peristyle oor Kroaties


/ˈpɛɻəstaɪl/, /ˈpɛɹɪstaɪl/, /ˈperɪstaɪl/ naamwoord
A colonnade surrounding a courtyard, temple etc..

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


continuous porch formed by a row of columns surrounding the perimeter of building or a courtyard

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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On hands and knees I crawled in my torn dress around the garden of the peristyle, gathering flowers for these gods.
Puzala sam u svojoj poderanoj haljini na rukama i koljenima po vrtu peristila, skupljajući cvijeće za te bogove.Literature Literature
I accepted gladly and he led me through his lavish peristyle and into the dining room.
Spremno sam pristao, a on me poveo prema blagovaonici kroz svoj raskošni peristil.Literature Literature
I walked through the huge vestibule and then into the peristyle and into the dining room.
Prošla sam kroz prostran vestibul, a zatim kroz peristil6 u blagovaonicu.Literature Literature
"""Wait for me in the peristyle; we go to the praetor's this morning."""
"""Čekajte me u peristilu, danas idemo pretoru."""Literature Literature
Perhaps she'll enjoy having a seat in the enclosure, under the peristyle.
Možda će joj biti drago ako dobije mjesto u ograđenom prostoru, pod stupovima.Literature Literature
Still today , the peristyle of thermae is recognizable as a place where a bath with furnaces and dressing rooms as well as the Old Christian facilities , connected to the basilicas with activities of St. Dujam was situated .
I danas je prepoznatljiv peristil termi , prostor za kupelj s pećima i svlačionicama kao i starokršćanski objekti uz bazilike vezani uz djelatnost Sv . Dujma .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Some went out to the peristyle to walk off their dinner, for the house had no formal garden.
Neki su izašli u peristil prošetati nakon večere, jer kuća nije imala formalni vrt.Literature Literature
We passed through the atrium with its flanking rooms and its niche for ancestral death masks and on into the peristyle.
Prošli smo kroz atrij pokraj soba i niše za posmrtne maske predaka pa izašli u peristil.Literature Literature
I could see the same refinements, the distant peristyle, clusters of weeping slaves.
Vidjela sam iste ukrase, udaljeni peristil, gomilu uplakanih robova.Literature Literature
“Wait for me in the peristyle; we go to the praetor’s this morning.”
"""Čekajte me u peristilu, danas idemo pretoru."""Literature Literature
We tour the oldest part of Split , the 3rd century Diocletian Palace , where we visit the cellars , the Peristyle , the Golden and Silver Gates , the Cathedral ( Mausoleum of Emperator Diocletian ) , the Temple of Jupiter and other historic and interesting sights .
Peristil , Zlatna i Srebrena vrata , Katedrala , Jupiterov hram , samo su dio povijesnih spomenika kojima obiluje ovaj grad .hrenWaC hrenWaC
I went out into the soft wet grass of the peristyle and looked up at the blue sky.
Izašla sam na meku vlažnu travu peristila i pogledala u plavo nebo.Literature Literature
Consistent director’ s wish for “ the audience to hear the singers and see Peristyle while they follow the story relaxed and enjoy Verdi’ s music” finally determined his relation towards the opera .
Dosljedna redateljska želja " da publika čuje pjevače i vidi Peristil te da opušteno prati radnju i uživa u Verdijevoj glazbi " odredila je konačno u cijelosti odnos prema predstavi .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The Vestibule was used to enter the residential part of the palace from the Peristyle.
Kroz Vestibul se s Peristila ulazilo u rezidencijalni dio palače.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Having your coffee on the steps circling Peristyle is a unique experience, one of the closest touches of a modern man with the ancient heritage, not only Roman, but also Egyptian, as the Peristyle is closely watched over by a 3500 old and perfectly preserved sphinx, the witness of Split's history in making.
Ispiti kavu na stepenicama uokolo Peristila jedinstveni je doživljaj, jedan od najbližih dodira suvremenog čovjeka s antičkim nasljeđem, ne samo rimskim, nego i egipatskim, jer nad Peristilom budno bdi 3500 godina stara i sjajno sačuvana sfinga, svjedok splitske povijesti.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The University of Split's Centre for Croatian Studies Abroad, part of the university's Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, celebrated a decade of work on Friday the 12th of May with a round table discussion on the topic of The Croatian Language Among the Emigrant Communities at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences premises at the peristyle of Diocletian's palace.
Centar za hrvatske studije u svijetu pri Filozofskom fakultetu svečano je obilježio deset godina svog rada Okruglim stolom na temu „Hrvatski jezik u iseljeničkim zajednicama“, koji se održao u petak, 12. svibnja u prostorijama Filozofskoga fakulteta na Peristilu. Svečanosti su nazočili pomoćnica ministra znanosti i obrazovanja Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The first part of this exhibition diptych covers the period from the iconic 1919 Exhibition of Yugoslavian Artists from Dalmatia, till the positioning of the Grgur of Nin monument at Peristyle in 1929.
Prvi dio svojevrsnog izložbenog diptiha obuhvaća razdoblje od Izložbe jugoslavenskih umjetnika iz Dalmacije 1919. do postavljanja spomenika Grgura Ninskog na Peristil 1929. godine.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The labyrinthine alleys of Split inevitably lead to the central square, the Peristyle, where you will be addressed at noon of every summer day by embodied Diocletian, attended by his imperial guard.
Labirintom uličica Split će vas neizostavno dovesti do središnjeg trga, Peristila, gdje će vam se ljeti svaki dan u podne obratiti utjelovljen car Dioklecijan i njegovi stražari.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The palace had three land entrances and its main streets merged in the Peristyle - the centre of the palace, an open space lined with arched pillars.
U palaču se ulazilo na tri kopnena ulaza, a glavne su se ulice spajale u središtu palače u peristilu, otvorenom prostoru obrubljenom stupovima s lukovima.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
During the tour you will be also introduced to Peristyle (the central square inside the palace), Saint Duje’s Cathedral (patron saint of Split), Diocletian’s mausoleum, Jupiter’s temple, Vestibul, Golden Gate, Diocletian’s underground vaults, waterfront and other important historical and cultural sites of Split and some time later we will visit cave Vanjacha....
Tijekom programa ćemo ujedno obići Peristil (središnji trg u palači), Katedralu Sv. Duje (zaštitnika Splita), Dioklecijanov mauzolej, Jupiterov hram, Vestibul, Zlatna vrata, Dioklecijanova podzemne trezore, rivu i mnoge druge važne povijesne i kulturne spomenike u Splitu, a nešto kasnije ćemo posjetiti i špilju Vanjača...ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Many attractions such as Peristyle and Egyptian Sphinx are hidden inside the palace, so don't miss out any of its hidden corners.
Raznorazne zanimljivosti poput Peristila i Egipatske sfinge kriju se unutar palače, stoga ne propustite doživjeti svaki njezin skriveni kutak.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The streets of the former palace are filled with strollers all dressed up in togas and tunics doing their daily tasks all under the watchful eyes of roman soldiers. The waterfront provides the venue for the procession of ancient style carriages ferrying emperor Diocletian and his suite to the Peristyle where His Imperial Eminence addresses his subjects, just as he used to do so many many centuries ago.
Ulicama nekadašnje palače šeću prolaznici u togama i tunikama, rivom prolazi povorka starinskih kočija, koja cara Dioklecijana i njegovu svitu prevozi do Peristila gdje se car baš kao nekad obraća građanima.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
On the right side of the peristyle there were three temples.
S desne strane peristila nalazila su se tri hrama.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Plan of the villa Peristyle The visible remains of the villa were constructed in the first quarter of the 4th century AD on the remains of an older villa rustica, which are the pars dominica, or master’s residence, of a large latifundium or agricultural estate.[4]
Ogromna vila je izgrađena u prvoj polovici 4. stoljeća kao središte velikog latifundiuma (poljoprivredni posjed) oko kojega je niknulo selo Platia (izvedenica od palatium, "palača").ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Having your coffee on the steps circling Peristyle is a unique experience, one of the closest touches of a modern man with the ancient heritage, not only Roman, but also Egyptian, as the Peristyle is closely watched over by a 3500 old and perfectly preserved sphinx, the witness of Split’s history in making.
Ispiti kavu na stepenicama uokolo Peristila jedinstveni je doživljaj, jedan od najbližih dodira suvremenog čovjeka s antičkim nasljeđem, ne samo rimskim, nego i egipatskim, jer nad Peristilom budno bdi 3500 godina stara i sjajno sačuvana sfinga, svjedok splitske povijesti.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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