minaret oor Kroaties


the tall slender tower of an Islamic mosque, from which the muezzin recites the adhan (call to prayer)

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mosque tower
Here they built a giant minaret, which doubled as a tower of victory.
Ovdje su podigli ogromni minaret koji je služio i kao toranj pobjede.


mosque tower


mosque tower


distinctive architectural feature of mosques
The Jumaia Mosque with its minaret and sundial still stands as a reminder of that time.
Minaret i sunčani sat na džamiji Džumaji i danas podsjećaju na to povijesno razdoblje.

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The Jumaia Mosque with its minaret and sundial still stands as a reminder of that time.
Minaret i sunčani sat na džamiji Džumaji i danas podsjećaju na to povijesno razdoblje.jw2019 jw2019
But in today 's technologically advanced times, even the muezin 's voice calling from the minaret has been replaced with high quality sound-reproducing devices
Ali u današnjim tehnološki naprednim vremenima, čak je i mujezinov glas koji poziva s minareta zamijenjen visoko kvalitetnom opremom za reprodukciju zvukaSetimes Setimes
During 2018, the main achievements were the completion of the conservation works for the Minaret of Camii-Kebir and the Hamam in Paphos, Tuzla mosque in Larnaca and Agia Triada archaeological site, and Agios Philon conservation of the archaeological site in Karpasia/Karpaz.
Tijekom 2018. glavni uspjesi bili su dovršetak konzervatorskih radova na minaretu džamije Kebir i hamamu u Paphosu, na džamiji Tuzla u Larnaki i na arheološkom nalazištu Agia Triada te konzervatorskih radova na arheološkom nalazištu Agios Philon na lokalitetu Karpasia/Karpaz.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
He hoped that this minaret would become a monument for the city, and attract people to this forgotten place of Tunisia.
Nadao se da će minaret postati gradski spomenik, i da će privući ljude u ovaj zaboravljeni dio Tunisa.ted2019 ted2019
Campaign posters of the far-right Swiss People 's Party, which supported the ban on building new minarets, plaster the central station in Zurich. [ Getty Images ]
Izborni plakati ekstremne desničarske Švicarske narodne stranke, koji su podržavali zabranu gradnje novih minareta, oblijepljeni su posvuda na središnjoj postaji u Zurichu. [ Getty Images ]Setimes Setimes
The referendum does n't affect existing minarets in the country, or hinder Muslims from practicing their religion, however, many experts have spoken out against it, saying it violates religious freedoms
Referendum nema utjecaja na postojeće minarete u zemlji i ne priječi muslimanima prakticiranje njihove vjere, ali mnogi su se stručnjaci izjasnili protiv njega, rekavši kako narušava vjerske slobodeSetimes Setimes
The towers are designed as working minarets, a traditional element of mosques, a place for a muezzin to call the Islamic faithful to prayer.
Služe kao tradicionalni element džamije, odnosno kao mjesto s kojeg mujezin poziva muslimane na molitvu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Secure that minaret.
Osigurajte minaret.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Here they built a giant minaret, which doubled as a tower of victory.
Ovdje su podigli ogromni minaret koji je služio i kao toranj pobjede.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The minarets of three mosques were toppled
Minareti triju džamija srušili su seSetimes Setimes
The state is predominantly Muslim, and Gobarau Minaret is an important building.
Simbol grada je minaret Gobarau, primjer muslimanske arhitekture.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Oh, this white minaret.
O, onaj bijeli minaret?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Officials in Turkey have spoken out against Switzerland 's referendum, which prohibits new minarets from being built
Turski su se dužnosnici izjasnili protiv švicarskog referenduma, koji zabranjuje gradnju novih minaretaSetimes Setimes
This is the minaret of Al-Hussein mosque.
To je minaret džamije Al-Hussein.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Each minaret is effectively divided into three equal parts by two balconies that ring the tower.
Svaki od minareta je učinkovito podijeljen na tri jednaka dijela, postavljanjem dvaju balkona koji okružuju toranj.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No religious insignia were permitted —no crosses or icons, no mosques or minarets.
Bilo je uklonjeno sve što je imalo veze s religijom — svi križevi, slike, kipovi, džamije, minareti.jw2019 jw2019
And just as we walked past the ancient temple, she pointed out this little tower... and said, " That's the Minaret of the Bride. "
Dok smo prolazili pored starog hrama, pokazala je na malu kulu i rekla, " to je mladin minaret ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
By 1913, the population of Orsk was over 21,000, and by 1917 there were eleven churches and minarets, and sixteen educational facilities of various types and levels.
Godine 1917. bilo je 11 crkava i minareta te 16 obrazovnih ustanova različitih vrsta i razina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
King Mohammed VI ordered the minaret be rebuilt according to historical specifications, and has ordered that all old mosques be appraised for structural stability.
Kralj Muhamed VI. je naručio obnovu minareta u povijesnom obliku.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
4 In Islāmic countries, you can hear the voices of the muezzins, the Muslim criers who make the call from minarets five times a day, summoning the faithful to the ṣalāt, or ritual prayer.
4 U islamskim zemljama možeš čuti glas mujezinâ, muslimanskih pozivara, koji pozivaju s minaretâ pet puta na dan, okupljajući vjernike na namaz, ili obrednu molitvu.jw2019 jw2019
The tower has been compared to a minaret.
Crkvi u Zvorniku je dograđen minaret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I'd like to see all those glistening white domes and minarets.
Kako bih voleo da vidim sve te kupole i sjajne minarete.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Ehrenhalt’s on the minaret,” she admitted.
-Ehrenhalt je na minaretu - priznala je.Literature Literature
The Islamic community wanted to move the church, rejecting other proposals, such as setting aside land nearby for a new mosque or simply grafting a minaret onto the existing building to transform it
Islamska zajednica željela je premjestiti crkvu, odbijajući bilo kakav drugi prijedlog, kao što je određivanje druge parcele u blizini za izgradnju nove džamije ili jednostavno dograđivanje minareta na postojeću crkvu u cilju njezine preobrazbeSetimes Setimes
A sniper on the minaret could easily target anyone emerging from the other exits of Berthwick House.
Snajperist s minareta mogao bi lako naciljati bilo koga tko se pojavi na drugim izlazima iz Berthwick Housea.Literature Literature
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