prioress oor Kroaties


a nun in charge of a priory; an abbess or mother superior

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Mother Joan was still prioress, and Sister Oonagh ran the hospital under the supervision of Brother Sime.
Majka Joan i dalje je bila priorica, a sestra Oonagh vodila je bolnicu, pod nadzorom brata Simea.Literature Literature
“I need to talk to you, Mother Prioress.
“Trebao bih razgovarati s vama, majko priorice.Literature Literature
He knows very well that he would have to face Prioress Margaret.
Savršeno dobro zna da bi se morao suočiti s nadstojnicom Margaret.Literature Literature
“Are you confirming me as prioress?”
“Potvrđujete me kao prioricu?”Literature Literature
The latter followed her to the Carthusian monastery, succeeding her as Prioress.
Ova će potonja otići za njom u samostan, u kartuziju, naslijedivši je zatim na poloaju
Nobody to check her movements, certainly not Prioress Joan.
Nitko nije nadzirao njezino kretanje, a ponajmanje nadstojnica Joan.Literature Literature
He could hardly explain that he was having a love affair with the prioress of Kingsbridge.
Baš joj i nije mogao reći da je u ljubavnoj vezi s prioricom Kingsbridgea.Literature Literature
A tall prioress and a small Ulf swinging round on the centrifuge of their crossed hands.
Visoka nadstojnica i sitni Ulf koji se vrte u kovitlacu isprepletenih ruku.Literature Literature
In a decent house, they’d be whipped until their arses bled, but where’s their prioress?
U pristojnoj kući do krvi bi ih išibali po guzici, a gdje je njihova nadstojnica?Literature Literature
She had hoped to be made sub-prioress, Cecilia’s deputy.
Nadala se da će postati Cecilijina zamjenica, podpriorica.Literature Literature
You proved her point—I mean the prioress general.”
Dokazala si da ima pravo poglavarica reda, mislim.""Literature Literature
Well I had heard plenty about the prioress.
No, svašta sam čula o nadstojnici.Literature Literature
This pilgrimtide it was the turn of the Prioress of Saint Radegund’s to host the feast.
Nakon ovoga hodočašća, red je bio na nadstojnici Svete Radegunde da priredi gozbu.Literature Literature
Therefore, I humbly suggest another of our sisters, myself or someone worthier, should be our next Prioress.
Zato, ponizno predlažem neku drugu od naših sestara, sebe ili neku dostojniju, koja treba da bude naša nova igumanija.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“I have one more command to issue, and it is for you, Mother Prioress.”
“Imam još jedan nalog, a on se odnosi na vas, majko priorice.”Literature Literature
“Would you care to step into my house for a cup of ale, Mother Prioress?”
“Hoćete li načas ući u moju kuću na čašu piva, majko priorice?”Literature Literature
It was generous of him, considering the feud between him and the prioress.
Bilo je to vrlo velikodušno od njega, s obzirom na zavadu između njega i nadstojnice.Literature Literature
Mother Cecilia, rest her soul, never appointed a sub-prioress after Natalie died.”
Majka Cecilia, pokoj joj duši, nakon Nataliene smrti nije imenovala zamjenicu.”Literature Literature
The prioress did not wander around the town making social calls without a purpose.
Priorica samo tako ne šeće gradom i ne posjećuje ljude bez točno određene svrhe.Literature Literature
Prioress Joan went on: “I suggest you confine your interest to the matter in hand.
Nadstojnica Joan je nastavila: - Predlažem vam da pažnju usredotočite na srž problema koji je pred vama.Literature Literature
Later today, Elizabeth would be elected prioress.
Kasnije tog dana Elizabeth će izabrati za prioricu.Literature Literature
I’ve done a fair bit of delicate work for my lady and the prioress.
Obavio sam dosta delikatnih poslova za milady i nadstojnicu.Literature Literature
But that harpy”-thus he referred to the prioress of Saint Radegund’s-“will say anything.”
Ali ona harpija - tako je nazvao nadstojnicu svete Radegunde -ne preza ni pred čim.Literature Literature
But for the future, it is not possible that the prioress of Kingsbridge should have a relationship with a man.”
Ali za budućnost, neće biti moguće da priorica Kingsbridgea ima odnos s muškarcem.”Literature Literature
The prioress expressed dissatisfaction at seeing the cask from her cellar poured into two buckets.
- Nadstojnica je izrazila negodovanje vidjevši da se bačva iz njezina podruma prelijeva u dva vjedraLiterature Literature
105 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.