racecourse oor Kroaties


(UK) a racetrack where horse races are run

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I was at a party with my dad and Maggie over by the racecourse.
Na zabavi s tatom i Maggie na trkalištu.
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Here was the link between Lisabetta and the racecourse.
Evo veze između Lisabette i trkališta.Literature Literature
No, he never leaves the Seventy-Two Club, except to lose money at some stupid racecourse or other.
Ne, on nikada ne napušta klub 72, osim da izgubi novac na neku glupu utrku.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Avenue of chestnut trees in the main street of Sinj, which is used as the racecourse of Sinjska alka, was planted in memory of the recruited soldiers who went to war in 1917.
Drvored kestena u glavnoj ulici u Sinju, koja je ujedno i trkalište Alke, posađen je u spomen na unovačene vojnike koji su otišli u rat 1917. godine.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What was he up to at the racecourse?
U što li se on to upustio na trkalištu?Literature Literature
— Games (racing stables, areas for games, racecourses, etc.)
— Igre (konjušnice trkaćih konja, površine za igre, utrke itd.)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It added that even though the sums involved in the measure allowing the racecourse undertakings access to unclaimed winnings were not permanently held by the Treasury, the fact that they constantly remained under public control, and therefore available to the competent national authorities, was sufficient for them to be categorised as State resources (judgment in France v Ladbroke Racing and Commission, cited in paragraph 188 above, EU:C:2000:248, paragraph 50).
Dodao je da, čak i kada iznosi koji odgovaraju mjeri stavljanja na raspolaganje nepotraživanih dobitaka društvima za utrke nisu u trajnom vlasništvu državne riznice, činjenica da oni cijelo vrijeme ostaju pod državnim nadzorom i tako na raspolaganju nadležnim državnim tijelima dovoljna je da bi ih se kvalificiralo kao državna sredstva (presuda Francuska/Ladbroke Racing i Komisija, t. 188. supra, EU:C:2000:248, t. 50.).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I was at a party with my dad and Maggie over by the racecourse.
Na zabavi s tatom i Maggie na trkalištu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stanley Racecourse, located on the west side of Stanley, holds a two-day horse racing meeting every year on 26 and 27 December.
Gradić Stanley ima hipodrom (nalazi se zapadno od grada), na kojem se održavaju godišnje dvodnevne konjičke utrke 26. - 27. prosinca.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And I’ll need Gourlay Michaels and Richardson down here, please, but first everyone else can go to the racecourse.
Molim te, dovedi mi ovamo Gourlayja, Michaelsa i Richardsona, ali najprije neka svi drugi otidu na trkalište.Literature Literature
Games (racing stables, areas for games, racecourses, etc.)
Igre (konjušnice trkaćih konja, površine za igre, utrke itd.)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The competent authorities may derogate from these prohibition orders for hippodromes and racecourses, and shall notify the Commission of the nature of any derogations granted.
Nadležna tijela mogu izuzeti hipodrome i trkališta od tih mjera zabrana, te su dužna Komisiju obavijestiti o naravi svih odobrenih izuzeća.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas, given the existence of equivalent health situations at racecourses and on premises where competitions or cultural events are held, and given the isolation from equidae of lower health status, it seems advisable to establish a single health certificate for re-entry of registered horses for racing, competition and cultural events after temporary export to third countries;
budući da, s obzirom na postojanje istovjetnih zdravstvenih stanja na trkalištima i u prostorima u kojima se održavaju natjecanja ili kulturna događanja i s obzirom na izolaciju od kopitara nižeg zdravstvenog statusa, preporuča se odrediti jedinstveni zdravstveni certifikat za ponovni ulazak registriranih konja za utrke, natjecanja i kulturne priredbe nakon privremenog izvoza u treće zemlje;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It had inferred therefrom that, inasmuch as national legislation extended the range of uses to which those sums could be put to activities of the racecourse undertakings other than those initially envisaged, the national legislature, by virtue of that extension, in effect waived revenue which in principle should have been paid over to the Treasury.
Iz toga je zaključio da se nacionalni zakonodavac, s obzirom na to da je nacionalnim propisima moguća namjena tih iznosa proširena na druge djelatnosti društava za utrke od prvotno predviđenih, zbog tog proširenja zapravo odrekao sredstava koja su se u načelu trebala prenijeti u državni proračun.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I do not care to see you risk your neck on the racecourse also.
Ne volim da svoj vrat izlažeš opasnosti i na trkama.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Anyone been over to that hotel at the racecourse yet?
Je li tko bio u hotelu na trkalištu?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
205 The case giving rise to that judgment concerned an appeal brought against the judgment of 27 January 1998 in Ladbroke Racing v Commission (T‐67/94, ECR, EU:T:1998:7) concerning an action for annulment of a decision by which the Commission had, inter alia, found that the principal French racecourse undertakings’ access to winnings unclaimed by bettors, while designed to finance those undertakings’ social expenditure, did not constitute State aid because no transfer of State resources was involved.
205 Predmet u kojem je donesena ta presuda odnosio se na žalbu izjavljenu protiv presude od 27. siječnja 1998., Ladbroke Racing/Komisija (T‐67/94, Zb., EU:T:1998:7), koja se odnosi na tužbu za poništenje odluke kojom je Komisija, među ostalim, utvrdila da stavljanje na raspolaganje nepotraživanih dobitaka kladitelja glavnim društvima za konjičke utrke u Francuskoj, iako mu je cilj bio financiranje socijalnih izdataka navedenih društava, ne predstavlja državnu potporu zbog nepostojanja prijenosa državnih sredstava.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
English milords do not waste their time with picking pockets on racecourses.
Engleski milordi ne gube vrijeme na džeparenje za vrijeme konjskih trka.Literature Literature
The Gillanbone showground lay on the banks of the Barwon River, next door to the racecourse.
Gilanbonsko sajmište pružalo se duž obale rijeke Barwona, pokraj samog trkališta.Literature Literature
So far only the quarantine station at Montagu Gardens and the Kenilworth Racecourse have been identified for the establishment of such quarantine facilities in the metropolitan Cape Town AHS free area.
Do sada je jedino karantenska stanica u Montagu Gardens i trkalištu Kenilworth Racecourse bila određena za uspostavu takvih karantenskih objekata na području slobodnom od AHS-a u metropolitanskom području Cape Towna.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Training racecourse stewards and stewards' secretaries
Obuka nadzornika konjskih utrka i njihovih tajnikatmClass tmClass
The Grand National Festival at Aintree Racecourse is the ultimate day out, no matter which of the three days you attend.
Festival Grand National na trkalištu Aintree jako je posjećen sva tri dana koliko se održava.Literature Literature
I was at the racecourse with the rest of you.
Bio sam na trkalištu s vama.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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