points oor Kroaties


werkwoord, naamwoord
Plural form of point.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


I'm totally gonna lose a lot of points for not being able to open it.
Izgubiti ću masu bodova jer je nisam u stanju ni otvoriti.


I'm totally gonna lose a lot of points for not being able to open it.
Izgubiti ću masu bodova jer je nisam u stanju ni otvoriti.


It's not high enough for this kind of damage so best guess, originating point is the westbound causeway.
To nije dovoljno za ovu vrstu povreda nagađam da bi se polazna točka mogla nalaziti na zapadnoj strani.


It's not high enough for this kind of damage so best guess, originating point is the westbound causeway.
To nije dovoljno za ovu vrstu povreda nagađam da bi se polazna točka mogla nalaziti na zapadnoj strani.


You know, it's things that we forget are turning points for someone else.
To su stvari koje zaboravimo, ali su glavne skretnice nekome drugom.
Smart English-Serbian

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


An unincorporated community in West Virginia

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

Geen vertalings nie

Soortgelyke frases

cable duct branching point
čvorište kabela
minimum mean point
minimalni prosječni troškovi
Fourteen Points
Mirovni ugovori i stvaranje versajskog poretka
turning point
transport services access point identifier
freezing point
control point
kontrolna točka
floating point
pokretni zarez · pomični za rez
transport service access point


Advanced filtering
Where a Member State does not notify the Commission of an admissible tender or application within the time limits referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1, it shall be deemed to have notified the Commission of a nil return.
Ako država članica ne obavijesti Komisiju o prihvatljivim ponudama za nadmetanje ili zahtjevima u rokovima iz stavka 1. točaka (a) i (b), smatra se da je Komisiju obavijestila o tome da ih nema.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Denmark points out that the 1999 Ryanair agreements did not require any investments from Aarhus airport, because the airport was only operated at 40 % of its capacity.
Danska ističe da ugovori s Ryanairom iz 1999. nisu zahtijevali nikakve investicije od strane Zračne luke Aarhus, jer je zračna luka radila samo na 40 % svojih mogućnosti.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
When implementing the procedures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, undertakings shall adhere to the principle of ‘do no significant harm’ referred to in point (17) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088.
Pri provedbi postupaka iz stavka 1. ovog članka poduzeća se pridržavaju načela da se „ne nanosi bitna šteta” iz članka 2. točke 17. Uredbe (EU) 2019/2088.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Point (a) of Article 8(3) of Regulation 1286/2014 only requires that information about the competent authority of the PRIIP manufacturer be included in the KID, namely, information about the competent authority of the Member State where the PRIIP manufacturer is established, irrespective of whether that PRIIP manufacturer carries out activities across borders.
U članku 8. stavku 3. točki (a) Uredbe 1286/2014 zahtijeva se samo da informacije o nadležnom tijelu izdavatelja PRIIP-a budu navedene u KID-u, odnosno informacije o nadležnom tijelu države članice u kojoj izdavatelj PRIIP-a ima poslovni nastan, bez obzira na to obavlja li izdavatelj PRIIP-a djelatnosti u drugim državama.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The national authorities claiming force majeure under point (b) of the first subparagraph shall demonstrate the direct consequences of the force majeure on the implementation of all or part of the programme.
Nacionalna tijela vlasti koja se pozivaju na višu silu u skladu s prvim podstavkom točkom (b) moraju dokazati njezine izravne posljedice na provedbu cijelog ili dijela programa.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
And the longer your talk, the simpler it must be made and the stronger and more sharply defined your key points must be.
A što je govor duži, mora biti jednostavniji a ključne točke moraju biti izraženije i strože definirane.jw2019 jw2019
‘Former foodstuffs’ is defined in Point 3 of Part A to the Annex of Commission Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 of 16 January 2013 on the Catalogue of feed materials (12) as ‘foodstuffs, other than catering reflux, which were manufactured for human consumption in full compliance with the EU food law but which are no longer intended for human consumption for practical or logistical reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects and which do not present any health risks when used as feed’.
„Bivša hrana” definirana je u dijelu A točki 3. Priloga Uredbi Komisije (EU) br. 68/2013 od 16. siječnja 2013. o Katalogu Krmiva (12) kao „hrana, osim ugostiteljskog otpada, koja je proizvedena za prehranu ljudi u cijelosti u skladu s propisima o hrani EU-a, ali koja više nije namijenjena prehrani ljudi zbog praktičnih ili logističkih razloga ili problema u proizvodnji ili pogrešaka u pakiranju ili drugih pogrešaka i nije opasna za zdravlje kada se upotrebljava kao hrana za životinje”.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Can you take me to the point of the accident, captain?
Možeš li me odvesti do trenutka nesreće?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Notwithstanding point (e), resolution authorities shall be entitled to participate in resolution college meetings whenever matters subject to joint decision-making or relating to a group entity located in their Member State are on the agenda.
Neovisno o točki (e), sanacijska tijela imaju pravo sudjelovanja u sastancima sanacijskog kolegija kad god su na dnevnom redu pitanja podložna zajedničkom odlučivanju ili povezana sa subjektom grupe koji se nalazi u njihovoj državi članici.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In any event, suspects or accused persons shall have access to a lawyer from whichever of the following points in time is the earliest:
U svakom slučaju, osumnjičenici ili optužene osobe imaju pristup odvjetniku od bilo kojeg od sljedećih trenutaka, ovisno o tome koji je od njih najraniji:not-set not-set
Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 19(3) a common set of interconnection and security standards that single points of contact are to meet before exchanging sensitive and confidential information across the cooperation network.
Ti se provedbeni akti donose u skladu s postupkom ispitivanja iz članka 19. stavka 3. zajednički skup standarda za međusobno povezivanje i sigurnost koje jedinstvene kontaktne točke moraju ispuniti prije razmjene osjetljivih i povjerljivih podataka u mreži suradnje.not-set not-set
Either way, once we board the Empress and all hell breaks out, he’ll have proved his point.
S druge strane, kad se mi jednom ukrcamo na Caricu i izbije pakao, on će dokazati svoje stajalište.Literature Literature
In the case where the headform, with the arm set at minimum length, overlaps the front seat, from the rear H point, no contact point is established for this particular operation.
U slučaju kad model glave, s krakom namještenim na najmanju duljinu, doseže preko prednjega sjedala od stražnje točke H, ne smije biti uspostavljen dodir u ovoj posebnoj radnji.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
PART A – Regulatory information requirements referred to in point (b) of Article 2(1)
DIO A – Zahtjevi u pogledu regulatornih informacija navedeni u članku 2. stavku 1. točki (b)EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
(b) promoting access to, take up, and efficient use of ICTs by SMEs by supporting access to networks, the establishment of public Internet access points, equipment, and the development of services and applications, including, in particular, the development of action plans for very small and craft enterprises.
(b) promicanje pristupa MSP-a informacijsko-komunikacijskoj tehnologiji (IKT), njezino preuzimanje i efikasno korištenje u MSP-ima, kroz pružanje potpore pristupu mrežama, postavljanje javnih mjesta za pristup internetu, stavljanje na raspolaganje opreme i razvoj usluga i aplikacija, posebno uključujući razvoj akcijskih planova za vrlo mala poduzeća i obrte.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It could help Member States to concentrate the workforce in dedicated border crossing points properly equipped to fully comply with the Schengen Borders Code and the specific sanitary measures.
Državama članicama može se olakšati da rasporede znatan dio radne snage na određene granične prijelaze prikladno opremljene za potpunu usklađenost sa Zakonikom o schengenskim granicama i posebnim sanitarnim mjerama.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Article 116(2), first subparagraph, points (c) and (d)
Članak 116. stavak 2. prvi podstavak točke (c) i (d)Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
This increases the likelihood that students will identify and learn the relevant and important points.
To povećava vjerojatnost da će polaznici prepoznati i naučiti mjerodavne i važne vrijednosti.LDS LDS
specific full-time training as a midwife comprising at least three years of theoretical and practical study (route I) comprising at least the programme described in Annex V, point 5.5.1, or
posebno osposobljavanje u punoj nastavnoj satnici za primalje, koje obuhvaća najmanje trogodišnje teoretsko i praktično osposobljavanje (smjer I.) uključujući najmanje program opisan u točki 5.5.1. Priloga V.; iliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The following is inserted after point 11 (Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council):
Iza točke 11. (Uredba (EU) 2017/745 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća) umeće se sljedeće:EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
But the point is, suppose other football clubs got into difficulties?
Ali poanta je, što ako drugi nogometni klubovi zapadnu u teškoće?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
34 It should be recalled, as a preliminary point, that in accordance with Article 2(7) of Regulation No 2201/2003 the concept of parental responsibility covers all rights and duties relating to the person or the property of a child which are given, inter alia, to a legal person by judgment or by operation of law, and includes rights of custody and rights of access.
34 Uvodno, valja podsjetiti da, u skladu s člankom 2. točkom 7. Uredbe br. 2201/2003, izraz „roditeljska odgovornost” označava prava i obveze koji se odnose na dijete ili njegovu imovinu, koji su sudskom odlukom dodijeljeni fizičkoj ili pravnoj osobi, primjenom prava ili sporazumom s pravnim učinkom. Taj izraz uključuje i prava roditeljske skrbi i odgoja djeteta te prava na kontakt s djetetom.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
points to the contribution that the Urban Agenda for the EU — Pact of Amsterdam can make to the shaping of regional development policies and suggests further strengthening the tools for implementing it (URBACT, the Urban Innovative Actions, the Covenant of Mayors, Smart Cities and Communities) and at the same time calls on the Commission to ensure that greater use is made of key instruments of cohesion policy such as Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-led local development (CLLD), which have been rarely used to date;
ističe doprinos plana EU-a za gradove (Amsterdamski pakt) izradi teritorijalnih razvojnih politika te predlaže da se provedbeni instrumenti dodatno ojačaju (Urbact, Inovativne mjere za gradove, Sporazum gradonačelnika, pametne gradove i zajednice) te istovremeno poziva Komisiju da osigura veći stupanj korištenja temeljnih instrumenata kohezijske politike, kao što su integrirana teritorijalna ulaganja (ITI) i lokalni razvoj pod vodstvom zajednice (CLLD), koji su dosad slabo korišteni;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
‘vital events’ means live births and deaths as defined in points (e) and (f).
„vitalni događaji” znači živa rođenja i smrti kako je definirano u točkama (e) i (f).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Good point.
Imate pravo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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