number of sheep oor Kroaties

number of sheep

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broj ovaca

Between 1933 and 1947, the number of sheep declined by half (owing to war, rural flight, and sheep farming's labour-intensiveness).
Broj ovaca upola se smanjio između 1933. i 1947. (zbog rata, napuštanja ruralnih područja i intenzivnosti rada koju podrazumijeva uzgoj ovaca).

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The numbers of sheep and goats decreased by 9% while the numbers of cattle increased (+14%).
Broj ovaca i koza smanjio se za 9 %, dok se broj goveda povećao (+14 %).EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
In early times, man’s wealth was determined by the number of sheep or oxen he had.
U rana vremena, čovjekovo je bogatstvo bilo određeno brojem ovaca ili volova koje je imao.Literature Literature
The Ainu man became an able shepherd, and with each passing year the number of sheep and dogs increased.
Ainu čovjek je postao vješt ovčar, i sa svakom proteklom godinom broj ovaca i pasa se povećavao.Literature Literature
Gradually the number of sheep built up and the quality of the wool improved over pre-drought times, no mean feat.
Broj ovaca postepeno se povećavao, a vuna je po kvaliteti bila bolja nego prije suše, što nije bilo malo dostignuće.Literature Literature
Between 1933 and 1947, the number of sheep declined by half (owing to war, rural flight, and sheep farming's labour-intensiveness).
Broj ovaca upola se smanjio između 1933. i 1947. (zbog rata, napuštanja ruralnih područja i intenzivnosti rada koju podrazumijeva uzgoj ovaca).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
2 % of the total number of sheep and of goats (5 % where the sheep and the goat population is below 1 000 000 head).
2 % ukupnog broja ovaca i koza (5 % u slučaju kada populacija ovaca i koza iznosi manje od 1 000 000 grla).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(d) 2 % of the total number of sheep and of goats (5 % where the sheep and the goat population is below 1 000 000 head).
(d) 2 % ukupnog broja ovaca i koza (5 % u slučaju kada populacija ovaca i koza iznosi manje od 1 000 000 grla).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The gradual reduction in the number of sheep and goat farms since the specification was drawn up means it is difficult to find sheep and goat manure.
S obzirom na postupno smanjenje uzgoja ovaca i koza u odnosu na vrijeme kada je sastavljena specifikacija, ovčji i kozji gnoj sve je teže pronaći.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Now, if each farmer brings a certain number of sheep -- let's say three sheep -- the land will be rejuvenated, the farmers are happy, the sheep are happy, everything is good.
Sada, ako svaki farmer dovodi određeni broj ovaca -- recimo tri ovce -- zemljište će biti pomlađeno, farmeri sretni, ovce sretne, sve je dobro.ted2019 ted2019
In the past few years a number of sheep liver samples from various European countries were found to contain high concentrations of dioxins and PCBs although not being associated with specific contamination sources.
U proteklih su nekoliko godina u brojnim uzorcima ovčjih jetara iz raznih europskih zemalja utvrđene visoke koncentracije dioksina i PCB-ova, koje međutim nisu povezane s određenim izvorima kontaminacije.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The number of cattle did not change, while the number of sheep, pigs and poultry increased by 2 %, 18 % and 14 %, respectively in the period 2012 to 2015 compared to 2008 to 2011.
Broj grla goveda nije se promijenio, a broj ovaca povećao se za 2 %, broj svinja za 18 % te broj peradi za 14 % u razdoblju 2012.–2015. u odnosu na razdoblje 2008.–2011.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The numbers of cattle, sheep and goats remained stable.
Broj goveda, ovaca i koza ostao je stabilan.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
6 Some have suggested that the increasing great number of “other sheep” should partake of the emblems.
6 Neki su predložili da bi trebale uzimati simbole i “druge ovce” čiji je broj sve veći.jw2019 jw2019
No. 4: *td 25C Everlasting Life Promised to Unlimited Number of “Other Sheep
4: td 60E Vječni život obećan neograničenom broju ‘drugih ovacajw2019 jw2019
As a result, an increasing number of “other sheep” are now becoming worshipers of Jehovah.
Zbog toga sada sve veći broj ‘drugih ovaca’ postaje obožavateljima Jehove (Ivan 10:16).jw2019 jw2019
Every household that kept even a small number of sheep and cows made their own cheese products, including cheese strings (vojky) and braided whips (korbáčiky): ‘... in the cheese-making kitchen there would be a wood-burning stove.
Svako domaćinstvo koje je uzgajalo barem nekoliko ovaca i nekoliko krava proizvodilo je svoje vlastite sirne proizvode, među kojima vojky (niti) i korbáčiky (male bičeve): „...u kuhinjama gdje se pravio sir nalazila se peć na drva.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Like the 70 souls of Jacob’s household, the complete number of Jehovah’s “sheep” arrive in a good “land” —the spiritual paradise we now enjoy
Poput 70 duša Jakovljeva doma i potpuni broj Jehovinih “ovaca” dolazi u dobru “zemlju” — u duhovni raj kojem se mi sada radujemojw2019 jw2019
The physical characteristics of ‘Paški sir’ are its relatively small size and weight (maximum 3,5 kg), reflecting the traditional production method that has historically been used on family farms with a relatively small number of sheep and thus with limited daily quantities of milk to be used to make cheese.
Fizikalna svojstva „Paškog sira” očituju se u njegovim relativno malim dimenzijama i masi od najviše 3,5 kg, a odražavaju tradicijski način proizvodnje koja se povijesno odvijala na obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima s relativno malim brojem ovaca, a time i ograničenim dnevnim količinama mlijeka za sirenje.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(Micah 5:8) One writer who raised sheep for a number of years noted: “Sheep do not ‘just take care of themselves’ as some might suppose.
Jedan pisac koji je godinama uzgajao ovce rekao je: “Ovce se ne mogu brinuti same za sebe, kao što to neki misle.jw2019 jw2019
17 The growing number of prospective sheep count it a privilege to support Christ’s brothers not only in the preaching work but also in other practical ways.
17 Iz dana u dan raste broj onih koji se nadaju da će biti proglašeni “ovcama”. Za njih je velika čast podupirati Kristovu braću u propovijedanju, ali i na druge načine.jw2019 jw2019
Facing the growth of the cheap industrial clothing manufacturing , especially of clothes made of synthetic materials , and due to major sociological restructuring of our villages - young women moving to the city – as well as to impacts of the War of Independence , the number of sheep in the inland has decreased a lot while the situation on islands is a little bit better .
Pred najezdom jeftinije industrijske konfekcije , osobito one proizvedene iz umjetnih ( sintetičkih ) materijala , pred sociološkim mijenama našega sela , osobito odlaskom u gradove mlade ženske radne snage , te pred događajima što ih zovemo viša sila kao što je bio Domovinski rat , značajno se smanjio broj ovaca u unutrašnjosti i na svu sreću puno manje po našim otocima .hrenWaC hrenWaC
20. (a) How does the number of the “other sheep” compare with that of the remaining ones of the “little flock”?
20. a) Kakav je broj “drugih ovaca” u usporedbi s preostalima “malog stada”?jw2019 jw2019
For the purposes of checks on the restriction on purchasing feed from outside the farm, it is added that ‘the number of dairy sheep present corresponds to the number present at birth’.
U svrhu nadzora u pogledu ograničenja kupnje hrane izvan poljoprivrednog gospodarstva dodano je da „broj prisutnih mliječnih ovaca odgovara broju životinja prisutnih pri janjenju”.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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