misrule oor Kroaties


/mɪsˈɹuːl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(nonstandard) A bad or unwise rule.

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If I could bring it to Thessaly, it would inspire the people and wipe out the years of misrule.
Kad bih to donio u Tesaliju, nadahnulo bi ljude i izbrisalo godine nereda.

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It is also the agency by which misrule of this earth will be terminated, thus restoring justice and peace to man’s home, the earth, as well as everlasting vitality to its inhabitants. —Psalm 37:29; Matthew 6:9, 10.
Ono je i sredstvo kojim će loša vladavina na ovoj Zemlji biti okončana, čime će se obnoviti pravda i mir na čovjekovom domu, Zemlji, kao i vječna vitalnost njenih stanovnika (Psalam 37:29; Matej 6:9, 10).jw2019 jw2019
Human misrule of the earth becomes a hodgepodge of harsh dictatorships and more pliable democratic forms of government.
Ljudsko bezakonje (loša vladavina) nad Zemljom pretvorila se u mješavinu stroge diktature i popustljivijih demokratskih oblika vladavine.jw2019 jw2019
Common Position 2006/318/CFSP therefore provided for the maintenance of the restrictive measures against the military regime in Burma/Myanmar, those who benefit most from its misrule and those who actively frustrate the process of national reconciliation, respect for human rights and democracy.
Zajedničkim stajalištem 2006/318/ZVSP je stoga predviđeno održavanje mjera ograničavanja protiv vojnog režima u Burmi/Mjanmaru, protiv onih koji imaju najviše koristi od zloporabe vladavine i protiv onih koji aktivno onemogućuju proces nacionalne pomirbe, poštovanje ljudskih prava i demokraciju.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This breed, Anglo-ascendants for the most part, had been moved to outrage over the centuries of British misrule.
Većinom su bile engleskog podrijetla, podbodene stoljećima nepravedne britanske vladavine.Literature Literature
My champion Thomas drew the long straw and presided over the celebrations as the Lord of Misrule.
Moj junak Thomas izvukao je najdužu slamku i predsjedavao je svečanošću kao lord Nered.Literature Literature
Your epoch of greed has gone on for three hundred and ten infamous years of classic misrule and classic injustice.
Vaše razdoblje pohlepe traje već tristo i deset sramotnih godina savršene zloupotrebe upravljanja i nepravde bez uzora.Literature Literature
But the Emperor's misrule was antagonizing the local lords and depleting public funds.
No car je loše vladao, svađao se s mjesnom gospodom, otimao novac iz javne blagajne.Literature Literature
This heavenly government in the hands of Christ is the new arrangement that will replace the divisive, selfish elite classes that have misruled mankind for millenniums.
Ova nebeska vladavina u rukama Krista je novo uređenje koje će zamijeniti razdjeljujuće, sebične elitne klase koje su tisućljećima pogrešno vodile čovječanstvo.jw2019 jw2019
the Council considers it fully justified to maintain the restrictive measures against the military regime in Burma/Myanmar, those who benefit most from its misrule, and those who actively frustrate the process of national reconciliation, respect for human rights and democracy.
Vijeće smatra kako je u potpunosti opravdano zadržati mjere ograničavanja protiv vojnog režima u Burmi/Mjanmaru, onih koji imaju najviše koristi od bezakonja te onih koji aktivno ometaju proces nacionalne pomirbe, poštivanje ljudskih prava i demokraciju.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Only rule by Jehovah God, the Creator of the universe, can solve the problems caused by thousands of years of human misrule and mismanagement.
Samo vlast Jehove Boga, Stvoritelja svemira, može riješiti probleme koje su prouzročile tisuće godina ljudske pogrešne vladavine i pogrešnog upravljanja.jw2019 jw2019
If I could bring it to Thessaly, it would inspire the people and wipe out the years of misrule.
Kad bih to donio u Tesaliju, nadahnulo bi ljude i izbrisalo godine nereda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(Ecclesiastes 8:9; Jeremiah 10:23) The modern problem of pollution, in all its forms, is a consequence of human misrule.
Suvremeni problem zagađenosti, u svim svojim oblicima, posljedica je čovjekova neispravna vladanja.jw2019 jw2019
12 In place of the scorching sun of misrule and oppression by Satan, the mimic god, Jehovah of armies promises that ‘to those who are in fear of my name the sun of righteousness will certainly shine forth, with healing in its wings (or, rays).’
12 Jehova nad vojskama obećava, da će umjesto žestokog sunca loše vladavine i tlačenja Sotone, lažnog boga, “onima koji se boje imena mojega granuti sunce pravde, i zdravlje će biti na zracima njegovim” (Malahija 4:2, ST).jw2019 jw2019
To show that the Bible is trustworthy and inspired of God and that its message is one of hope for an end to the suffering caused by human misrule.
Pokazati da je Biblija vjerodostojna i nadahnuta od Boga te da pruža nadu u to da će doći kraj patnjama koje uzrokuju loše ljudske vlasti.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah has permitted mankind to experiment with every form of government, but he does not approve of corruption or the way governments have misruled the people.
Jehova još uvijek dopušta ljudima da isprobavaju različite oblike vladanja, ali ne odobrava pokvarenost niti zloupotrebu vlasti nad ljudima (Mudre izreke 22:22, 23).jw2019 jw2019
24 When the war at Armageddon is finished, Satan, the wicked instigator of man’s misrule of the earth, will himself be seized, bound and hurled into the abyss “for a thousand years.”
24 Kada prođe harmagedonski rat, bit će Sotona, koji je odgovoran za poticanje ljudskog bezakonja na zemlji, uhvaćen, svezan i bačen u bezdan “na tisuću godina”.jw2019 jw2019
"In Christianity, the ""true"" king is revealed to be his own blasphemy, a Lord of Misrule, a fool."
U kršćanstvu »pravi« kralj se pokazuje kao svoja vlastita blasfemija, kao Vladar Nereda, luda.Literature Literature
10 The worldly nations have a shocking record of misrule, and they have rejected God’s righteous Kingdom by his Christ.
10 Svjetske nacije imaju za sobom strašnu prošlost, loše vladavine i odbacile su pravedno Božje Kraljevstvo pod Kristom.jw2019 jw2019
Conditions in the 1820’s worsened to the point that “Christmas misrule” became “an acute social threat,” says Professor Nissenbaum.
Uvjeti su se 1820-ih toliko pogoršali da je “božićna anarhija” postala “jaka socijalna prijetnja”, kaže profesor Nissenbaum.jw2019 jw2019
And immediately thereafter I was assigned to the corps of the Melchizedek receivership of Urantia, assuming jurisdiction over the loyal seraphic orders on the world of the traitorous Caligastia, who had proclaimed his sphere a member of the newly projected system of ‘liberated worlds and emancipated personalities’ proposed in the infamous Declaration of Liberty issued by Lucifer in his call to the ‘liberty-loving, free-thinking, and forward-looking intelligences of the misruled and maladministered worlds of Satania.’”
I odmah nakon toga bio sam pripojen korpusu Melkizedeka-primatelja Urantije, gdje sam preuzeo sudbenu nadležnost nad odanim skupinama serafina na svijetu izdajnika Kaligastije koji je proglasio svoj svijet pripadnikom novostvorenog sustava 'oslobođenih svjetova i emancipiranih ličnosti' u svojoj neslavnoj Deklaraciji Nezavisnosti upućenoj 'ljubiteljima slobode, slobodoumnim i progresivnim inteligencijama svjetova Satanije koja je bila pod lošom i neuspjelom administratiOvaj je anđeo još u službi na Urantiji, gdje radi kao suradnik serafinskog šefa.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
And immediately thereafter I was assigned to the corps of the Melchizedek receivership of Urantia, assuming jurisdiction over the loyal seraphic orders on the world of the traitorous Caligastia, who had proclaimed his sphere a member of the newly projected system of `liberated worlds and emancipated personalities’ proposed in the infamous Declaration of Liberty issued by Lucifer in his call to the `liberty-loving, free-thinking, and forward-looking intelligences of the misruled and maladministered worlds of Satania.'»
I odmah nakon toga bio sam pripojen korpusu Melkizedeka-primatelja Urantije, gdje sam preuzeo sudbenu nadležnost nad odanim skupinama serafina na svijetu izdajnika Kaligastije koji je proglasio svoj svijet pripadnikom novostvorenog sustava 'oslobođenih svjetova i emancipiranih ličnosti' u svojoj neslavnoj Deklaraciji Nezavisnosti upućenoj 'ljubiteljima slobode, slobodoumnim i progresivnim inteligencijama svjetova Satanije koja je bila pod lošom i neuspjelom administrativnom upravom."ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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