numberless oor Kroaties


Without number; having too many to count.

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Sentient beings are numberless, and I vow to save them.
Uzvišena bića su bezbrojna i ja sam se zavjetovao da ih spasim.
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India, Syria, Persia and Egypt have all yielded numberless examples . . .
Bezbrojni primjerci potječu iz Indije, Sirije, Perzije i Egipta.jw2019 jw2019
Iridel dipped into one of his numberless pockets and pulled out a watch.
Iridel uvuče ruku ujedan od svojih bezbrojnih dţepova i izvuče sat.Literature Literature
Numberless have been the systems of iniquity contrived by the great for the gratification of this passion in themselves...
Nebrojeni su sustavi oličenja nejednakosti zahvaljujući udovoljavanju toj velikoj strasti...Literature Literature
One thing was certain: on any given night, thousands of emigres were all dreaming the same dream in numberless variants.
Jedno je bilo sigurno: tisuće emigranata sanjalo je tijekom iste noći, u bezbrojnim varijantama, jednak san.Literature Literature
He told me of numberless injustices to which he had been a victim.
Pripovijedao mi je kako je bio žrtva mnogih nepravdi.Literature Literature
LONG ago, in a prophetic vision, the apostle John saw a vast and numberless crowd “out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.”
U JEDNOJ proročkoj viziji apostol Ivan vidio je ogromno, nebrojeno mnoštvo ljudi “iz svakoga naroda i plemena i puka i jezika”.jw2019 jw2019
The new group with Toy leading moved along the numberless branches, disturbing that deep silence not at all.
Nova je grupa, pod vodstvom Toy, išla po nebrojenim granama nimalo ne narušavajući duboku tišinu.Literature Literature
like gold fall the leaves in the wind, long years numberless as the wings of trees!
poput zlata pada lišće na vjetru, duge godine nebrojene kao krila drveća!Literature Literature
As a lesson to those of our day who might be tempted to choose a different path, the Book of Mormon prophet Lehi shared a vision with his family where he “saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree by which [he] stood.
Kao lekciju onima u naše dane koji su možda u kušnji izabrati drugačiji put, prorok Lehi iz Mormonove knjige podijelio je viziju sa svojom obitelji: »I vidjeh bezbrojne skupine ljudi, mnogi od kojih se probijahu naprijed kako bi se domogli puta koji vodi k stablu uz koje [on] staja[še].LDS LDS
Around could be seen a bold, numberless forest of spears, with which almost all the warriors were armed.
Okolo je stršila bezbrojna šuma kopalja, kojima su bili oružani gotovo svi vojnici.Literature Literature
They are the voices of the dead, my child, and like the dead they are numberless.
Oni su glasovi mrtvih, dijete moje, i kao i mrtvi, bezbrojni su.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Millions address countless prayers to numberless deities.
Milijuni ljudi upućuju nebrojene molitve bezbrojnim božanstvima.jw2019 jw2019
The numberless.
Bezbrojnih.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The choice is yours: either credulous belief in blind and fortuitous evolution, the numberless gambles that supposedly paid off, or faith in the Purposer-Creator-Designer, Jehovah God.
Na vama leži izbor: ili da lakovjerno vjerujete u slijepu evoluciju kojoj se osmjehnula sreća, u bezbrojne slučajnosti koje su navodno imale uspješan ishod, ili da vjerujete u Izvršitelja nauma-Stvoritelja-Konstruktora, Jehovu Boga.jw2019 jw2019
10 For instance, this numberless crowd is playing an essential role in carrying out Jesus’ command to preach and teach, which he gave to his faithful disciples in Galilee.
10 Ovo bezbrojno mnoštvo, na primjer, igra važnu ulogu u izvršenju Isusove zapovijedi o propovijedanju i poučavanju, koju je dao u Galileji svojim vjernim učenicima.jw2019 jw2019
His kingdom shall be numberless and darkness will blight the land.
Njegovo kraljevstvo će biti beskrajno, a tama će zavladati svijetom.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Paganism, unable to oppose Christianity successfully, has done much to corrupt it, and in numberless ways has made inroads into its purity.”
Poganstvo, koje se nije moglo uspješno oduprijeti kršćanstvu, mnogo je doprinijelo njegovu iskrivljavanju, razorivši njegovu čistoću na najrazličitije načine”.jw2019 jw2019
Numberless references and large experience in projecting , development , manufacture , installation and cooking equipment services .
Brojne reference i veliko iskustvo u projektiranju , razvoju , proizvodnji , montaži i servisiranju ugostiteljske opreme .hrenWaC hrenWaC
He updated it so that instead of simply removing a person’s head, the body would be cut into numberless tidy cubes.
Poboljšao ju je tako da čovjeku ne odsijeca samo glavu, nego da mu i cijelo tijelo izrezuje na bezbrojne kockice.Literature Literature
Even the lowest kingdom of glory, the telestial kingdom, “surpasses all understanding,”11 and numberless people will inherit this salvation.12
Čak i najniže kraljevstvo slave, telestijalno kraljevstvo, »nadmašuje svako razumijevanje«,11 i bezbrojni će ljudi baštiniti ovo spasenje.12LDS LDS
21 And I saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were apressing forward, that they might obtain the bpath which led unto the tree by which I stood.
21 I vidjeh bezbrojna mnoštva ljudi, od kojih se mnogi probijahu naprijed, da bi se mogli domoći astaze koja vođaše ka stablu pokraj kojega stajah.LDS LDS
Down the beach, the man with the whip stood away from the dead horse, staring out at the bay and the numberless masts.
Niže na plaži onaj čovjek s bičem odmaknuo se od mrtvog konja piljeći u zaljev i bezbrojne jarbole.Literature Literature
The dead will be numberless!
Bit će nebrojeno mrtvih!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Alex saw tears falling on Grace's cheeks-her own tears, numberless these past months.
Alex ugleda suze koje su padale na Graceino lice, vlastite suze, bezbrojne u ovih nekoliko proteklih mjeseci.Literature Literature
If the number 144,000 were symbolic and referred to a group that is actually numberless, the force of the contrast between those two verses would be lost.
Da taj broj ima neko simbolično značenje i da se odnosi na grupu čiji broj pripadnika nije određen, izgubio bi se kontrast između ova dva retka.jw2019 jw2019
51 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.