jury of appeal oor Kroaties

jury of appeal

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vijeće za žalbe


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There's no presumption of innocence, no burden of proof, no jury of your peers and no appeal.
Nema pretpostavke nevinosti, nema tereta dokaza, nema porote tvog ranga i nema prava na žalbu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Other party to the proceedings before the Board of Appeal: Lego Juris A/S (Billund, Denmark)
Druga stranka pred žalbenim vijećem: Lego Juris A/S (Billund, Danska)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
So you're saying a jury of your peers and an entire appeals system got it wrong?
Dakle, tvrdite da su porota i čitav žalbeni sustav pogriješili?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It falls to me now to appeal to you... the members of the jury, not to get caught up in this... tide of mass hysteria.
Sada mi jedino preostaje da zamolim članove porote da ne budu pod dojmom plime ove masovne histerije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The JURI Committee, as the committee concerned, had notified the President that following the Bucharest Court of Appeal's decision to reject an appeal brought for a full annulment of a decision by the Bucharest Court in a civil case in favour of Victor Boştinaru, the JURI Committee had had to close the immunity procedure, there being no further need for it.
Odbor JURI, koji je nadležan u tom području, obavijestio je predsjednika da je, slijedom odluke Prizivnog suda u Bukureštu koji je odbio žalbu kojom se htjela poništiti odluka suda u Bukureštu u okviru građanskog postupka u korist Victora Boştinarua, Odbor JURI bio prisiljen zatvoriti postupak u pogledu imuniteta, koji više nije imao nikakvo opravdanje.not-set not-set
The JURI Committee, as the committee concerned, had notified the President that following the Bucharest Court of Appeal's decision to reject an appeal brought for a full annulment of a decision by the Bucharest Court in a civil case in favour of Victor Boștinaru, the JURI Committee had had to close the immunity procedure, there being no further need for it.
Odbor JURI, koji je nadležan u tom području, obavijestio je predsjednika da je, slijedom odluke Prizivnog suda u Bukureštu koji je odbio žalbu kojom se htjela poništiti odluka suda u Bukureštu u okviru građanskog postupka u korist Victora Boștinarua, Odbor JURI bio prisiljen zatvoriti postupak u pogledu imuniteta, koji više nije imao nikakvo opravdanje.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Your Honour, my client, having preserved grounds for appeal in the record, wishes me to state that regardless of this jury's verdict, he is the victim of perjury on the part of the state's key witness.
Časni sude, moj klijent, sačuvavši razloge za žalbu u zapisniku, želi da izjavim kako je, bez obzira na odluku porote, žrtva krivokletstva od strane ključnog svjedoka tužilaštva.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's a way of poisoning the atmosphere so that the jury doesn't focus on the allegations, but focuses on this atmospheric that the government has created that in some sense is a diversion appealing to the emotional aspect of it
To je način za trovanje atmosfere, pa se porota ne fokusira na optužbe, nego se fokusira na tu atmosferu koju je vlada kreirala koja je na neki način diverzija koja apelira na emotivni aspekt toga ako je dokaz slab,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The criteria applied by the children’s jury arereasonably different from the criteria of an expert jury, but their judgments are based only on the appeal of the works of their peers.
Kriteriji koje primjenjuje dječji žiri opravdano su različiti od kriterija stručnog žirija, ali ne temelje se njihovi sudovi samo na dopadljivosti radova njihovih vršnjaka.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the fifth place, it states that the Board of Appeal incorrectly disregarded the fact that, in the cases which gave rise to the judgment of 18 June 2002 in Philips (C‐299/99, ECR, EU:C:2002:377), and the judgment of 12 November 2008 in Lego Juris v OHIM — Mega Brands (Red Lego brick) (T‐270/06, ECR, EU:T:2008:483), the technical functions concerned were likewise not directly apparent from the representations of the marks at issue.
Na petome mjestu tvrdi da žalbeno vijeće nije uzelo u obzir činjenicu da u predmetima koji su doveli do presude od 18. lipnja 2002., Philips (C‐299/99, Zb., EU:C:2002:377), i presude od 12. studenoga 2008., Lego Juris/OHIM – Mega Brands (crvena Lego kockica) (T‐270/06, Zb., EU:T:2008:483), dotične tehničke funkcije također nisu izravno proizlazile iz prikazâ žigova o kojima je bila riječ.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
((Appeal - Civil Service - Officials - Recruitment - Open competition to draw up a reserve list of lawyer-linguists with Spanish as their main language - Decision of the jury confirming failure to pass the written tests and non-admittance to the oral test - Article 90(2) of the Statute - Admissibility of the action at first instance - Duty to state reasons - Refusal to send the marked written tests to the appellant - Access to documents))
((„Žalba - Javna služba - Dužnosnici - Zapošljavanje - Otvoreni natječaj za stvaranje popisa uspješnih kandidata za pravnike lingviste za španjolski jezik - Odluka povjerenstva kojom se potvrđuje pad na zadnjem dijelu pisanog ispitivanja i odnosi se na odbijanje pristupa usmenom dijelu ispitivanja - Članak 90. stavak 2. Pravilnika - Dopuštenost tužbe u prvom stupnju - Obveza obrazlaganja - Odbijanje dostavljanja tužitelju ispravljenih pisanih testova - Pristup dokumentima”))EurLex-2 EurLex-2
34 In that regard, while it is true that, in so far as it includes findings of a factual nature, the assessment of the functionality of the essential characteristics of a sign cannot, as such, be subject to review by the Court on appeal, save in the case of a distortion (see, to that effect, judgments of 14 September 2010, Lego Juris v OHIM, C‐48/09 P, EU:C:2010:516, paragraph 74, and of 17 March 2016, Naazneen Investments v OHIM, C‐252/15 P, not published, EU:C:2016:178, paragraph 59), the position is different with regard to the questions of law raised by an examination of the relevance of the legal criteria applied when carrying out that assessment and, in particular, of the factors taken into consideration to that end (see, to that effect, judgments of 14 September 2010, Lego Juris v OHIM, C‐48/09 P, EU:C:2010:516, paragraphs 84 and 85, and of 6 March 2014, Pi‐Design and Others v Yoshida Metal Industry, C‐337/12 P to C‐340/12 P, not published, EU:C:2014:129, paragraph 61).
34 S tim u vezi, iako je istina da ocjena funkcionalnosti bitnih značajki nekog znaka, ako sadržava utvrđenja činjenične naravi, ne može kao takva, osim u slučaju iskrivljavanja, biti predmet nadzora Suda u okviru žalbe (vidjeti u tom smislu presude od 14. rujna 2010., Lego Juris/OHIM, C-48/09 P, EU:C:2010:516, t. 74. i od 17. ožujka 2016., Naazneen Investments/OHIM, C-252/15 P, neobjavljenu, EU:C:2016:178, t. 59.), drukčije je glede pravnih pitanja koja se postavljaju pri ispitivanju relevantnosti pravnih kriterija primijenjenih pri toj ocjeni i, među ostalim, čimbenika koji se u tu svrhu uzimaju u obzir (vidjeti u tom smislu presude od 14. rujna 2010., Lego Juris/OHIM, C-48/09 P, EU:C:2010:516, t. 84. i 85. i od 6. ožujka 2014., Pi-Design i dr. /Yoshida Metal Industry, C-337/12 P do C-340/12 P, neobjavljenu, EU:C:2014:129, t. 61.).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This is how the jury described it: ‘An appealing design idiom, a skilled use of materials and a harmonious colour concept give the Waves bar cabinet a very stylish appearance.‘
Evo kako ga je žiri opisao: ‘Privlačan dizajnerski izričaj, vješta upotreba materijala i uravnotežen odabir boja daju Waves ormaru za piće veoma profinjen izgled.‘ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The jury in Frankfurt honored the Kenwood Triblade hand blender for its ease of use and appealing design, but above all for its product benefits.
Žiri u Frankfurtu dodijelio je Kenwood Triblade blender zbog njegove jednostavne uporabe i privlačnog dizajna, ali prije svega zbog prednosti proizvoda.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
25 In the second place, to the extent that Yoshida argues that it is apparent from paragraphs 39, 64 and 65 of the judgment under appeal that the assessment made by the General Court for the purposes of the application of Article 7(1)(e)(ii) of Regulation No 40/94 is contrary to the case-law arising from the judgment of the Court of Justice of 14 September 2010, Lego Juris v OHIM (C‐48/09 P, EU:C:2010:516), its criticisms stem from a selective reading of that judgment.
25 Kao drugo, u mjeri u kojoj Yoshida ističe da iz točaka 39., 64. i 65. pobijane presude proizlazi da je ocjena koju je Opći sud proveo u svrhu primjene članka 7. stavka 1. točke (e) podtočke ii. Uredbe br. 40/94 protivna sudskoj praksi koja proizlazi iz presude Suda od 14. rujna 2010., Lego Juris/OHIM (C-48/09 P, EU:C:2010:516), njezini prigovori proizlaze iz površnog čitanja te presude.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
From the grand jury investigation, initial appearance, bail, arraignment, motions, trial, sentencing and appeals, Mr. Zeiger has experience fighting the United States Attorney's office in every aspect of the case.
Odvjetnik Zeiger ima dugogodišnje iskustvo borbe sa saveznim tužiteljima u svim fazama predmeta — od istrage velikog vijeća i inicijalnog pojavljivanja klijenta u sudnici, do određivanja jamčevine i čitanja optužnice, kroz cijelo suđenje, sve do izricanja presude i eventualne žalbe.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"After several novels that had caught the attention of a wider literary audience, as well as that of literary awards juries, the subtle writer Sanja Lovrenčić presents us with a book of prose containing various pieces – dispersed at first glance but in the end forming a compact and very appealing unity.
"Nakon romana kojima je Sanja Lovrenčić, konačno, privukla pozornost i nešto šire književne publike, kao i žirija književnih nagrada, evo nam iz radionice te suptilne autorice jedne prozne knjige u kojoj su svoje mjesto pronašli raznoliki prozni zapisi, naizgled raspršeni, ali u konačnici srasli jedni s drugima u kompaktnu cjelinu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Pennsylvania White Collar attorney who can help you through your criminal case. From the grand jury investigation, initial appearance, bail, arraignment, motions, trial, sentencing and appeals, Mr. Zeiger has experience fighting the United States Attorney’s office in every aspect of the case.
Odvjetnik Zeiger ima dugogodišnje iskustvo borbe sa saveznim tužiteljima u svim fazama predmeta — od istrage velikog vijeća i inicijalnog pojavljivanja klijenta u sudnici, do određivanja jamčevine i čitanja optužnice, kroz cijelo suđenje, sve do izricanja presude i eventualne žalbe.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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