quoting oor Kroaties

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

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(@2 : fr:citation es:citación )
(@2 : fr:citation ru:цитата )
(@1 : ar:ذِكْر )
(@1 : fr:mention )
(@1 : ar:سَرْد )
(@1 : de:Aufführung )
(@1 : fr:citation )
(@1 : ar:عَرْض )
(@1 : de:Aufführung )
(@1 : ar:عَرْض )
(@1 : fr:mention )
(@1 : ar:ذِكْر )
(@1 : de:Aufführung )
(@1 : fr:mention )
(@1 : fr:citation )
(@1 : ar:سَرْد )
(@1 : fr:mention )
(@1 : de:Aufführung )
(@1 : fr:citation )
(@1 : fr:mention )


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

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Soortgelyke frases

quoted company
smart quotes
pametni navodnici
quoted price
ukupna cijena
quoted blue chip shares
prvorazredni vrijednosni papiri uvršteni na burzu
be quoted
price quote
ponuda s cijenama
guaranteed price quote
garantirana cjenovna ponuda
to quote
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The Vice-Questore was variously quoted as having 'overseen the arrest' and having 'obtained Malfatti's confession'.
"Na raznim se mjestima spominjalo kako je vice-questore ""nadzirao uhićenje"" i ""izvukao priznanje od Malfatti]a""."Literature Literature
The Manifesto quoted by the GOC covers the whole paper and pulp industries sectors and serves a general policy purpose.
Manifest koji je navela kineska vlada obuhvaća sve sektore industrije papira i papirne mase te služi za potrebe opće politike.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Bonus shares and split shares are however included indistinguishably in the total stock of quoted shares.
Bonusnedionice i cijepane dionice, međutim, uključuju se,bez razlike, u ukupno stanje dionica koje kotirajuna burzi.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Held-to-maturity financial assets comprise quoted bonds with the intention of holding them to maturity, and commercial papers with original maturities of more than three months.
Financijska imovina koja se drži do dospijeća obuhvaća obveznice koje kotiraju na burzi koje se namjerava držati do dospijeća i komercijalne zapise s izvornim dospijećem dužim od tri mjeseca.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
" We expressed the view that there is a convergence now of views to the effect that we should restart the process of reunifying the island on the basis of the secretary general 's plan, " Reuters quoted the Greek foreign minister as saying
" Iznijeli smo mišljenje kako sada postoji suglasnost o potrebi opetovana otpočinjanja procesa ponovnog ujedinjenja otoka na temelju plana glavnog tajnika ", izjavio je grčki ministar vanjskih poslova, a prenosi tiskovna agencija ReutersSetimes Setimes
The director of the National Vocation Service of the French Catholic Church was quoted as saying: “We’re seeing the super-marketing of religion.
Ravnatelj Glavnog ureda za duhovna zvanja Francuske katoličke crkve rekao je: “U današnje vrijeme ljudi biraju religiju kao da kupuju robu u samoposluzi.jw2019 jw2019
The superseded standard therefore consists of EN CCCCC:YYYY and its previous amendments, if any, but without the new quoted amendment.
Prema tome, zamijenjena norma sastoji se od EN CCCCC:YYYY i njezinih prethodnih izmjena ako ih je bilo, ali bez nove citirane izmjene.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
As the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is not quoted on any stock exchange and in view of the contractual restrictions included in the EBRD’s articles of incorporation relating, amongst others, to the sale of participating interests, capped at acquisition cost and only authorised to existing shareholders, the Commission's shareholding is valued at cost less any write-down for impairment.
S obzirom na to da Europska banka za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD) ne kotira na burzama i s obzirom na ugovorna ograničenja obuhvaćena statutom EBRD-a, između ostalog povezana s prodajom udjela, ograničenih na trošak stjecanja i dopuštenih samo postojećim dioničarima, udio Komisije vrjednuje se prema trošku umanjenom za otpis umanjenja vrijednosti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
"""To quote an American writer: 'It comes with the territory."""
« »Da vam citiram jednog američkog pisca: 'To ide uz teritorij.Literature Literature
Zhejiang Huadong claimed that it provided the Commission with all relevant legislations governing the mechanics and value-setting of sales of LURs in China and referred to the Provisions on the Assignment of State-Owned Construction LUR through bid invitation, auction and quotation to demonstrate that there is a well-functioning real estate market in China, where quotes and prices paid are made public.
Društvo Zhejiang Huadong je tvrdilo da je dostavilo Komisiji sve važne zakonske akte koji uređuju mehanizam i određivanje vrijednosti prodaje prava korištenja zemljišta u Kini i uputilo je na Propise o ustupanju prava korištenja zemljišta za izgradnju u državnom vlasništvu putem poziva na iskaz interesa, dražbe i ponude kako bi pokazalo da u Kini postoji dobro uređeno tržište nekretnina na kojem se objavljuju ponude i plaćene cijene.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
There's a quote I love by Marcel Proust: "The true voyage of exploration is not so much in seeking new landscapes," which we do, "but in having new eyes."
Postoji citat Marcela Prousta koji volim: "Pravo putovanje istraživanja nije toliko u traženju novih pejzaža," što činimo, "nego imati nove oči."ted2019 ted2019
Following Tuesday 's meeting, Gergyovden leader Lyuben Dilov was quoted as saying that Beronov and Mozer are well-respected people and consultations should continue
Nakon sastanka u utorak, čelnik Gergyovdena Lyuben Dilov izjavio je, kako se izvješćuje, kako su Beronov i Mozerova vrlo ugledne osobe, te bi konzultacije trebale biti nastavljeneSetimes Setimes
He quoted also the third chapter of Acts, twenty-second and twenty-third verses, precisely as they stand in our New Testament.
Navede također treće poglavlje Djela, dvadeset drugi i dvadeset treći stih, točno onako kako stoje u našem Novom zavjetu.LDS LDS
If he starts quoting Sun Tzu's Art of War, I'm screwed.
Ako počne citirati Sun Tzuovo " Umiječe Ratovanje ", nadrapao sam.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Quoting Dusan Janjic, director of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Belgrade-based Radio # reported that this would happen in the second half of June
Prenoseći izjavu Dušana Janjića, ravnatelja Foruma za etničke odnose, beogradski radio # izvijestio je kako će se to dogoditi u drugoj polovici lipnjaSetimes Setimes
The journal adds that the figures quoted “probably underestimate the true mortality due to HIV [Human Immunodeficiency Virus] infection.”
List dodaje da navedene brojke “vjerojatno potcjenjuju pravu smrtnost zbog infekcije HIV-om [virusom humane imunodeficijencije]”.jw2019 jw2019
It quotes God, seated on his heavenly throne, as declaring: “Look! I am making all things new.”
Tamo se citiraju Božje riječi koje on objavljuje dok sjedi na svom nebeskom prijestolju: “Gle, sve činim novo.”jw2019 jw2019
‘I couldn’t agree more,’ I tell him, trying to recall one of my press-release quotes.
"""Potpuno se slažem s tobom"", kažem mu, pokušavajući se prisjetiti jednog od navoda za novinsko izvješće."Literature Literature
Therefore the quality of the “Ternasco de Aragón” on the basis of the genotypes quoted is different from that of other breeds.
Zbog toga je kvaliteta janjetine „Ternasco de Aragón” dobivene od prethodno navedenih genotipova različita i bolja od one drugih pasmina.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Doctrine and Covenants 8:2; Elder Nelson’s quote (on the right)
Nauk i savezi 8:2; citat starješine Nelsona (s desne strane)LDS LDS
So this is a time of great flourishing, and the more I look around, the more convinced I become that this quote, from the physicist Freeman Dyson, is not hyperbole at all.
Dakle, ovo je doba velikog procvata, i što više promatram oko sebe, uvjereniji sam kako ovaj citat, fizičara Freemana Dysona, nije nikakvo pretjerivanje.QED QED
Recently, in the jungles of Cambodia, according to officials quoted in the newspaper The Australian, the Khmer Rouge have deliberately slaughtered many rare animals.
Nedavno su u džunglama Kambodže, prema izjavama službenih predstavnika citiranim u novinama The Australian, Crveni Kmeri namjerno poubijali mnoge rijetke životinje.jw2019 jw2019
The Commission shall adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 50 specifying the sizes referred to in Article 18(6) at which a firm shall enter into transactions with any other client to whom the quote is made available.
Komisija delegiranim aktima u skladu s člankom 50. utvrđuje količine iz članka 18. stavka 6. u kojima društvo sklapa transakcije s bilo kojim drugim klijentom kome je dana ponuda.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ticketing field information, including ticket number, date of ticket issuance and one-way tickets, automated ticket fare quote fields
Informacije s putne karte, uključujući broj karte, datum izdavanja karte, jednosmjerne karte, polja elektronskih karata koja se odnose na cijenu (Automated Ticket Fare Quote)not-set not-set
‘ mark to market’ means the valuation of positions at readily available close out prices that are sourced independently, including exchange prices, screen prices, or quotes from several independent reputable brokers;
„vrednovanje po tržišnim vrijednostima” znači vrednovanje stavki po dostupnim završnim cijenama pribavljenim od neovisnih izvora uključujući burzovne tečajeve, elektronske kotacije ili kotacije više neovisnih renomiranih brokera;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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