odd address oor Kroaties

odd address

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This is an odd address.
To nije adresa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There really was one odd address.
Primjetio sam jednu stvarno čudnu adresu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There wasn’t anything odd about the address.
Nije primijetio ništa neobično na toj adresi.Literature Literature
I suddenly thought of Carrie's letter to me, of her odd listing of Kirby's address as One Pheasant Place.
Odjednom sam se sjetila Carriena pisma, njezina neobičnog opisa Kirbyjeve adrese kao Trga fazana.Literature Literature
“Well, didn’t you think it a little odd there was an address gouged in stone right next to her body?”
– A nije vam se činilo nimalo čudnim što je odmah pored tijela na cesti u kamen urezana adresa?Literature Literature
What are the odds you're at your last known address?
Koje su šanse da se nalaziš na zadnjoj poznatoj adresi?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This was at odds with the TA-recommended model aiming at addressing business continuity risk.
To nije bilo u skladu s modelom preporučenim u okviru tehničke pomoći prema kojem je cilj bio otkloniti rizik u vezi s kontinuitetom u poslovanju.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Dawkins addresses the misperception that science and art are at odds.
Dawkins se suprostavlja po njemu lošoj tvrdnji da su znanost i umjetnost suprotne.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this connection, he submits that the assertion that the Council did not know his address is at odds with his businessman status, which is amply demonstrated, and his status as a well-known public figure within the economic elite in Syria.
U tom pogledu navodi da je tvrdnja da njegova adresa nije bila poznata Vijeću u kontradikciji s činjenicom da je on etablirani poslovni čovjek i s činjenicom da je on vrlo poznata osoba među sirijskom gospodarskom elitom.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In June 2009, the Commission addressed targeted requests for information to several undertakings involved in the ODD sector.
Komisija je u lipnju 2009. određenim poduzetnicima u sektoru optičkih diskova uputila ciljani zahtjev za informacije.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
That approach seems at odds with national measures which not only interpret the requirement of ‘address’ on an invoice particularly strictly and formalistically, but also attach far-reaching consequences tofailure to meet that requirement.
Čini se da se taj pristup razilazi s nacionalnim mjerama kojima se ne samo zahtjev u pogledu „adrese” na računu tumači na posebno uzak i formalistički način, već se i propustu da se ispuni taj zahtjev pripisuju dalekosežne posljedice.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Moreover, the decision addresses the issue of sales restrictions that are at odds with the Single Market and complements the rules on unjustified geo-blocking, which are in force as of 3 December 2018 42 .
Nadalje, tom se odlukom rješava pitanje ograničenja prodaje koja su u suprotnosti s jedinstvenim tržištem te se njome dopunjuju pravila o neopravdanom geografskom blokiranju, koja su na snazi od 3. prosinca 2018 42 .Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The odds of someone being able to hack into the transfer transit database, localize a specific pod's address, and bypass its security protocols to gain access are super slim.
Šanse da neko može hakirati bazu podataka prijenosnog tranzita, otkriti adresu određene komore i zaobići njene sigurnosne protokole i dobiti pristup su vrlo tanke.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I would add that that delay also appears to be at odds with the way in which the General Court addressed the question of the captive sales, which was the subject of the first plea in law raised by Guardian, in that it failed to analyse, or even to mention, the case-law of the Court of Justice on that issue (KNP BT v Commission, EU:C:2000:625) from which it departed in the judgment under appeal — despite the fact that Guardian had referred to it.
Dodao bih da je navedeni rok također u proturječju s načinom na koji je Opći sud postupao s pitanjem unutarnje prodaje, koja je predmet Guardianova prvog tužbenog razloga, pri čemu Opći sud ne analizira niti uopće spominje sudsku praksu Suda na tom području (KNP BT/Komisija, EU:C:2000:625) od koje je odstupio u pobijanoj presudi, iako se Guardian pozvao na nju.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
After his flight from power last year , and especially after being kicked out of the political party he had led for years , Sanader has stubbornly steered clear of the press , and addresses the Croatian public at large , who would certainly have much to ask of him , with the odd communiqué in which he denies the charges levelled against him .
Nakon svog prošlogodišnjeg bijega s vlasti , a pogotovo nakon izbacivanja iz stranke kojoj je godinama predsjedao , Sanader uporno bježi od medija , a hrvatskim građanima , koji bi ga sigurno štošta pitali , uglavnom se obraća ponekim priopćenjem u kojem demantira optužbe na svoj račun .hrenWaC hrenWaC
In the light of the foregoing, and at odds with the objective set out by the EU legislature in recital 12 to Directive 2008/115, the situation of those ‘third-country nationals who are staying illegally but who cannot yet be removed’ cannot be regarded as being ‘addressed’.
Uzimajući u obzir te elemente, i suprotno cilju koji je zakonodavac Unije izrazio u uvodnoj izjavi 12. Direktive 2008/115, situacija „državljana trećih zemalja koji borave nezakonito, a njihovo udaljavanje nije moguće“ ne može se smatrati „regulirano[m]“.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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