national liberalism oor Kroaties

national liberalism

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

Nacionalni liberalizam

variant of liberalism, combining liberal policies and issues with elements of nationalism

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National Liberation Front
Fronta narodnog oslobođenja
national liberation movement
pokret za nacionalno oslobođenje


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National liberation would glimmer over the horizon with the sun.
Nacionalno osloboñenje zasjat će na obzoru zajedno s izlaskom sunca.Literature Literature
He's linked to over 30 National Liberation Movement actions over the past decade.
On je povezan s više od 30 NOP aktivnosti u proteklom desetljeću.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We're here in representation of the committee of national liberation.
Ovdje smo kao prerdtavnici komiteta nacionalnog oslobođenja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The committee of national liberation has taken the power, above all as regards public order.
Komitet je preuzeo vlast... i nadasve poštuje javni red.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
National liberation as objective is one thing, the methods and popular components of the struggle are another.
Nacionalno oslobođenje kao cilj nije isto što i metode i sa držaj koje narod daje toj borbi.Literature Literature
Well, the struggle for national liberation was not conducted for their entertainment.
Jasno, borba za nacionalno osloboñenje nije se vodila radi njihove zabave.Literature Literature
The Bucharest branch of the National Liberal Party is considering withdrawing from the government and joining the opposition
Bukureštanski odbor Nacionalno liberalne stranke razmišlja o povlačenju iz vlade i priključenju oporbiSetimes Setimes
The main opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) is expected to hover somewhere around # %
Vodeća oporbena stranka, Nacionalno liberalna stranka (PNL) kretat će se, kako se očekuje, negdje oko # postoSetimes Setimes
Two hundred heavily armed separatists from the National Liberation Front attacked the city of Zamboanga.
200 naoružanih separatista iz Fronte nacionalnog oslobođenja napali su grad Zamboanga.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We established production for consumption by the people and the units of the national liberation army.
Stvo rili smo potrošačku proizvodnju za narod i za jedinice narodnooslobodilačke vojske.Literature Literature
We' re here in representation of the committee of national liberation
Ovdje smo kao prerdtavnici komiteta nacionalnog oslobođenjaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Ho Chi Minh had called his movement the National Liberation Front.
Ho-Ši-Min je svoj pokret prozvao Nacionalnom oslobodilačkom frontom (NLF).Literature Literature
The main option for a political compromise seems to be an agreement with the National Liberal Party
Glavna opcija za politički kompromis, po svemu sudeći, je sporazum s Nacionalno liberalnom strankomSetimes Setimes
At the intersection you will see the monument to the fi ghters of the NOB ( National Liberation Battle ) .
Na raskrižju se nalazi spomenik borcima NOB- a , a lijevo se asfaltirana cesta odvaja za Pogančec .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The committee of national liberation has taken the power, above all as regards public order
Komitet je preuzeo vlast... i nadasve poštuje javni redopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The struggle for national liberation is not a question of bridging the gap in one giant stride.
Borba za narodno oslobođenje ne sastoji se u tome da se određeni prostor svlada jednim zamahom.Literature Literature
Deputy Chairman, Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans, Zanu-PF militia leader
Zamjenik predsjednika, Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans, vođa milicije Zanu-PF-aEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This organization, the National Liberation Front, represented a wide range of political, ethnic and religious groups.
Ova organizacija, Nacionalni oslobodilački front, uključivala je političke, etničke i religiozne grupe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The struggle for national liberation was linked to a cultural phenomenon commonly known as the awakening of Islam.
Borba za nacionalno oslobođenje bila je popraćena pojavom po znatom pod imenom buđenja islama.Literature Literature
It's a great honor to introduce Mr. Toledo and Mr.Jonas... from the National Liberation Group.
Velika mi je čast predstaviti g. Toleda i g. Jonasa... iz Nacionalne oslobodilačke grupe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Following national liberation they are urged to fight against poverty, illiteracy, and underdevelopment.
Nakon nacionalnog oslobođenja poziva ga se u borbu protiv bijede, nepismenosti, zaostalosti.Literature Literature
It completes the dialectic which governs the development of an armed struggle for national liberation.
Ona je samo potvrda one dijalektike koja je prethodila razvitku oružane borbe nacionalnog oslobođenja.Literature Literature
The four cases involve members and leaders of the former ethnic Albanian rebel force, the National Liberation Army
Ova četiri slučaja uključuju pripadnike i čelnike bivših pobunjeničkih snaga lokalnih Albanaca, Oslobodilačke nacionalne vojske (NLASetimes Setimes
The condition for its existence is therefore national liberation and the renaissance of the state.
Nuždan uvjet kulture jest, dakle, na cionalno oslobođenje i uspostavljanje države.Literature Literature
Photo Credits: Page 168: Franc Drozg, letter; Photo Archive-Museum of National Liberation Maribor, Slovenia
Fotografije: stranica 168: Franc Drozg i pismo — arhiv Muzeja narodnog oslobođenja (Maribor)jw2019 jw2019
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