indistinguishability oor Kroaties


The state of being indistinguishable

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Bonus shares and split shares are however included indistinguishably in the total stock of quoted shares.
Bonusnedionice i cijepane dionice, međutim, uključuju se,bez razlike, u ukupno stanje dionica koje kotirajuna burzi.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
You're saying these shapeshifters will be completely indistinguishable from whoever they're impersonating?
Ove mjenjolike nemoguće je razlikovati od žrtve?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The man stuck his head, briefly, back out the door and yelled something indistinguishable up to the sky.
Muškarac je nakratko izvukao glavu kroz vrata i u nebo doviknuo nešto nerazumljivo.Literature Literature
The structures of the Chinese State and of the CCP are intertwined at every level (legal, institutional, personal), forming a superstructure in which the roles of CCP and the State are indistinguishable.
Strukture kineske države i KPK-a međusobno su povezane na svakoj razini (pravnoj, institucionalnoj, osobnoj) i tvore nadstrukturu u kojoj se uloge KPK-a i države ne razlikuju.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The applicant further puts forward that the non-commissioning of surcharges is indistinguishable from the practices regarding the fuel surcharge and the security surcharge, and does not constitute a separate element of the infringement.
Tužitelj nadalje navodi da ne nenaplaćivanje naknada nerazdruuživo povezano s praksama koje se tiču naknada za gorivo i sigurnost te da ne predstavlja posebnu povredu.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Moreover, the WGDEEP 2014 report and the ICES advice of 7 November 2014 referred to reports of catches of roughhead grenadier in the management zones in question, the magnitude of which raised doubts as to their reliability, as the catches of roundnose grenadier were likely reported as catches of roughhead grenadier, which risked having a substantial impact on the effectiveness of the TACs established for roundnose grenadier, given that the two species in question are indistinguishable from each other once the head has been removed and they have been frozen. The Council was thus empowered to adopt a measure to counteract that risk.
S druge strane, budući da se u izvješću radne skupine ICES‐a iz 2014. i mišljenju ICES‐a od 7. studenoga 2014. spominju prijave ulova grenadira u predmetnim područjima upravljanja čiji broj dovodi u sumnju njihovu vjerodostojnost, s obzirom na to da su ulovi tuponosog grenadira vjerojatno prijavljivani kao ulovi grenadira, i da bi takva okolnost mogla u znatnoj mjeri ugroziti koristan učinak utvrđenih TAC‐ova za tuponosog grenadira, uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da se dvije vrste ne mogu razlikovati nakon što im se ukloni glava i zamrznu se, Vijeće je donošenje mjere kojom bi se spriječila takva opasnost moglo ocijeniti nužnim.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
The structures of the Chinese State and of the CCP are intertwined at every level (legal, institutional, personal), forming a superstructure in which the roles of CCP and the State are indistinguishable.
Strukture kineske države i KPK-a međusobno su povezane na svakoj razini (pravna, institucionalna, osobna) i tvore nadstrukturu u kojoj se uloge KPK-a i države ne razlikuju.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Instead, balances that are considered as ‘loans’ are to be classified indistinguishably under the item ‘deposit liabilities’, unless they are represented by negotiable instruments.
Umjesto toga, stanja koja se smatraju „kreditima” raspoređuju se bez razlikovanja u stavku „obveze po depozitima” osim ako ih čine prenosivi instrumenti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The pounding was frantic now, the voices a shrill chorus of indistinguishable words.
Lupanje je sada postalo mahnito, a glasovi su se pretvorili u vrištav zbor nerazumljivih riječiLiterature Literature
The structures of the Chinese State and of the CCP are intertwined at every level (legal, institutional, personal), forming a superstructure in which the roles of CCP and the State are indistinguishable.
Strukture kineske države i KPK-a isprepliću se na svim razinama (pravnoj, institucionalnoj, osobnoj) i tvore nadstrukturu u kojoj se uloge KPK-a i države ne mogu razlikovati.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
They're almost indistinguishable.
Oni se gotovo i ne razlikuju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
While their facial features and general size was similar, I have to say they were not indistinguishable by any means.
Iako su bili sličnog stasa i imali slične crte lica, nisu nipošto bili neraspoznatljivi.Literature Literature
For the purposes of this subheading, it is irrelevant if the heel can be distinguished from the sole or if the heel is an indistinguishable part of the sole (e.g. wedged sole, plateau sole).
Za potrebe ove tarifne podtočke nebitno je može li se ili ne peta razlikovati od potplata (na primjer, potplat pune pete ili platforma cipela).EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
It was like any other desk, impersonal and indistinguishable from a million others.
Izgledao je kao bilo koji drugi stol, neosoban i nerazlučiv od milijun ostalih.Literature Literature
If Question 1 is answered in the affirmative, may an [ordinary] or ‘togato’ judge [a career judge engaged on a permanent basis and salaried] be regarded as a permanent worker indistinguishable from a ‘Giudice di Pace’ fixed-term worker for the purposes of the application of Clause 4 of the framework agreement on fixed-term work implemented by Directive 1999/70?
U slučaju potvrdnog odgovora na prvo pitanje, za potrebe primjene članka 4. Okvirnog sporazuma o radu na određeno vrijeme uvedenog Direktivom 1999/70, može li se [redovne] pravosudne dužnosnike, dakle one „u togama”, smatrati radnicima zaposlenim na neodređeno vrijeme usporedivima s radnicima zaposlenima na određeno vrijeme u svojstvu „sudaca izmiritelja”?eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
My partner had them analyzed, and they're indistinguishable from the real thing.
Ne razlikuju se od pravih.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
However, when it comes to appearance, artificial teeth can be made indistinguishable from natural teeth.
Međutim, što se izgleda tiče, umjetni se zubi mogu izraditi tako da ih se ne može razlikovati od prirodnih.jw2019 jw2019
Asking such questions is indistinguishable from thinking.
Postavljanje takvih pitanja nerazdvojno je povezano s razmišljanjem.Literature Literature
Many were praiseworthy in their conduct, but some were indistinguishable from the other students.
Većina ih se primjerno vladala, no neki su bili poput ostalih učenika.jw2019 jw2019
“Perhaps nothing has done more to discredit Christianity than its practice of taking a stand virtually indistinguishable from that of non-Christians on the practice of war,” notes The Christian Century article.
“Vjerojatno ništa nije kršćanstvo dovelo na tako zao glas kao zauzimanje stava u pogledu ratovanja, stava koji se zapravo ne razlikuje od stava ne-kršćana”, primjećuje članak u časopisu The Christian Century.jw2019 jw2019
(4) The quotation exception provided for in Article 5(3)(d) of Directive 2001/29 does not apply where an extract of a phonogram has been incorporated into another phonogram without any intention of interacting with the first phonogram and in such a way that it forms an indistinguishable part of the second phonogram.
4. Iznimka doslovnog navođenja predviđena u članku 5. stavku 3. točki (d) Direktive 2001/29 ne može se primijeniti u situaciji u kojoj je dio fonograma unesen u drugi fonogram a da ne postoji očita želja da se uspostavi interakcija s tim prvim fonogramom na način da ga se ne može razlikovati od ostatka tog drugog fonograma.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The structures of the Chinese State and of the CCP are intertwined at every level (legal, institutional, personal), forming a superstructure in which the roles of CCP and the State are indistinguishable.
Strukture kineske države i KPK-a isprepliću se na svim razinama (pravna, institucionalna, osobna) i tvore nadstrukturu u kojoj se uloge KPK-a i države ne mogu razlikovati.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
207 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.