potential theory oor Kroaties

potential theory

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teorija potencijala


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Furthermore, does not David Bohm's 'quantum potential' theory provide an androgynous false exit?
"Stov iše, zar teorija ""kvantnog potencijala"" Davida Bohma ne nudi androgini lažni izlaz?"Literature Literature
This is the potential of string theory, to be a unified " Theory of Everything. "
Ovo je potencijal teorije struna da bude objedinjujuća teorija svega.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Both are, in theory, potentially traversable.
Kroz oba se, u teoriji, potencijalno može putovati.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Within a few years, any doubts that Witten had had about the theory’s potential vanished.
U nekoliko slje dećih godina, sve sumnje koje je Witten ikada imao o potencijalu te teorije jednostavno su nestale.Literature Literature
Keywords : summability methods , laws of large numbers , strongly regular matrices , martingales and reversed martingales , probability measures , weak convergence , ergodic type theorems , uniform ergodic theory , uniform integrability , Brownian motion , superprocesses and potential theory , extension of a measure , pseudo-radom number generators , Gaussian processes and fields , Wiener measure , pozitive semigroups , Schrodinger semigroup , gamma-potentials , Markov chains , statistical models , contraction , Bessel processes .
Ključne riječi : metode sumabilnosti , zakoni velikih brojeva , jako regulirane matrice , martingali i obratni martingali , vjerojatnosne mjere , slaba konvergenicija , teoremi ergoskog tipa , uniformna ergodska teorija , uniformna integrabilnost , Brownovo gibanje , superprocesi i teorija potencijala , proširenje mjere , generatori pseudoslučajnih brojeva , Gaussovi procesi i polja , Wienerova mjera , pozitivna polugrupa , Schrodingerova polugrupa , gama- potencijali , Markovljevi lanci , statistički modeli , kontrakcija , Besselovi procesi .hrenWaC hrenWaC
We expect new results in the uniform ergodic theory , in the theory of convergence of reversed martingales as in the asymptotic likelihood theory and consistency of statistical models . We also expect new results in the theory of Markov processes and corresponding potential theory as in the theory of superprocesses i. e. the processes with values in the set of measures .
Očekujemo nove rezultate u uniformnoj ergodskoj teoriji , u teoriji konvergencije obratnih martingala kao i u teoriji asimptotske vjerojatnosti i konzistentnosti statističkih modela. Također očekujemo nove rezultate u teoriji Markovljevih procesa i odgovarajućoj teoriji potencijala kao i u teoriji superprocesa tj . procesa s vrijednostima u skupu mjera .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The applicants first put forward that the contested decision exceeds the narrow scope of the Commission’s investigation as that scope was defined in the Statement of Objections (‘SO’), the Oral Hearing, the State-of-Play meeting, and in previous requests for information (‘RFI’s’), both in terms of duration of the alleged abuse and potential theories of harm being pursued by the Commission.
Tužitelji na prvom mjestu navode da se pobijanom odlukom premašuje uski doseg Komisijine istrage s obzirom na to da je taj doseg određen u Obavijesti o prigovorima (OP), Usmenom očitovanju i Sastanku o dosadašnjem tijeku postupka te u ranijim zahtjevima za podatke (ZP), u pogledu trajanja navodne povrede i mogućih teorija o šteti koje zastupa Komisija.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
It was rough this world of branes that Paul and Neil stumbled onto a potentially radical new theory of what happened before the beginning.
To je gruba predstava sveta brana, a Pol i Nil su naišli na potencijalno novu, radikalnu teoriju o dogadjanjima pre početka svega.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A multilateral scheme, including a potential international agreement — in theory the most effective — was considered unrealistic.
Multilateralni program, koji je uključivao i mogući međunarodni sporazum, što je u teoriji najdjelotvornije, smatrao se nerealističnim.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
And potentially rewrite every cosmological theory we know.
I vjerovatno ponovo napisati sve kozmičke teorije koje znamo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Based on Gibbs' work, Nernst extended the theory to include the contribution from electric potential on charged species.
Polazeći od Gibbsovog rada, Nernst je proširio teoriju kako bi uključio doprinos električnog potencijala na nabijene vrste.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because it is a theory so simple and so potentially devastating, it has mainstream scientists scratching their heads and running for cover. ( wind whistling )
Jer je ta teorija toliko jednostavna i potencijalno toliko razorna da tjera tradicionalne znanstvenike da se počešu po glavi i pobjegnu u zaklon.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Furthermore, the Commission observes that the berthing priority has at least in theory the potential to lower the operator’s costs (e.g. because the guaranteed berthing could reduce waiting times in ports and hence result in lower fuel costs) or increase its revenues (e.g., because some timings possibly attract more demand from passengers).
Nadalje, Komisija primjećuje da prioritet u pogledu vezova barem u teoriji može umanjiti troškove prijevoznika (npr. jer zajamčeni vez može skratiti vrijeme čekanja u lukama i time dovesti do manjih troškova goriva) ili povećati njegove prihode (npr. jer neka vremena polazaka i dolazaka mogu privući veću potražnju putnika).EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
I suppose, if you were to publish my theories on gamma rays as a potential solution to CCD, then I might be able to hear you out.
Pretpostavljam. Objavite moje teorije o gama zrakama kao mogućem rješenju za CCD i možda vas saslušam.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Following specification of the design goals and restrictions , the potentially useful kinematic structures have been generated with aid of graph theory .
Slijedeći specifikaciju postavljenih ciljeva i ograničenja generirane su uz pomoć teorije grafova potencijelne korisne strukture .hrenWaC hrenWaC
I realised my gifts aren't my theories but my ability to recognise great potential in others and maybe give them a little shove when they need it.
Moj talent nisu teorije, već sposobnost da prepoznam potencijal u drugima te da ih možda i pogurnem kad je potrebno.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Although the potential channels for systemic risk may be broadly categorised in theory, they are intertwined and are likely to be mutually reinforcing in practice.
Iako je u teoriji moguća gruba podjela na kategorije mogućih kanala za sistemski rizik, oni su međusobno isprepleteni i vjerojatno je da će se u praksi međusobno pospješivati.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
On June 3, 2001 NASA lunched a satellite that could potentially determine one way or the other the truth about the Guth inflation theory.
3. lipnja 2001. NASA je lansirala satelit koji bi mogao odrediti istinu o Guthovoj teoriju inflacije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This potentially could lead to development of renewables where the resources are most abundant, and thereby in theory improving EU wide cost-efficiency.
To bi potencijalno moglo dovesti do razvoja izvora obnovljive energije ondje gdje ima najviše resursa, a na taj bi se način, u teoriji, poboljšala ekonomičnost na cijelom području EU-a.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) report cautioned: “Although it would appear that the theory of orthomolecular psychiatry has presented a potential area for research and investigation, the current claims of therapeutic efficacy can find little, if any, support from [scientific] studies.”
Jedan izvještaj Nacionalnog instituta za mentalno zdravlje (NIMH) upozorava: “Premda izgleda da je teorija ortomolekularne psihijatrije pružila mogućnost za istraživanje, tvrdnje o terapeutskoj djelotvornosti mogu naći vrlo malu, ako ikakvu, podršku u (znanstvenim) studijima.”jw2019 jw2019
61 While of course, at least in theory, the remedy of damages for the potential breach of EU law attributable to a Member State could also be contemplated, it is rather clear that in the situation of applicants for international protection such a remedy would be illusionary and ineffective.
61 Iako bi se naravno, barem u teoriji, moglo razmišljati i o pravnom lijeku naknade štete uzrokovane povredom prava Unije koju je država članica možebitno počinila, poprilično je jasno da bi takav pravni lijek bio prividan i nedjelotvoran kada je riječ o podnositeljima zahtjeva za međunarodnu zaštitu.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Although a freely accessible website may in theory be visited by any internet user, in practice the number of potential users likely to access it, while admittedly variable, is approximately determined.
Naime, iako internetsku stranicu kojoj se slobodno može pristupiti u teoriji može posjetiti svaki internetski korisnik, točno je da je u praksi broj potencijalnih korisnika koji bi joj mogli pristupiti više ili manje velik, ali je otprilike određen.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Dr Gansa's written about the potential uses of ketamine as an anti-depressant and the trial was a chance for him to put his theory into practice.
Dr. Gansa je pisao o koristi ketamina kao anti-depresivu a testiranje je prilika da dokaže svoju teoriju u praksi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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