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‘2) Notarial procedures, as non-contentious civil procedures, shall have effects similar to those of judicial proceedings.
„2) Javnobilježnički postupak kao građanski izvanparnični postupak ima jednake učinke kao i sudski postupak.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
That procedure is governed by Articles 36/A to 36/D of the Law on non-contentious notarial procedures.
Taj je postupak uređen člancima 36/A do 36/D Zakona o izvanparničnim javnobilježničkim postupcima.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In that context, the Court of Justice held that the Brussels I Regulation does not apply to such non-contentious proceedings.
Sud je ovdje odlučio da se Briselska uredba I ne primjenjuje na takav postupak dobrovoljne nadležnosti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Both ammedments are non-contentious and all Contracting Parties, including all the individual Member States that are parties to the Agreement support them.
Ni jedna od dvije izmjene nije sporna i podupiru ih sve ugovorne stranke, uključujući sve pojedinačne države članice koje su stranke Sporazuma.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The amendments are non-contentious and all Contracting Parties, including all the individual Member States that are parties to the Agreement, support them.
Izmjene nisu sporne i podupiru ih sve ugovorne stranke, uključujući sve pojedinačne države članice koje su stranke Sporazuma.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Tasked with the prevention of disputes through the implementation of non-contentious procedures, notaries are part of the system for the administration of justice.
Time što sprečava sporove provođenjem izvanparničnih postupaka, javni bilježnik je dio sustava sudovanja.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Pursuant to Article 13 § 2 of the Law on the Code of Civil Procedure, that provision also applies, by analogy, to cases examined in non-contentious proceedings.
Na temelju članka 13. stavka 2. Zakona o građanskom postupku, ta se odredba također analogijom primjenjuje u predmetima u okviru izvanparničnog postupka.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Such documentary evidence shall include the identification of the varieties concerned as initial and essentially derived, and the non-contentious acknowledgement by the other party or the final judgement.’
Dokumentarni dokazi obuhvaćaju označavanje sorti kao inicijalnih sorti i izvedenih sorti te neosporno priznanje druge stranke ili konačnu presudu.”EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Such documentary evidence shall include the identification of the varieties concerned as initial and essentially derived, and the non-contentious acknowledgement by the other party or the final judgement.
Dokumentarni dokazi obuhvaćaju označavanje sorti kao inicijalnih sorti i izvedenih sorti te neosporno priznanje druge stranke ili konačnu presudu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
40 Articles 36/E to 36/G of the Law on non-contentious notarial procedures govern notaries’ powers in respect of the maintenance of the register of declarations of partnership.
40 Članci 36/E do 36/G Zakona o izvanparničnim javnobilježničkim postupcima uređuju javnobilježničku nadležnost u području upravljanja registrom izjava o partnerstvu.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Given the preventive purpose and the non-contentious nature of the opinion procedure, the Court cannot be required to comply with such a delimitation of the request, whether deliberate or not.
Povelje. S obzirom na preventivan cilj postupka za donošenje mišljenja i njegov neparnični karakter, Sud nije dužan poštovati takvo ograničenje iz zahtjeva, bilo ono namjerno ili ne.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
They may not refuse a case which falls within their substantive competence and their actions, although carried out as part of non-contentious procedures, have the same effect as judicial decisions.
On ne može odbiti predmet za koji je stvarno nadležan i njegovi akti, koje donosi u izvanparničnim postupcima, proizvode iste učinke kao i sudska odluka.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The admissibility of the request for a preliminary ruling is also not precluded by the fact that the dispute in the main proceedings falls within the ambit of ‘non-contentious jurisdiction’.
Dopuštenosti zahtjeva za prethodnu odluku ne protivi se ni činjenica da se predmet glavnog postupka svrstava u tzv. „dobrovoljne nadležnosti“.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Thus, the Law on non-contentious notarial procedures provides that it is not possible to resort to the prior gathering of evidence if civil or criminal proceedings are pending in the case.
Tako Zakon o izvanparničnim javnobilježničkim postupcima određuje da nije moguće prethodno izvoditi dokaze ako je u glavnom predmetu u tijeku građanska parnica ili kazneni postupak.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The preliminary ruling procedure is a non-contentious proceeding designed to enable the Court of Justice to guide national courts on how to interpret EU law, so that they can apply it correctly.
Prethodni postupak izvanparnični je postupak osmišljen s ciljem omogućivanja Sudu da usmjerava nacionalne sudove u tumačenju prava EU-a kako bi ga ti sudovi mogli ispravno primjenjivati.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Those certificates are issued at the end of non-contentious proceedings and the decision to issue such a certificate contains only findings of fact and thus cannot acquire the force of res judicata.
Potonje se naime izdaju nakon izvanparničnog postupka, a odluka o izdavanju takve potvrde sadržava samo činjenice i stoga ne može postati pravomoćna.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
It is true that non-contentious proceedings of a non-judicial nature, such as where a national court exercises administrative authority, (5) do not, in principle, provide grounds for a request for a preliminary ruling.
Izvanparnični postupci koji nemaju narav suđenja – primjerice djelovanje nacionalnih sudova kao upravnih tijela(5) – u načelu doduše nisu povod zahtjevu za prethodnu odluku.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, in their view, non-contentious proceedings of the kind before the referring court are concerned with the ‘legal capacity of natural persons’, as referred to in Article 1(2)(a) of Regulation No 44/2001.
Osim toga, oni smatraju da se izvanparnični postupak, kao što je ovaj u predmetu u glavnom postupku odnosi na pravnu sposobnost fizičkih osoba u smislu članka 1. stavka 2. točke (a) Uredbe br. 44/2001.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
37 The notary also plays a role in the procedure for the annulment of negotiable instruments and lost, stolen or destroyed certificates, governed by Articles 28 to 36 of the Law on non-contentious notarial procedures.
37 Javni bilježnik važan je i u okviru postupka amortizacije izgubljenih, ukradenih ili uništenih vrijednosnih papira i potvrda, koji je uređen člancima 28. do 36. Zakona o izvanparničnim javnobilježničkim postupcima.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
93 With respect, ninth, to notaries’ role in dissolving registered partnerships, Hungary observes that they dissolve registered partnerships on the basis of the mutual agreement of the parties in the context of a non-contentious procedure.
93 Kao deveto, kad je riječ o ulozi javnog bilježnika u području raskida registriranog partnerstva, Mađarska napominje da on raskida registrirano partnerstvo na temelju zajedničkog pristanka stranaka u izvanparničnom postupku.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
According to the relevant provisions of the Law on non-contentious notarial procedures, it is not possible to resort to the prior gathering of evidence if civil or criminal proceedings are pending in the case at issue.
U skladu s relevantnim odredbama Zakona o izvanparničnim javnobilježničkim postupcima, nije moguće prethodno izvoditi dokaze ako je u glavnom predmetu u tijeku parnica ili kazneni postupak.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
2 The request has been made in non-contentious proceedings brought by Mr Schneider – a Hungarian national who has been placed under guardianship – for authorisation to sell his share of a property situated in the Republic of Bulgaria.
2 Zahtjev je postavljen u okviru izvanparničnog postupka koji je pokrenuo gospodin Schneider, mađarski državljanin, stavljen u režim skrbništva, kako bi dobio ovlaštenje za prodaju dijela nekretnine čiji je vlasnik, a koja se nalazi na teritoriju Republike Bugarske.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(d) the decision which brought to an end the non-contentious proceedings referred to in Article 23(1) or the contentious proceedings referred to in Article 23(2), brought by the consumer or the credit institution, has become final.’
(d) je odluka kojom je završen nekontradiktorni postupak predviđen člankom 23. stavkom 1. ili kontradiktorni postupak predviđen člankom 23. stavkom 2., koji su pokrenuli potrošač ili kreditna institucija, postala konačna.”eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
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