interrupted match oor Kroaties

interrupted match

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prekinuta utakmica


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However, you really should concede defeat in our recently interrupted wrestling match.
Ipak, stvarno bi trebao priznati poraz u našem nedavno prekinutom hrvačkom meču.Literature Literature
During the semifinal contest between Croatia and Poland in Zagreb, technical problems forced organisers to interrupt the match five times
Tijekom polufinalnog meča između Hrvatske i Poljske u Zagrebu, tehnički problemi prisilili su organizatore da pet puta prekidaju utakmicuSetimes Setimes
Serious enough to bring us here to interrupt your cricket match.
Dovoljno ozbiljna da dođemo prekinuti vašu kriket utakmicu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
IN Spain a referee interrupts a football match.
NOGOMETNI sudac u Španjolskoj morao je prekinuti utakmicu.jw2019 jw2019
The match was interrupted, resuming only after police removed # hooded young men from the stands
Utakmica je bila prekinuta, a nastavljena je tek nakon što je policija uklonila s tribina # mladića s kukuljicamaSetimes Setimes
Better an interrupted game than a lost match.
Bolje prekinuti igru izgubljenog meča.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tuesday 's match had to be interrupted after only six minutes
Utakmica igrana u utorak prekinuta je nakon samo šest minutaSetimes Setimes
Gentlemen... forgive me for interrupting your work the day before such an important match, but I just wanted to come and wish you good luck, in person.
Gospodo... oprostite mi što vas prekidam u poslu dan prije tako važne utakmice, ali želio sam doći i zaželjeti vam sreću, svakom ponaosob.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In case a match is interrupted and not resumed, then all bets on the continuation (including the result at the time of the interruption) of the match are void.
U slučaju da se meč prekine, a ne nastavi, sve oklade na nastavak (uključujući rezultat u vrijeme prekida) meča su nevažeće. 8.)ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It should be noted that this group has maybe for the first time said a decisive "NO" to violence, flares, intolerance, and discrimination, booing any hooligan attempt to interrupt the match by inappropriate behaviour or chants.
Vrijedi istaknuti da je možda i po prvi puta ta masa navijača rekla odlučno "NE" nasilju, bakljama, netoleranciji i diskriminaciji, izviždavši svaki pokušaj huligana da neprimjerenim navijanjem ili ponašanjem prekinu utakmicu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
HNS and the clubs are being heavily fined, punished are the players when they are performing at their best, as was the case in Milan or Saint-Etienne, since the hooligans interrupt their matches, punished are the 99 percent of extraordinary Croatian fans, by being unable to attend Croatia national football team matches.
Kažnjavaju se HNS i klubovi brutalnim novčanim kaznama, kažnjavaju se nogometaši kojima u trenucima kada igraju najbolji nogomet kao u Milanu ili Saint Etienneu ti huligani isprovociraju prekide utakmica, kažnjava se 99 posto sjajnih hrvatskih navijača time da ne mogu doći na utakmice hrvatske reprezentacije.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The only exception to the above interruption/postponement match rule, is for all South American club matches where all bets will be settled on the score at the time of the abandonment providing the relevant league allows the result to stand or Club Friendlies that are deemed complete by officials and regular play has been considered to be concluded.
Jedina iznimka gore navedenog pravila o prekidu/odgodi su sve južnoameričke klupske utakmice gdje će se sve oklade vrednovati u trenutku prekida (bez nastavka) pod uvjetom da relevantna liga dopušta rezultat ili klupske prijateljske utakmice koje dužnosnici smatraju dovršenima i smatra se da je regularno vrijeme igre dovršeno.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
However, matches that are interrupted or postponed, but which do not take place within the framework of the tournament (e.g. exhibition matches), will be declared invalid if the match is not resumed and completed within 72 hours.
Međutim, prekinuti ili odgođeni mečevi koji se ne odigraju u okviru turnira (npr. ekshibicijski mečevi), smatrat će se nevažećima ako se meč ne nastavi i završi u roku od 72 sata. 7.)ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The performance of operating mechanism match design of vacuum interrupter and the mechanism decreases intermediate link and reduces energy consumption and noise, which make the performance of circuit breaker more reliable.
Pogonski mehanizam odgovara dizajnu vakuumskog prekidača i mehanizam smanjuje međupovezanost i smanjuje potrošnju energije i buku, što čini performanse prekidača pouzdanijim.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The performance of operating mechanism match design of vacuum interrupter and the mechanism decreases intermediate link and reduces energy consumption and noise, which make the performance of circuit breaker more reliable.
Pogonski mehanizam odgovara dizajnu vakuumskog prekidača i mehanizam smanjuje međupovezanost i smanjuje potrošnju energije i buku, zbog čega su performanse prekidača pouzdanije.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
4.The performance of operating mechanism match design of vacuum interrupter and the mechanism decreases intermediate link and reduces energy consumption and noise, which make the performance of circuit breaker more reliable.
4. Performanse pogonskog mehanizma odgovaraju dizajnu vakuumskog prekidača i mehanizam smanjuje međupovezanost i smanjuje potrošnju energije i buku, što čini performanse zaštitnog prekidača pouzdanije.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
4.The performance of operating mechanism match design of vacuum interrupter and the mechanism decreases intermediate link and reduces energy consumption and noise, which make the performance of circuit breaker more reliable.
4. Učinkovitost pogonskog mehanizma odgovara dizajnu vakuumskog prekidača i mehanizam smanjuje međupovezanost i smanjuje potrošnju energije i buku, zbog čega su performanse prekidača pouzdanije.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We could modify the installation hole for embedded poles and match the connection between connection rod and vacuum interrupter as well as assembly whole mechanism according to customers different requirements for installation way and parameter of embedded poles.
Mogli bismo modificirati montažni otvor za ugrađene stupove i uskladiti vezu između spojne šipke i vakuumskog prekidača kao i sklopovski cijeli mehanizam prema različitim zahtjevima kupaca za način instalacije i parametar ugrađenih stupova.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
18 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.