key click oor Kroaties

key click

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

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The key clicked three times, very softly, as the kindly man turned it in a lock.
Ključ škljocne triput, vrlo tiho, dok ga je ljubazni čovjek okretao u bravi.Literature Literature
People borrowing books, computer keys clicking away.
Ljudi posuđuju knjige, čuje se kuckanje kompjutorskih tipaka.Literature Literature
She froze in the center of the room as, suddenly, the key clicked into the lock.
Ukočila se u središtu sobe kad je iznenada čula ključ u bravi.Literature Literature
The door closed and the key clicked in the lock.
Vrata su se zatvorila i ključ je škljocnuo u bravi.Literature Literature
( keys click ) " way ahead of you, I told him. "
" Mnogo sam ispred tebe ", rekoh mu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
( keys clicking ) Okay, guys, how about we don't take notes and just listen to what Mr. Hickey has to say.
Šta kažete da ne hvatamo bilješke već saslušamo ono što nam g. Hickey ima reći.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“I can’t believe you don’t have your own stash,” Lucy said as she resumed working on her laptop, keys clicking.
"""Ne mogu vjerovati da nemaš svoju dozu sa sobom"", reče Lucy i nastavi s poslom na laptopu, kuckajući po tastaturi."Literature Literature
The keys all clicked.
Svi su ključevi kliknuli.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She breathed out, changed keys, bottom lock, click click, then the skeleton key, clunk.
Izdahnula je, promijenila ključ, donja brava, klik-klik, nakon toga Assa-brava, zvečanje.Literature Literature
Enter the key words in the search field and press the ENTER KEY or click on the ' Search ! ' button .
Unesite ključne riječi u odgovarajuću rubriku i pretisnite ENTER ili kliknite na ' Traži ! ' .hrenWaC hrenWaC
For example , enter the word fur in the Search for articles field and press the ENTER key or click on the ' Search ! ' button .
Primjerice , u rubriku Traži članke unesite riječ krzno i pritisnite ENTER ili kliknite na ' Traži ' .hrenWaC hrenWaC
To perform an operation on a key, open the key management window and right click on the key. A popup menu with all available options will appear
Da biste izvršili operaciju nad ključem, otvorite prozor za upravljanje ključevim i desno kliknite na ključ. Pojaviće se iskačući izbornik sa svim dostupnim opcijamaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
I sat a moment, clicking my keys on the steering wheel and staring at Arthur's cabin.
Sjedila sam neko vrijeme udarajući ključevima o kolo upravljača i promatrajući Arthurovu kolibu.Literature Literature
The lock clicked; a key was in the car door.
Brava je škljocnula i ključ je bio u vratima auta.Literature Literature
He took a key from his pocket, clicked open the doors, and nodded for Molavi to get in the driver’s side.
Iz džepa izvadi ključ, klikom otvori vrata i kimne Molaviju da zauzme vozačko mjesto.Literature Literature
Then a gentle clicking as the key slid smoothly into Eider's manacles and unlocked them.
Zatim tihi škljocaj kad je ključ glatko kliznuo u Eideričine okove i otključao ih.Literature Literature
Daniel Marklund clicks a few keys on one of his computers and turns the screen to Joona.
Daniel Marklund tipka po jednom kompjutoru, a onda okrene ekran prema Jooni.Literature Literature
Johns laughed out loud and keyed his switch twice, generating a click-click signal, which meant Affirmative.
Johns se glasno nasmijao i dvaput pritisnuo prekidač, dvojnim signalom potvrdio je njezinu poruku.Literature Literature
You do not know anything about encryption? No problem, simply create yourself a key pair in the key management window. Then, export your public key and mail it to your friends. Ask them to do the same and import their public keys. Finally, to send an encrypted message, type it in the KGpg editor, then click & quot; encryptquot;. Choose your friend key and click & quot; encryptquot; again. The message will be encrypted, ready to be sent by email
Ne znate ništa o kriptiranju? Nema problema, jednostavno napravite sebi par ključeva u prozoru za upravljanje ključevima. Zatim, izvezite vaš javni ključ i pošaljite ga svojim prijateljima. Njima tražite da urede isto i uvezu njihove javne ključeve. Konačno, da biste poslali kriptiranu poruku, upišite je u Kgpg-ovom editoru, pa kliknite na „ Šifruj “. Odaberite vašeg prijatelja i kliknite ponovo na „ Šifruj “. Poruka će biti kriptirana i spremna za slanje e-poštomKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Four men lay snoring in the bamboo cabin while Torstein sat clicking with the Morse key and I was on steering watch.
Četvorica su hrkala u bambusovoj kućici, Torstein je kuckao Morseovim tipkalom, a ja sam bio na straži uz kormilo.Literature Literature
Gabriella put the key card in the door, and the lock clicked.
Gabriella je stavila karticu u vrata, a brava je škljocnula.Literature Literature
Click here to add a new key bindings scheme. You will be prompted for a name
Kliknite za dodavanje nove sheme povezivanja tipki. Potrebno je unijeti naziv nove shemeKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Click any button to change its key
Kliknite bilo koji gumb da biste promijenili njegovu tipkuKDE40.1 KDE40.1
I clicked the unlock button on the guard’s keys and followed the chirp to a late-model Volvo wagon.
Stisnuo sam tipku za otključavanje na stražarevu ključu i slijedio zvuk do novijeg modela karavana marke Volvo.Literature Literature
Click here to remove the selected key bindings scheme. You cannot remove the standard system-wide schemes 'Current scheme ' and 'KDE default '
Kliknite za uklanjanje odabrane sheme povezivanja tipki. Standardne sheme sustava poput " Trenutna shema " i " KDE zadana " ne možete uklonitiKDE40.1 KDE40.1
150 sinne gevind in 27 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.