non-Albanian oor Kroaties


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This means that the non-Albanian communities have been granted substantial powers
Ovo znači kako su nealbanskim zajednicama dodijeljene znatne ovlasti

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This means that the non-Albanian communities have been granted substantial powers
Mi nismo mala organizacija s dva čovjekaSetimes Setimes
The plan includes specific representation mechanisms meant to safeguard and encourage the participation of non-Albanians in public institutions
Smetnje su još jakeSetimes Setimes
Twenty seats have been set aside for non-Albanian communities-- ten for the Serb community and ten for other communities
Ne bih vam se nikad ispričalaSetimes Setimes
The plan " is considerably catering to the non-Albanian communities and their lives in Kosovo after the status is defined ", he said
Hoćeš li vino ili nešto drugo?Setimes Setimes
The prosecutor 's office says it suspects that as many as # people were subjected to organ harvesting-- about # erbs and # other non-Albanians
Jer više nećeš besplatno živjeti ovdjeSetimes Setimes
" The very right to survival of Serbs and non-Albanians, a definite minority in the province, has been threatened, " the AP quoted her as saying
Nastavi pisatiSetimes Setimes
" Article # of the census law stipulates a $ # fee for all who will declare themselves non-Albanian if they were not entered as such in the registers
Moja tajnica će platiti računSetimes Setimes
Officials say the group allegedly had " detailed plans for terrorist attacks... aimed at intimidating the non-Albanian population " in a southwestern region close to neighbouring Albania. [ SETimes ]
Šta se dešava?Mogu li da razgovaram sa Tommyjem, molim te?Setimes Setimes
" Frequent attempts to portray Kosovo as a place where non-Albanians, in particular the Kosovo Serbs, are under constant attack and daily victims of ethnic crimes are completely unjustified
Očistite # bloka u krugu...Neka bude deset, bolje.... specijalne jedinice, kapetan Kyle Steele... hoću pola milje čisto oko kuće...... Tko si sad ti?Setimes Setimes
The two sides failed to come to an agreement on the number of non-Albanian communities that would be given a degree of autonomy under a roadmap for Kosovo
Hoće li Trn Vila doći ako budem plakala?Setimes Setimes
Along the lines of the Badinter principle, Ahtisaari even suggests that certain laws only be enacted with the approval of the majority of non-Albanian representatives in the Kosovo Assembly
Nađi se sa mnom u tvom uredu za # minutaSetimes Setimes
Thaci: The institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, all political parties, Albanian and non-Albanian in Kosovo, are for our country 's sovereignty and enforcement of the rule of law
Vrlo jako osiguranjeSetimes Setimes
" A second TV channel for the Serb community and other communities would be good news for the non-Albanian communities in Kosovo; it would recreate a sense of community within Kosovo
Jebote, on je rekao što sam ja rekao!Setimes Setimes
Kostunica aide and Minister for Kosovo and Metohija Slobodan Samardzic said Serbs and other non-Albanians loyal to Serbia " have acquired democratically elected representatives and governing bodies " with the new parliament
Drugi će otići sa stadom i svim ostalimSetimes Setimes
In addition, the Serbian negotiators will insist on ensuring civil and human rights for the non-Albanian minority in Kosovo, as well as on protection for Serbian churches and other cultural monuments
Za to sam, kapetane, koliko ljudi će Vam trebati?Setimes Setimes
Djukanovic said he joined Tadic 's appeal because " the logic of obstruction of elections and self-isolation was not good and would not bring any benefits to the non-Albanian community in Kosovo. "
Ostanite na položajimaSetimes Setimes
" I explained the idea of decentralisation, that is the word that I am using, which is some sort of additional protection of the Serbian and non-Albanian population in Kosovo, " Kostunica told reporters
To će sniziti buku i biće vam prijatnoSetimes Setimes
The aim of the plan, code-named " Eagle Flight, " was to intimidate the non-Albanian population there and gain autonomy for the region, dominated by ethnic Albanians, the AP quoted the prosecutor as saying
Počneš piti i ne možeš statiSetimes Setimes
SETimes: What point has been reached in the process of transferring KFOR 's responsibilities to the local police, especially with regard to protection of Serbian and non-Albanian religious shrines and other cultural heritage?
U ringu, Draba, da li su ikad stavili nož protiv koplja?Setimes Setimes
" Serbia... expressed [ its ] expectation that the international civil presence in Kosovo will find a way to a lasting solution of problems that endanger the Serbs and other non-Albanian population in the province, " Bogdanovic said
Da, to je mobitel!Setimes Setimes
Pristina must implement broad measures to enhance the welfare of Kosovo Serbs, as well as other non-Albanian communities, through decentralisation of local government, constitutional guarantees and protection of cultural and religious heritage, the document says
Neka Bobby podjeli s njimSetimes Setimes
" As long as it is possible, current KFOR numbers should be kept, having in mind that Serbs and other non-Albanians have the greatest confidence in KFOR when it comes to the security structures in Kosovo, " Sutanovac said
Odvlači nas vučna zrakaSetimes Setimes
The plan involves the creation of # new non-Albanian municipalities that have competency in the areas of education, health care, the media, social affairs, economy and privatisation, the judiciary--up to the level of the municipal court-- and policing
Dozvoli udaljenom korisniku da & kontroliar tipkovnicu i mišaSetimes Setimes
" If the government in Pristina will not uphold this important element of the Ahtisaari Plan, then it is hard to expect that it will uphold the other safeguards provided, which will breed further mistrust amongst Kosovo 's Serbs and other non-Albanian populations
To, frajeru.Idemo, kaubojiSetimes Setimes
" To protect the rights of Kosovo non-Albanian communities in the legislative process, the settlement also provides that certain enumerated laws may only be enacted if a majority of the Kosovo non-Albanian members of the Assembly agree to their adoption, " Ahtisaari said
Ima li išta zbog čega bi želio živjeti?Setimes Setimes
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