punk subculture oor Kroaties

punk subculture

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A Nazi punk is a neo-Nazi who is part of the punk subculture.
Naci-punk, nazi punk, neonacistički odraz u supkulturi punka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Nazi Punk subculture appeared in the United States by the early 1980s in the hardcore punk scene.
Srodna supkultura nazi punka pojavila se u SAD ranih 1980-ih unutar hardcore punk scene.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is a subgenre of punk that contrasts sharply with the anti-authoritarian ideas prevalent in much of the punk subculture.
Podžanr je punka koju je oštro suprotivan antiautoritarijanskim idejama koje prevladavaju u supkulturi punka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beside musicians, the Yugoslav punk subculture also included punk writers and artists, with Ivan Glišić from Šabac being one of the notable ones.
Osim glazbenika, jugoslavenska punk supkultura obuhvaćala je i punk pisce i umjetnike, od kojih je Ivan Glišić iz Šabca bio među najznačajnijima.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The music and its associated subculture had the goal of bringing together punks, skinheads and other working-class youth.
Glazba i supkulture s njom u svezi imale su za cilj zbližiti punkere, skinheadse i ostalu mladež radničke klase.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gothic fashions within the subculture range from deathrock, punk, androgynous, Victorian, to Renaissance and medieval-style attire, or combinations of the above, most often with black clothing, makeup and hair.
Stilovi odijevanja su u okviru supkulturnog ranga iz death rocka, punka, androginosti, zatim renesansni i viktorijanski stil odijevanja, te kombinacija svega gore navedenoga - najčešće sa crnom odjećom, šminkom i kosom.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One reason may be that these have long been the hallmark of prison inmates, motorcycle gangs, punk rockers, and members of the homosexual sadomasochistic subculture.
Jedan razlog tome mogao bi biti taj što je to dugo vremena bilo obilježje zatvorenika, motociklističkih bandi, punk rockera i pripadnika homoseksualne sadomazohističke subkulture.jw2019 jw2019
With the emergence and development of subcultures , Dr. Martens boots started to be associated with skinheads in the 1960s and the punk movement in the 1970s .
Pojavom i razvojem subkultura , čizme Dr . Martens počinju se 60- ih godina prošlog stoljeća vezivati uz skinheadse , a 70- ih uz punk .hrenWaC hrenWaC
This pattern was chosen by representatives of various subcultures, ranging from punks and emo, to fans of the Japanese street style Ko Gal.
Odabrali su ovaj uzorak i predstavnike raznih subkultura, od punkera i emoa, završavajući s ljubiteljima japanskog uličnog stila Ko Gal.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Gopovskaya subculture blossomed with renewed vigor in70-80s of the last century, as a sign of opposition to Soviet informals - punks and metalworkers.
Gopovskaya potkultura procvjetala je obnovljenom snagom u Zagrebu70-80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, kao znak protivljenja sovjetskim neformalcima - punkera i metalaca.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"Free" - people who are well versed inIdeology and worldview of punks, they wear the clothes they want, they do what they want, they live according to their own laws, but they do not interfere with other subcultures.
"Slobodno" - ljudi koji su dobro upoznatiideologiju i svjetonazor punkera, nose odjeću koju žele, rade ono što žele, žive prema vlastitim zakonima, ali se ne miješaju u druge subkulture.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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