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Those exchanges necessarily lead to adjustments on both sides.
Ti kontakti nužno dovode do prilagodbi i s jedne i s druge strane.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Increased light inevitably leads to adjustments in the way in which we ‘sing the truth.’
Zbog jačeg duhovnog svjetla bilo je potrebno promijeniti tekstove naših pjesama.jw2019 jw2019
Switzerland aims to become a blockchain hub and is leading in adjusting regulations to these technologies.
Švicarska namjerava postati središte tehnologije ulančanih blokova i predvodnik je kada je posrijedi prilagodba propisa toj tehnologiji.worldbank.org worldbank.org
The production of crude steel and worldwide market shares of the European steel sector are in decline, leading to adjustment processes that impact on businesses and employment;
Proizvodnja sirovog čelika i tržišni udjeli europskog sektora čelika na svjetskoj razini se smanjuju, što dovodi do procesa prilagodbe za poduzeća i zaposlenike;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The VAT and GNI balances and adjustments lead to a modification on the revenue side of the budget.
Salda i usklađenja PDV-a i BND-a dovode do izmjena u prihodovnoj strani proračuna.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) To what did this lead, but what adjustment was made in later decades?
b) Do čega je to dovelo i što se moglo utvrditi u posljednjim desetljećima?jw2019 jw2019
The results of these exercises, which shall be communicated to the Joint Monitoring Committee and the Managing Authority of the programme, may lead to adjustments in the programme.
Rezultati tih aktivnosti, koji se priopćuju zajedničkom odboru za praćenje i upravljačkom tijelu, mogu dovesti do prilagodbe programa.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Even if the economic literature concludes that the overall results of trade liberalisation are positive, some sectors are affected negatively, leading to adjustment costs, income degradation and job losses.
Iako se u ekonomskoj literaturi zaključno navodi da su ukupni rezultati liberalizacije trgovine pozitivni, na neke je sektore trgovina negativno utjecala, što je dovelo do troškova prilagodbe, degradacije prihoda i gubitka radnih mjesta.not-set not-set
They therefore put forth little effort to adjust, leading to frustration both for them and for those who deal with them.”
Oni se zato ne trude mnogo kako bi se prilagodili, što vodi do osjećaja izigranosti i kod njih i kod onih koji s njima kontaktiraju.”jw2019 jw2019
Moreover, the European biodiesel producers consider that the original price adjustment, leading to a 4 % undercutting, properly reflected the competitive relationship.
Osim toga, europski proizvođači biodizela smatraju da se u početnoj prilagodbi cijene, koja je dovela do sniženja od 4 %, na odgovarajući način odrazio konkurentski odnos.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
That is expected to lead to the adjustment of fishing opportunities for the stocks covered by the landing obligation in 2015.
Očekuje se da će to dovesti do korekcije ribolovnih mogućnosti za stokove obuhvaćene obvezom istovara u 2015.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission notes also that the adjustment plan leads in practice to an adjustment for Category C end-consumers who do not qualify as electro-intensive users in 2016.
Komisija isto tako napominje da plan prilagodbe u praksi dovodi do prilagodbe za krajnje potrošače kategorije C koji se 2016. ne smatraju velikim potrošačima električne energije.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
- Companies: The combination of options will lead to adjustment costs (€3 bn), administrative costs (€ 109 bn), costs due to benefit payments (€ 27 bn), recruitment costs (€7 bn) and costs due lost production (€144 bn).
– poduzeća: kombinacija opcija prouzročit će troškove prilagodbe (3 milijarde EUR), administrativne troškove (109 milijardi EUR), troškove naknada (27 milijardi EUR), troškove povezane sa zapošljavanjem (7 milijardi EUR) i troškove izazvane gubitkom proizvodnje (144 milijarde EUR).eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
If appropriate, this may lead to an adjustment to the quantitative Model assessment to reflect the final assessment of the country credit risk.
Ako je potrebno, to bi moglo dovesti do prilagodbe ocjene kvantitativnog modela koja odražava konačnu ocjenu kreditnog rizika zemlje.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
However, using these factors without adjustment leads to a reference value for the n-factor that is considerably lower than the current value.
Međutim, uporaba tih faktora bez prilagodbe rezultira referentnom vrijednosti faktora „n” koja je znatno niža od sadašnje vrijednosti.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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