reigns oor Kroaties

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You are to help prepare the world for the millennial reign of the Savior by helping to gather the elect from the four quarters of the earth, so that all who choose to do so may receive the gospel of Jesus Christ and all of its blessings.
Vi trebate pomoći pripremiti svijet za Spasiteljevu milenijsku vladavinu pomažući okupiti izabrane s četiri strane zemlje, kako bi svi koji odaberu to učiniti mogli primiti evanđelje Isusa Krista i sve njegove blagoslove.LDS LDS
According to the legend, in the reign of King Casimir the Great the inhabitants of Wielkie Piaski brought the sausage they produced to sell it in Kraków.
Prema legendi, za vrijeme vladavine kralja Kazimira Velikog stanovnici sela Wielkie Piaski donijeli su kobasicu koju su proizvodili u Krakov kako bi je prodali.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Lala knew that Grand-maman was a favorite of the Dowager Empress Maria Fyodorovna and the reigning Empress Alexandra.
Lala je znala da je grand-maman štićenica carice udove Marije Fjodorovne i carice Aleksandre.Literature Literature
Uther's reign is at an end.
Utherova se vladavina bliži kraju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ilyas ibn Salih (?792-842), who is said to have professed Islām publicly but Ṣāliḥ's religion secretly, and died in the 50th year of his reign.
Ilyas ibn Salih (?792-842), za koga se govori da je javno ispovijedao islam, a tajno Ṣāliḥovu religiju, te je umro u 50. godini vladavine.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They were not the all-powerful, free agents who reigned with impunity, as she had thought.
Nisu bili svemoćna bića koja nekažnjeno vladaju bez obzira na posljedice, kao što je dotad mislila.Literature Literature
(Revelation 20:12, 13) The apostle John records another vision, found in Revelation chapter 21, which will be fulfilled during the Millennial Reign of Christ Jesus.
A vizija iz 21. poglavlja Otkrivenja koju je zapisao apostol Ivan ispunit će se tijekom Tisućugodišnje Vladavine Isusa Krista.jw2019 jw2019
Faithful ones with an earthly hope will experience the fullness of life only after they pass the final test that will occur right after the end of the Millennial Reign of Christ. —1 Cor.
Vjerni Božji sluge sa zemaljskom nadom dobit će vječni život tek nakon što prođu završnu kušnju koja će nastupiti kad završi Kristova Tisućugodišnja Vladavina (1. Kor.jw2019 jw2019
He reigns for truth and justice;
On ljubi pravdu, vjernost,jw2019 jw2019
Both The Encyclopedia Americana and the Great Soviet Encyclopedia agree that Artaxerxes’ reign ended in 424 B.C.E.
Priručnici The Encyclopedia Americana i Great Soviet Encyclopedia suglasni su da je vladavina Artakserksa završila 424. pr. n. e.jw2019 jw2019
Now, in the final years of Hyrcanus’ reign, the Sadducees regained control.
No sada su, u posljednjim godinama Hirkanovog vladanja, saduceji ponovno stvari preuzeli u svoje ruke.jw2019 jw2019
20:1-3) At the end of Jesus’ Thousand Year Reign, Satan will be “released from his prison” for a short time to make a final attempt to mislead perfect mankind.
Na kraju Isusove Tisućugodišnje Vladavine Sotona će nakratko “biti pušten iz tamnice svoje” kako bi posljednji put pokušao zavesti ljude koji će tada biti savršeni.jw2019 jw2019
Hundreds of thousands died under his brutal reign
Tisuće su umrle pod njihovom vlašćuopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
22 For behold, he has his afriends in iniquity, and he keepeth his guards about him; and he teareth up the laws of those who have reigned in righteousness before him; and he trampleth under his feet the commandments of God;
22 Jer gle, on ima aprijatelje svoje u bezakonju, i drži straže svoje oko sebe; i kida zakone onih koji vladahu u pravednosti prije njega; i gazi nogama svojim zapovijedi Božje;LDS LDS
Starting on the day of Pentecost, God declared believing ones righteous and then adopted them as spiritual sons having the prospect of reigning with Christ in heaven.
Počevši od Dana duhova, Bog je vjerne proglašavao za pravedne i posvojio ih je kao duhovne sinove s izgledom da vladaju s Kristom na nebu.jw2019 jw2019
goods to be used or consumed by reigning monarchs and Heads of State of third countries, or persons officially representing them, during their official stay in the customs territory of the Community.
roba koju će vladajući monarsi i šefovi država trećih zemalja, ili osobe koje ih službeno predstavljaju, rabiti ili konzumirati tijekom svojega službenoga boravka na carinskom području Zajednice.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
They had become certain that Jesus’ second coming would begin his invisible presence, that a time of world distress was ahead, and that this would be followed by the Thousand Year Reign of Christ that would restore Paradise on earth, with eternal life for obedient humans.
Oni su bili sigurni da će Isusov drugi dolazak započeti njegovim nevidljivim prisustvom, da je pred njima vrijeme svjetskih nevolja i da će nakon toga uslijediti Kristovo Tisućgodišnje Kraljevstvo, koje će donijeti obnovu Raja na Zemlji i vječni život za poslušne ljude.jw2019 jw2019
Belshazzar evidently began to reign as coregent from Nabonidus’ third year on.
Belšasar je, po svemu sudeći, postao Nabonidov suvladar treće godine Nabonidova vladanja.jw2019 jw2019
The whole reign of Akhenaten leads us to think that he had contact with extraterrestrials.
Cijela vladavina Eknatona nas navodi na pomisao da je imao kontakt s izvanzemaljcima.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since the Babylonian scribes customarily counted the years of the Persian kings’ reign from Nisan (March/April) to Nisan, Artaxerxes’ first regnal year began in Nisan of 474 B.C.E.
Budući da su babilonski pisari običavali računati godine vladanja perzijskih kraljeva od nisana (kraj ožujka i početak travnja) do nisana, Artakserksova prva godina vladanja počela je u nisanu 474. pr. n. e.jw2019 jw2019
Waiting for the Gate that will bring him forward to begin their reign of terror.
Čekajući Dveri koje će ga sprovesti da otpočnu svoju strahovladu.Literature Literature
Toward the end of his life, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian, John was exiled to the island of Patmos “for speaking about God and bearing witness to Jesus.”
Potkraj svog života, za vladavine rimskog cara Domicijana, bio je prognan na otok Patmos jer je “govorio o Bogu i svjedočio za Isusa”.jw2019 jw2019
Where will the demons be during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ?
Gdje će biti demoni tijekom Kristove Tisućugodišnje Vladavine?jw2019 jw2019
He prophesied possibly during the reign of Jehoram (848–844 B.C.) or during the Babylonian invasion in 586 B.C.
Prorokovao je vjerojatno tijekom vladavine Jorama (848–844. pr. Kr.) ili tijekom babilonske najezde 586. pr. Kr.LDS LDS
Apparently, the end of Snow's reign didn't equal the end of his terror.
Očito da kraj Snowove vladavine ne znači i kraj njegovih užasa.Literature Literature
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