overbalance oor Kroaties


werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) To thrown someone off balance

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Second, the central concept of the balance, or overbalance, is itself ambiguous to the point of apparent contradiction.
Drugo, i sam sre dišnji pojam ravnoteže, ili narušene ravnoteže, dvosmislen je do očevidne proturječnosti.Literature Literature
Overbalance of land in a bourgeois few would not lead to overbalance of their political power.
To što manji dio buržoazije ima prevagu u posjedo vanju zemlje, neće ga dovesti do prevage u političkoj moći.Literature Literature
He landed on both feet, body thrown backward at a steep angle so he would not overbalance.
Dočekao se na obje noge, tijela nagnuta prema natrag pod oštrim kutom da se ne bi prevalio prema naprijed.Literature Literature
It was the fault of our camels who went away from each other too soon, threatening to overbalance us.
Krivci bijahu naše deve koje se razdvoje prerano, te umalo izgubismo ravnotežu. »Kasno je.Literature Literature
If your face gets any longer here, you'll overbalance... or I'll commit suicide.
Ako ostaneš još malo ovde, postaćeš neuravnotežen... ili ću ja izvršiti samoubistvo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But the sword was too long for him; a particularly wild swing made him overbalance, and he landed facedown in the grass.
Ali mač mu je bio predugačak pa, kad je bjesomučno zamahnuo njime, izgubio je ravnotežu i pao ničice u travu.Literature Literature
Due to the intense gravity field of Angona, its tributary planetary family pursued orbits of considerable distance from the dark giant; and shortly after the extrusion of the solar system ancestral mass and while Angona was yet in the vicinity of the sun, three of the major planets of the Angona system swung so near to the massive solar system ancestor that its gravitational pull, augmented by that of the sun, was sufficient to overbalance the gravity grasp of Angona and to permanently detach these three tributaries of the celestial wanderer.
Zbog intenzivnog gravitacijskog polja Angone, obližnje planetarne obitelji privlače orbite na znatnoj udaljenosti od tamnog diva; i ubrzo nakon istisnuća nasljeđene mase solarnog sustava i dok je Angona još bila u blizini sunca, tri glavna planeta angonskog sustava prilaze svojim orbitama tako blizu masivnog pretka solarnog sustava, da je njegova gravitacija, uvećana gravitacijom sunca, bila dovoljna da prevagne nad gravitacijom Angona i da trajno odvojiti ova tri satelita nebeske lutalice.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Due to the intense gravity field of Angona, its tributary planetary family pursued orbits of considerable distance from the dark giant; and shortly after the extrusion of the solar system ancestral mass and while Angona was yet in the vicinity of the sun, three of the major planets of the Angona system swung so near to the massive solar system ancestor that its gravitational pull, augmented by that of the sun, was sufficient to overbalance the gravity grasp of Angona and to permanently detach these three tributaries of the celestial wanderer. All of the solar system material derived from the sun was originally endowed with a homogeneous direction of orbital swing, and had it not been for the intrusion of these three foreign space bodies, all solar system material would still maintain the same direction of orbital movement.
Zbog intenzivnog gravitacijskog polja Angone, obližnje planetarne obitelji privlače orbite na znatnoj udaljenosti od tamnog diva; i ubrzo nakon istisnuća nasljeđene mase solarnog sustava i dok je Angona još bila u blizini sunca, tri glavna planeta angonskog sustava prilaze svojim orbitama tako blizu masivnog pretka solarnog sustava, da je njegova gravitacija, uvećana gravitacijom sunca, bila dovoljna da prevagne nad gravitacijom Angona i da trajno odvojiti ova tri Svi materijali solarnih sustava izvedeni iz sunca izvorno su bili obdareni homogenim smjerom orbirtriranja i da nije bilo upada ovih triju stranih svemirskih tijela, sav solarni materijal sustava i dalje bi zadržao isti smjer orbitriranja.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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