incurrence oor Kroaties


the act of incurring something

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The same should apply in cases of incurrence of a customs debt on export.
Isto bi se trebalo primjenjivati u slučajevima nastanka izvoznog carinskog duga.

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Financial transactions, in accordance with ESA95, are defined as the net acquisition of financial assets or the net incurrence of liabilities for each type of financial instrument, i.e. the sum of all financial transactions that occur during the relevant reporting period.
Financijske transakcije u skladu s metodologijom ESA 95 definirane su kao neto nabavafinancijske imovine ili neto stvaranje obveza za svaku vrstu financijskoginstrumenta, to jest zbroj svih financijskih transakcija koje se odvijaju tijekomrelevantnog izvještajnog razdoblja.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those documents shall contain a full description of the destroyed goods to establish, by means of comparison with the particulars given in the customs declaration for a customs procedure involving the incurrence of the customs debt and the supporting documents, that the destroyed goods are those which had been placed under the said procedure.
Ti dokumenti sadržavaju potpuni opis uništene robe kako bi se, usporedbom s podacima unesenima u carinsku deklaraciju za carinski postupak koji uključuje nastanak carinskog duga te s priloženim ispravama, utvrdilo da je uništena roba ona koja je stavljena u navedeni postupak.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The Commission shall adopt implementing acts laying down the conditions for the incurrence of such duties, as well as the procedures relating to the notification and declaration of such products and the payment of such duties, including recovery, repayment and remission (customs tool).
Komisija donosi provedbene akte kojima se utvrđuju uvjeti nastanka takvih pristojbi kao i postupci u vezi s obavijesti i prijavom takvih proizvoda te plaćanjem takvih pristojbi, među ostalim naplate, povrata i otpusta (carinski instrument).EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
In accordance with the ESA 2010, financial transactions are defined as the net acquisition of financial assets or the net incurrence of liabilities for each type of financial instrument, i.e. the sum of all financial transactions that occur during the relevant reporting period ( 61 ).
U skladu s ESA 2010, financijske transakcije definirane su kao neto nabava financijske imovine ili neto stvaranje obveza za svaku vrstu financijskog instrumenta, tj. zbroj svih financijskih transakcija koje nastaju u relevantnom izvještajnom razdoblju ( 61 ).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
– by derogation from Article 33 of the [Customs] Code, certain charges which are not to be included in the customs value, in cases where the amounts relating to such elements are not shown separately at the time of incurrence of the customs debt,
– odstupajući od članka 33. Zakonika, određeni elementi koje ne treba uključiti u carinsku vrijednost, ako iznosi koji se odnose na te elemente nisu zasebno prikazani u trenutku nastanka carinskog duga,eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Where customs legislation provides for a favourable tariff treatment of goods, or for relief or total or partial exemption from import or export duties, pursuant to Article 33(2)(d) to (g), Articles 130 to 133 or Articles 171 to 174, or pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 of 28 March 1983 setting up a Community system of reliefs from customs duty (12), such favourable tariff treatment, relief or exemption shall also apply in cases where a customs debt is incurred pursuant to Articles 46 or 49 of this Regulation, on condition that the failure which led to the incurrence of a customs debt did not constitute an attempt at deception.
Ako carinsko zakonodavstvo predviđa povoljno tarifno postupanje za robu ili oslobođenje ili potpuno ili djelomično izuzeće od uvoznih ili izvoznih carina, prema članku 33. stavku 2. točki (d) do (g), člancima 130. do 133. ili člancima 171. do 174. ili prema Uredbi Vijeća (EEZ) br. 918/83 od 28. ožujka 1983. o uspostavljanju sustava Zajednice za oslobođenje od carina (12), takvo povoljno tarifno postupanje, oslobođenje ili izuzeće također se primjenjuje u slučajevima kada je carinski dug nastao prema člancima 46. i 49. ove Uredbe, pod uvjetom da takav propust koji je doveo do nastanka carinskog duga ne predstavlja pokušaj prijevare.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
62 Consequently, where goods liable to incur import duties have been removed from customs supervision, it is not necessary, for the purposes of the second subparagraph of Article 71(1) of the VAT Directive, to apply Article 204(1)(a) of the Customs Code in order to determine whether the imposition of VAT may be based on the incurrence of a customs debt under that provision.
62 Slijedom toga, ako je roba koja podliježe plaćanju uvoznih carina izuzeta od carinskog nadzora, nema mjesta primjeni članka 204. stavka 1. točke (a) Carinskog zakonika za potrebe članka 71. stavka 1. drugog podstavka Direktive o PDV-u kako bi se odredilo može li se oporezivanje PDV-om temeljiti na nastanku carinskog duga primjenom te odredbe.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Collective allowances for incurrred but not reported losses
Skupni ispravci vrijednosti za nastale, ali neevidentirane gubitkeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Incurrence of a customs debt
Nastanak carinskog dugaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Transactions in debt instruments denominated in currencies of euro area Member States [2A.27] is equal to the net incurrence of liabilities in debt instruments [2A.24] denominated in ecus, plus debt instruments denominated in euro prior to the Member State's adoption of the euro, plus debt instruments denominated in the legal tender of a euro area Member State prior to it becoming a euro area Member State.
Transakcije s dužničkim instrumentima nominiranim u valutama država članica europodručja [2A.27] jednake su neto transakcijama s obvezama u dužničkim instrumentima [2A.24] nominiranim u ekijima, uvećanima za dužničke instrumente nominirane u eurima prije prihvaćanja eura od strane države članice i dužničke instrumente nominirane u zakonskom sredstvu plaćanja države članice europodručja prije nego što je ona postala država članica europodručja.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The granting of authorisations for several special procedures with a single guarantee and a single supervising customs office should be facilitated and there should be simple rules on the incurrence of a customs debt in these cases.
Odobrenje ovlaštenja za nekoliko posebnih postupaka s pojedinačnim osiguranjem i pojedinačnom nadzornom carinarnicom potrebno je olakšati te trebaju postojati jednostavna pravila za nastajanje carinskog duga u tim slučajevima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The same should apply in cases of incurrence of a customs debt on exportation.
Isto se treba primjenjivati u slučajevima nastanka izvoznog carinskog duga.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If justified, the customs authorities may take into account the risk of incurrence of those customs debts and of other charges having regard to the type and volume of the customs related business activities of the applicant and to the type of goods for which the guarantee is required.
Ako je to opravdano, carinska tijela mogu uzeti u obzir rizik od nastanka tih carinskih dugova i drugih davanja uzimajući u obzir vrstu i veličinu poslovnih aktivnosti podnositelja zahtjeva povezanih s carinom i vrstu robe za koju se zahtijeva osiguranje.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Transactions in other liabilities [2A.23] is equal to the net incurrence of monetary gold and SDRs (F.1) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13, plus of equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13, plus other accounts payable (F.8) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13.
Transakcije s ostalim obvezama [2A.23] jednake su neto dodijeljenom monetarnom zlatu i specijalnim pravima vučenja (F.1) koja se iskazuju u okviru promjena u obvezama i neto vrijednosti S.13 i promjena u imovini svih sektora osim S.13, uvećanima za vlasničke udjele i dionice ili udjele investicijskih fondova (F.5) koje se iskazuju u okviru promjena u obvezama i neto vrijednosti S.13 i promjena u imovini svih sektora osim S.13, uvećano za ostala potraživanja (F.8) koja se iskazuju u okviru promjena u obvezama i neto vrijednosti S.13 i promjena u imovini u svim sektorima osim S.13.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where repayment or remission is subject to destruction, abandonment to the State or placement under a special procedure or the export procedure of goods, but the corresponding formalities are completed only for one or more parts or components of those goods, the amount to be repaid or remitted shall be the difference between the amount of import or export duty on the goods and the amount of import or export duty which would have been applicable on the remainder of the goods if they had been placed in an unaltered state under a customs procedure involving the incurrence of a customs debt, on the date on which the goods were so placed.
Ako je povrat ili otpust uvjetovan uništenjem, ustupanjem u korist države ili stavljanjem robe u posebni postupak ili izvozni postupak, pri čemu su odgovarajuće formalnosti ispunjene samo za jedan ili više dijelova ili komponenti te robe, iznos povrata ili otpusta jest razlika između iznosa uvozne ili izvozne carine na robu i iznosa uvozne ili izvozne carine koja bi se primjenjivala na ostatak robe da je ta roba u neizmijenjenom stanju bila stavljena u carinski postupak koji uključuje nastanak carinskog duga, na datum kada je roba stavljena u taj postupak.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
(b) the original or a certified copy of the customs declaration for the procedure involving the incurrence of the customs debt;
(b) izvornik ili ovjerena preslika carinske deklaracije za postupak koji uključuje nastanak carinskog duga;Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The Commission shall adopt implementing acts laying down the conditions for the incurrence of such duties, as well as the procedures relating to the notification and declaration of such products and the payment of such duties, including recovery, repayment and remission (customs tool).
Komisija donosi provedbene akte kojima se utvrđuju uvjeti nastanka takvih pristojbi kao i postupci u vezi s obavijesti i prijavom takvih proizvoda te plaćanjem takvih pristojbi, među ostalim naplata, povrat i otpust (carinski instrument).eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Financial transactions are defined as the net acquisition of financial assets or the net incurrence of liabilities for each type of financial instrument, i.e. the sum of all financial transactions that occur during the relevant reporting period (2).
Financijske transakcije sudefinirane kao neto nabava financijske imovine ili neto stvaranjeobveza za svaku vrstu financijskog instrumenta, tj. zbroj svihfinancijskih transakcija koje nastaju u relevantnom izvještajnomrazdoblju (2).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
((Reference for a preliminary ruling - Taxation - Value added tax (VAT) - External transit procedure - Goods transported through a free port located in a Member State - Legislation of that Member State excluding free ports from its national fiscal territory - Removal from customs supervision - Incurrence of a customs debt and chargeability of VAT))
((Zahtjev za prethodnu odluku - Oporezivanje - Porez na dodanu vrijednost (PDV) - Postupak vanjskog provoza - Prijevoz robe preko slobodne luke smještene u državi članici - Propis te države članice koji slobodne luke isključuje iz državnog poreznog područja - Izuzimanje od carinskog nadzora - Nastanak carinskog duga i obveza obračuna PDV-a))eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In situations where the reference amount established in accordance with Article 155 of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2447 (4) would be disproportionate in relation to the amounts of the potential customs debts which are likely to be incurred, it is necessary to foresee the possibility for the customs authorities to take into account the risk of incurrence of the customs debt, at their discretion, in order to decide on the level of reduction.
U situacijama u kojima bi referentni iznos utvrđen u skladu s člankom 155. Provedbene uredbe Komisije (EU) 2015/2447 (4) bio nerazmjeran u odnosu na iznose potencijalnih carinskih dugova za koje je vjerojatno da će nastati, potrebno je predvidjeti mogućnost da carinska tijela u obzir uzmu rizik nastanka carinskog duga kako bi donijela odluku o razini smanjenja, prema vlastitoj prosudbi.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
(b) the defective nature of the goods was taken into consideration in drawing up the terms of the contract, in particular the price, before the goods were placed under a customs procedure involving the incurrence of a customs debt; or
(b) ako su nedostaci robe uzeti u razmatranje tijekom izrade uvjeta ugovora, osobito cijene, prije nego što je roba stavljena u carinski postupak koji uključuje nastajanje carinskog duga; iliEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(i) the failure which led to the incurrence of a customs debt had no significant effect on the correct operation of the customs procedure concerned and did not constitute an attempt at deception;
i. propust koji je doveo do nastanka carinskog duga nije imao značajan učinak na ispravnost dotičnog carinskog postupka i nije predstavljao pokušaj prijevare;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Legal basis for the incurrence of the debt: ...
Pravna osnova za nastanak duga: ...EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Other investment, Net acquisition of financial assets/net incurrence of liabilities
Druga ulaganja, neto povećanje financijske aktive/neto povećanje pasiveEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
"(i) the failure which led to the incurrence of a customs debt had no significant effect on the correct operation of the temporary storage or of the customs procedure concerned and did not constitute an attempt at deception;";
„i. propust koji je doveo do nastanka carinskog duga nije imao značajan učinak na ispravnost privremenog smještaja ili dotičnog carinskog postupka i nije predstavljao pokušaj prijevare;”;not-set not-set
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