of being incurable.

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expenses incurred pursuant to this Protocol
troškovi nastali u skladu s ovim Protokolom
nastali · nastalog
neizlječiv · neizlječivo
incurred claims
nastale štete
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neizlječiv · neizlječivo


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order EUIPO and MasterCard International Incorporated to bear their own costs and to pay those incurred by the applicant, including those incurred in the proceedings before the EUIPO.
naloži EUIPO-u i društvu MasterCard International Incorporated snošenje vlastitih troškova kao i tužiteljevih troškova, uključujući i one nastale u postupku pred EUIPO-om.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
For the purposes of claims for payment made to the Commission, the amounts paid out to the intermediary financial institution undertaking the payment of the discounted value of the subsidy shall be considered as expenditure actually incurred.
U smislu zahtjeva za plaćanjem koji se upućuju Komisiji, iznosi koji su isplaćeni posredničkoj financijskoj instituciji koja vrši plaćanje diskontirane vrijednosti subvencije, smatraju se stvarno nastalim izdacima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Orders Mr Alexandrou to bear his own costs and to pay those incurred by the European Commission.
C. Alexandrou snosi vlastite troškove i nalaže mu se snošenje troškova Europske komisije.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A cost is considered as incurred during the period of eligibility when:
Smatra se da je trošak nastao tijekom razdoblja prihvatljivosti kad:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A financial asset or a group of financial assets is deemed to be impaired if, and only if, there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that has occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (an incurred “loss event”) and that loss event has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or the group of financial assets that can be reliably estimated.
Smatra se da je vrijednost financijske imovine ili skupine financijske imovine umanjena ako i isključivo ako postoje objektivni dokazi o umanjenju, što je posljedica najmanje jednoga koji su nastali nakon početnog priznavanja („događaj povezan s gubitkom”), a taj događaj ili događaji povezani s gubitkom utječu na procijenjene buduće novčane tokove od financijske imovine ili skupine financijske imovine koje je moguće pouzdano procijeniti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Therefore, the maximum share of financial contributions or grants from the general budget of the European Union in the annual reimbursable expenditure indicated in the budget of a European political party and in the eligible costs incurred by a European political foundation should be increased.
Stoga bi trebalo povećati najveći udio financijskih doprinosa ili bespovratnih sredstava iz općeg proračuna Europske unije u godišnjem nadoknadivom rashodu navedenom u proračunu europske političke stranke i u prihvatljivim troškovima europske političke zaklade.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
By its appeal brought on 27 August 2012 (Case C‐403/12 P), the Commission asks the Court to set aside the judgment under appeal, rule on the substance of the case and dismiss the action for annulment of the decision on inadmissibility, and to order the applicants at first instance to pay the costs incurred by the Commission at first instance and in the context of the present appeal.
Žalbom podnesenom 27. kolovoza 2012. (predmet C‐403/12 P) Komisija od Suda zahtijeva da ukine pobijanu presudu, presudi o meritumu i odbije tužbu za poništenje odluke o nedopuštenosti te da naloži tužiteljima u prvostupanjskom postupku snošenje troškova Komisije u prvostupanjskom postupku i u okviru ove žalbe.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
138 However, as argued by the appellant, the General Court erred in rejecting the existence of a link between those expenses, in particular as regards the costs incurred in connection with the action against the prohibition decision of 23 September 1997 and the fact that the Commission did not adopt a decision on the basis of Article 8(2) of Directive 93/42 in relation to the Inhaler device.
138 Međutim, kao što to ističe žalitelj, Opći sud nije mogao odbaciti postojanje veze između tih troškova, posebno u pogledu troškova nastalih u okviru postupka prigovora pokrenutog protiv odluke o zabrani od 23. rujna 1997., i činjenice da Komisija nije donijela odluku na temelju članka 8. stavka 2. Direktive 93/42 u pogledu proizvoda Inhaler.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the financial year related to insurance contracts arising from direct business.
Odštetni zahtjevi nastali u izvještajnom razdoblju kako je definirano Direktivom 91/674/EEZ prema potrebi: nastali odštetni zahtjevi znači zbroj plaćenih odštetnih zahtjeva i promjene pričuve za odštetne zahtjeve tijekom poslovne godine koji se odnose na ugovore o osiguranju i koji proizlaze iz izravnog osiguranja.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
if it has been incurred by a beneficiary from an IPA II beneficiary and paid after the submission of the cross-border cooperation programme.
ako su nastali korisniku instrumenta IPA II od strane korisnika instrumenta IPA II i ako su plaćeni nakon podnošenja programa prekogranične suradnje.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Germany also argued that any losses incurred by FFHG were not generated by the 2005 Ryanair agreement but by the necessary investments for Frankfurt Hahn airport, whereas the investments induced by Ryanair had been covered by the revenue generated by the 2005 Ryanair agreement.
Njemačka je tvrdila i da gubitci FFHG-a nisu nastali zbog Ugovora s društvom Ryanair iz 2005., nego zbog nužnih ulaganja u Zračnu luku Frankfurt Hahn, dok su ulaganja koja je potaknuo Ryanair pokrivena prihodima koji su ostvareni na temelju Ugovora s društvom Ryanair iz 2005.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is appropriate that the competent authorities of the Member States be authorised, at their discretion, to levy charges for sampling and analysis and for destruction of the product or its return provided that the principle of proportionality is observed in exercising the option of destruction or return and provided also that, in any event, the charges so levied do not exceed the costs incurred.
Nadležna tijela država članica trebaju biti ovlaštena da na temelju vlastite prosudbe naplaćuju troškove uzimanja uzoraka i analize te uništenja proizvoda ili njegovog vraćanja, pod uvjetom da se kod opcije uništenja ili vraćanja poštuje načelo proporcionalnosti te pod uvjetom da naplaćeni troškovi niti u jednom slučaju ne premašuju nastale troškove.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is recommended that the costs incurred in connection with the issue of both national banknotes and euro banknotes should be taken to the profit and loss account as they are invoiced or otherwise incurred.
Preporučuje se da se troškovi nastali u vezi s izdavanjem novčanica nacionalne valute i euro novčanica iskazuju u računu dobiti i gubitka onda kada su fakturirani ili kada nastaju na neki drugi način.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If the goods have been placed under a customs procedure which has not been discharged or when a temporary storage did not end properly, and the place where the customs debt is incurred cannot be determined pursuant to the second or third subparagraphs of paragraph 1 within a specific time-limit, the customs debt shall be incurred at the place where the goods were either placed under the procedure concerned or were introduced into the customs territory of the Union under that procedure or were in temporary storage.
Ako je roba stavljena u carinski postupak koji nije završen ili ako privremeni smještaj nije propisno završen, a mjesto nastanka carinskog duga se ne može odrediti prema stavku 1. drugom ili trećem podstavku u određenom roku, carinski dug nastaje na mjestu na kojemu je roba ili stavljena u dotični postupak ili unesena na carinsko područje Unije u tom postupku ili je bila u privremenom smještaju.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(7) Article 17(4) of Regulation (EU) No 514/2014 provides for the eligibility of expenditure incurred in 2014 by a Responsible Authority not yet formally designated, thereby ensuring a smooth transition between the External Borders Fund and the Internal Security Fund.
(7) Člankom 17. stavkom 4. Uredbe (EU) br. 514/2014 predviđena je prihvatljivost rashoda u 2014. ako ih je platilo odgovorno tijelo prije nego što je službeno imenovano, čime se osigurava gladak prijelaz između Fonda za vanjske granice i Fonda za unutarnju sigurnost.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Orders Orange to bear its own costs and to pay those incurred by the European Commission;
Orange će snositi vlastite troškove i troškove Europske komisije.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The trainings will also cater for the workers' needs, as identified during the occupational guidance. – Contribution to business start-up: The workers who set up their own businesses will receive up to EUR 15 000, as a contribution to cover setting-up costs. – Job-search allowance and training allowance: To cover the expenses incurred when participating in the occupational guidance activities, the beneficiaries will receive EUR 40 per day of participation.
Programima osposobljavanja uzet će se u obzir i potrebe radnika koje su utvrđene tijekom profesionalne orijentacije. – Doprinos za pokretanje poduzeća: Radnici koji pokreću vlastito poduzeće dobit će do 15 000 EUR kao doprinos za pokrivanje troškova na početku poslovanja. – Naknada za traženje posla i osposobljavanje: Za pokrivanje troškova nastalih za vrijeme sudjelovanja u aktivnostima profesionalne orijentacije korisnici će dobiti 40 EUR po danu sudjelovanja.not-set not-set
Orders Deza, a.s. to bear its own costs and to pay the costs incurred by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), including those incurred in the proceedings for interim measures;
Društvo Deza, a.s. snosit će, osim vlastitih troškova i troškove Europske agencije za kemikalije (ECHA), uključujući troškove postupka privremene zaštite.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Orders EUIPO to bear its own costs and to pay those incurred by Diesel SpA;
Nalaže se EUIPO-u snošenje vlastitih troškova kao i troškova društva Diesel SpA.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
A customs debt shall be incurred at the time of acceptance of the declaration for release into free circulation:
Carinski dug nastaje u trenutku prihvaćanja prijave za puštanje u slobodan promet:eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
find that the European Union and/or the defendant institutions have incurred non-contractual liability;
utvrdi postojanje izvanugovorne odgovornosti Europske unije i/ili tuženih institucija;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Costs associated with research activities, non-capitalisable development costs and maintenance costs are recognised as expenses as incurred.
Troškovi povezani s istraživačkim aktivnostima, nekapitalizirani troškovi razvoja i troškovi održavanja priznaju se kao nastali rashodi.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
That said, that extensive protection must extend to any risk incurred by third country minors and young adults who are on the territory of the Member States.
S obzirom na to, ta proširena zaštita mora se odnositi na svaku opasnost kojoj su izložene maloljetne i mlade odrasle osobe koje su državljani trećih zemalja i nalaze se na državnim područjima država članica.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
((Appeal - EAGGF, EAGF and EAFRD - Expenditure excluded from European Union financing - Expenditure incurred by the Hellenic Republic))
((Žalba - EFSJP, EFJP i EPFRR - Troškovi isključeni iz financiranja Europske unije - Troškovi koje je imala Helenska Republika))EurLex-2 EurLex-2
56 In accordance with Article 221(3) of the Customs Code, communication of the amounts of the duties to the debtor is to take place after the expiry of a period of three years from the date on which the customs debt was incurred.
56 Člankom 221. stavkom 3. Carinskog zakonika propisuje se da se obavještavanje dužnika ne provodi nakon isteka roka od tri godine od dana kad je carinski dug nastao.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
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