key slot oor Kroaties

key slot

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Put you key in this slot here.
Stavite ključ u ovu bravu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Grady was leaning forward, fighting to jab his key into the slot beneath the steering wheel.
Grady se nagnuo naprijed, pokušavajući ugurati ključ u bravu ispod upravljača.Literature Literature
As he tried to stick his key in the slot, I pulled at his arm.
Dok je pokušavao ugurati ključ u bravu, povukao sam ga za ruku.Literature Literature
Once I insert that key into the slot I'm convinced the answers will be revealed to me.
Kada ubacim ključ u otvor... uvjeren sam da će mi se odgovor otkriti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I found the key in the slot, first time I came here.”
Ključ sam našla u vratima kad sam prvi put bila ovdje.""Literature Literature
One of the agents put a card key into a slot on the control panel and punched the 9 button.
Jedan od agenata stavio je elektronsku karticu u utor na kontrolnoj ploči i udario tipku 9.Literature Literature
He pushed his key card into the slot.
Gurnuo je karticu za otključavanje u otvor.Literature Literature
“God-pounding key, right here and now,” Wolf said, and a key rattled into a slot, rattled out.
"""Zabijeni kljuĉ, sad i odmah"", reĉe Vuk, i kljuĉ je zaklopotao u kljuĉanici, isklopotao iz nje."Literature Literature
He locks the door, then leaves the keys in the mail slot beside it.
Zaključa vrata i ostavi ključeve u poštanskom sandučiću kraj njih.Literature Literature
He stuck the key card into the slot on the entrance gate and waited for the gate to rise.
Gurnuo je karticu za otključavanje ulaznih vrata u prorez i čekao da se rampa podigne.Literature Literature
Returning after an eventful day, Clark inserted the key card in the slot on the door and twisted the knob.
Vrativši se nakon dana prepunog događaja, Clark je umetnuo elektroničku karticu u otvor i otvorio vrata.Literature Literature
It’s held shut with a padlock with no discernible slot for a key.
Zatvorena je lokotom koji nema nikakav vidljivi otvor za ključ.Literature Literature
Well, maybe not the palace, but according to the riddles, inside of the temple is a slot for your key.
Pa, možda ne palača,, ali prema zagonetkama, unutar hrama je utor za svoj ključ.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To unlock the door, the bolt string colored purple, is threaded through the key peg which is then slotted through the keyhole.
Da bi se oključala vrata, uzica Ijubičaste boje je provučena kroz klin koji je onda provučen kroz ključanicu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The key had been left in the slot where it had been used to release the prisoner from the bed.
Ključ je bio ostavljen u bravici pri oslobađanju zatvorenika s kreveta.Literature Literature
Given that key contenders for both slots on the ticket aren't able to be on the floor today, the Rules Committee has advised that we should wait for their return before any further votes are held.
Budući da ključni kandidati za oba mjesta na listiću nisu u mogućnosti prisustvovati glasanju, Pravilnički odbor savjetuje da se pričeka njihov povratak prije nego se bilo kakvo glasanje održi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Virginia then turned both keys, and slid the box two inches from its slot.
Virginia okrene oba ključa i izvuče kutiju nekoliko centimetara iz proreza.Literature Literature
But in my dream I take the key and I put it in the slot in the cave wall... then there's this bright light.
Ali u snu uzimam ključ i stavljam ga u ležište u zidu pećine onda se pojavi jako svijetlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Just because you have a key-card, doesn't mean you can stick it in any slot you want!
Samo zato što imaš ključ-karticu, ne znači da ju možeš koristiti za svaku bravu koju želiš otvoriti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
KEY to America has become a leader in our time slot, and I intend it to stay that way.
Emisija KEY to America je postala vodeća u našem terminu i namjeravam da to tako i ostane.Literature Literature
He gave me my key and a small paper cup full of nickels for the slot machines near the door.
Pružio mi je ključ i papirnatu čašu punu kovanica za automate pokraj vrata.Literature Literature
(8) A headlamp is regarded as satisfying the requirements of this paragraph if the filament lamp can be easily fitted into the headlamp and the feather keys can be correctly fitted into their slots even in darkness.
(8) Smatra se da glavno svjetlo udovoljava zahtjevima ovog stavka ako se električna žarulja može lako montirati u glavno svjetlo, a klinovi ispravno montirati na njihove proreze čak i u mraku.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(7) A headlamp is regarded as satisfying the requirements of this paragraph if the filament lamp can be easily fitted into the headlamp and the feather keys can be correctly fitted into their slots even in darkness.
(7) Smatra se da glavno svjetlo ispunjava zahtjeve ovog stavka ako se žarulja sa žarnom niti može lako pričvrstiti u to glavno svjetlo i ako se krilca mogu ispravno namjestiti u odgovarajuće otvore, čak i u mraku.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Windows that don't open, multi-user linens keys shaped like credit cards. As if one walks around with unassigned slots in one's wallet.
Prozori se ne daju otvoriti, tuđa posteljina, ključevi u obliku kartice, kao da ljudi imaju slobodne pretince u novčaniku.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Plutarch pulls a key attached to a thin chain from under his shirt and inserts it into a slot I hadn‘t noticed before.
Plutarch ispod košulje izvuče ključ pričvršćen za tanki lanac i utakne ga u prorez koji prije nisam primijetila.Literature Literature
39 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.