passionateness oor Kroaties


The condition of being passionate

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Doesn't leave much time or energy for passion.
Ne ostaje mnogo vremena i energije za strast.
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As a boy, I was a passionate collector of fossils.
Kao dječak, bio sam strastveni sakupljač fosila.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Clearly, Grissom has a yen for sexually adventurous women whose voracious appetites can only be sated by dangerous and unbridled passion.
Grissom očito voli pustolovne žene čiji se golem seksualni apetit može utažiti samo opasnom i nesputanom strašću.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lila, if it was an act of passion o-or self-defense, I can help you, but you gotta tell me what happened.
Lila, Ako je bio čin iz strasti, ili samoobrane, mogu ti pomoći, ali moraš mi reći što se dogodilo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We share a passion, I believe
Imamo istu strast, mislimopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Even though her patterns suggest an obsessive love disorder, her passions tend towards deliberate self-harm rather than externalized rage.
Iako njezini obrasci ukazuju na opsesivnu ljubavnu nereda, njezine strasti imaju tendenciju da se namjerno samozadovoljavaju nego eksternalizirani bijes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Their moral philosophy is but a description of their own passions.
Isto tako, moral tih škola samo je opis njihovih vlastitih strasti.Literature Literature
These two passions did not interfere with one another.
Ove dvije strasti nisu jedna drugoj smetale.Literature Literature
He fought till the end, increasingly passionate that to combat corruption and poverty, not only did government officials need to be honest, but citizens needed to join together to make their voices heard.
Borio se do kraja, strastveno je tvrdio da kako bi se borili protiv korupcije i siromaštva, ne trebaju samo vladini službenici biti iskreni, nego se i građani moraju ujediniti kako bi se njihov glas čuo.QED QED
It is the passion to tear apart living structures.
To je strast za traganjem živih struktura.Literature Literature
Apparently, his father was a passionate fan and an avid collector of rare recordings.
Čini se da je otac bio posvemašnji glazbeni zanesenjak i manijakalni kolekcionar rijetkih snimaka.Literature Literature
I think it's because we share the same level of passion to create music, regardless of where it takes us.
Mislim da je to zato jer jednako strastveno stvaramo glazbu, bez obzira na to gdje nas ona odvede.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Would you like to harness your passion for science by working for the cornerstone of scientific risk assessment in Europe?
Želite li iskoristiti svoju strast za znanošću radom na utemeljenju znanstvene procjene rizika u Europi?eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Passion is consumed.
Strast obuzima.QED QED
There was still passion, he told himself.
Tu je još uvijek strast, rekao je sebi.Literature Literature
Her passion has been played out now.
Njena strast je sada odigrana.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was not despicable in itself, only when immoderate passion and lust propelled people into per¬ forming it.
Ona nije sama po sebi vrijedna prezira, nego samo u slučaju kad neumjerene strasti i požuda potaknu ljude na djelovanje.Literature Literature
He actually concluded she had a deformity because she was “not formed to excite passion.”
Zapravo je zaključio da je deformirana jer »nije bila oblikovana tako da bi izazivala strast«.Literature Literature
God sends my cold answerable to my clothes and passions answering the means I have to endure them.
Bog nam šalje studen prema našoj odjeći, a meni daje muke prema sredstvima koja imam da ih mogu podnositi.Literature Literature
Why this Saxon passion for a stranger, milady?
Odakle to saksonsko uzbuđenje zbog jednog stranca, gospo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Doesn't leave much time or energy for passion.
Ne ostaje mnogo vremena i energije za strast.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I wish I shared your passion for television, Kenneth.
Da barem dijelim tvoju strast za televizijom, Kennethe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In my experience, that's often a sign of a crime of passion.
Po mom iskustvu, to je često znak zločina iz strasti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He had come among them in the Upper Room, showing them the wounds of his Passion; he had let them touch him so that from their own experience they would be convinced that he was that same Jesus whom they had known before as "the Master".
On im se je ukazao u dvorani Posljednje večere i pokazao im rane svoje muke. Dopustio im je da ga dotaknu, kako bi se stvarno mogli uvjeriti da je on onaj isti Isus kojega su prije bili upoznali kao Uč
I'll have you know that after five years of marriage, my husband and I had more passion for each other than we did on our wedding night.
Nakon pet godina braka, moj muž i ja samo imali više strasti međusobno, nego prve bračne noći.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We need vibrant, thinking, passionate young adults who know how to listen and respond to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit as you make your way through the daily trials and temptations of being a young, contemporary Latter-day Saint.
Potrebni su nam energični, promišljeni, strastveni misionari koji znaju kako slušati i odgovoriti na šapate Svetoga Duha dok hodate svojim putem kroz svakodnevne izazove i iskušenja kao suvremeni mladi sveci posljednjih dana.LDS LDS
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