relegation oor Kroaties


the act of being relegated

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This is not a hotel and I’m not in the best of moods after being relegated to the spare room.’
Nije ovo hotel, a ja nisam ludo raspoložen nakon progonstva u gostinsku sobu.Literature Literature
In the Protestant tradition, this has led to the Father’s being relegated to a position of near-total obscurity.
U protestantskoj tradiciji došlo je do toga, da je Očevo postojanje potisnuto na položaj skoro potpune nepoznatosti.jw2019 jw2019
He was thirty-five years old, and he was relegated to the same level as a ten-year-old.
Imao je trideset pet godina, a bio je ovisan o nekome poput desetogodišnjaka.Literature Literature
Sara and Amy had been relegated to their tent, but for all his relative freedom, Peter felt just as trapped.
Sara i Amy bile su zatvorene u svom šatoru, ali unatoč svojoj relativnoj slobodi Peter se osjećao jednako zatočenim.Literature Literature
There are also some Germans, and I notice that they're relegated to the edge of the cemetery along with the native troops of the British Empire.
Ima i nešto Nijemaca, ali sam primijetio da su protjerani na rub groblja, zajedno sa domorodačkim trupama britanskog imperija.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Meanwhile, they keep the jet pack relegated to the world of science fiction.
U međuvremenu, drže'jetpack'samo u sferi svijeta znanstvene fantastike.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When play continued, Napoli earned the right to compete in Serie A, but were relegated after two seasons for a bribery scandal.
Kako se je nastavilo igrati i dalje, Napoli zaradio prava da se natječu u Serie A, ali su ispali već nakon dvije sezone.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hence, Regulation No 1259/2010 does not relegate legal separation to a minor role.
Stoga se Uredbom br. 1259/2010 ne umanjuje uloga zakonske rastave.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Scientists, however, generally regard them as hack work to be relegated to engineers or technicians.
Opće nito uzevši, znanstvenici to međutim promatraju kao rutinski posao koji treba prepustiti inženjerima i tehničarima.Literature Literature
Could these paintings be a record of mankind's conflict with creatures that are now relegated to myth?
Mogu li ove slike biti zapis ljudskog konflikta sa bicima koja sada pripadaju mitovima?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He suspected they were brands she had tried and hadn’t liked, relegated to the guest room.
Pretpostavljao je da se radi o markama koje je iskušala i nisu joj se svidjele, pa ih je namijenila gostima.Literature Literature
Arminia Bielefeld, identified as the club central to the scandal, was stripped of all points they had earned during the 1971–72 season and then relegated to the league below.
"Arminia" iz Bielefelda je okvalificirana kao središnji klub u cijelom skandalu, i sukladno tome, oduzeti su joj svi bodovoi koje je osvojila tijekom sezone 1971/72. i kažnjena je izbacivanjem u nižu ligu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He made his professional debut in the last game of the Ligue 2 season on 18 May 2012, a 1–2 home defeat for his already relegated team to Monaco, replacing Virgile Reset for the final 11 minutes.
Svoj profesionalni debi ostvario je u posljednjoj utakmici Ligue 2 dana 18. svibnja 2012. godine u 1:2 domaćem porazu svog u tom trenutku već izbačenog tima iz navedene lige protiv Monaca, nakon što je u utakmici zamijenio Virgilea Reseta u posljednjih 11 minuta susreta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Frustrated artist relegated to teaching'cause nobody buys his stuff.
Frustriran umjetnik degradirani nastave cecause nitko ne kupuje njegove stvari.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Two Sutjeska-class submarines had been relegated mainly to training missions by 1990.
Tada već zastarjele, dvije podmornice klase Sutjeska su uglavnom korištene za potrebe obuke mornara te su na početku 1980-ih povučene.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He'd actually noticed it last night, but his starved libido had relegated it to minor importance.
Zapravo, već sinoć je to zapazio, ali zbog probuđenoga spolnog nagona potisnuo je to kao nešto nevažnoLiterature Literature
Later that season, Brescia finished 19th in Serie A and was therefore relegated to the Serie B. In 2005–06, he played 24 league matches for Brescia, with Brescia finishing tenth.
Te sezone je Brescia završila na 19. mjestu i ispala u Serie B. U sezoni 2005./06., je za Bresciu odigrao 24 susreta, a Brescia je završila na 10. mjestu Serie B. U sezoni 2006./07. je zabio 10 pogodaka u 40 susreta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He may once have been regarded as the source of meaning for all human activities, but today he has been relegated to the secret dungeons of history. . . .
Možda se nekoć i smatralo da on pridaje smisao svim ljudskim djelatnostima, no danas je protjeran u skrovite tamnice historije. (...)jw2019 jw2019
He was getting the feeling he had been relegated to the bottom and he didn’t like it.
Imao je osjećaj da je gurnut na dno i to mu se nije sviđalo.Literature Literature
My pictures were being relegated to back corners at exhibitions.
Moje su slike na izložbama završavale negdje postrani.jw2019 jw2019
(d) relegation in step;
(d) nazadovanje na niži stupanj;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
It can not be relegated to the category of “lesser challenges”.
Ne može ga se svrstati u kategoriju „manjih izazova”.not-set not-set
Another point of criticism is the fact that clubs cannot be relegated, therefore the same clubs stay each single season.
Druga negativna stvar je činjenica da klubovi ne mogu ispasti iz liga, uvijek isti klubovi ostaju u svakoj ligi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The days of horror in the Palace of Casalduero were relegated to the trash heap of memory.
Oni užasni dani u palači Casalduero sad su bili bačeni na smetište uspomena.Literature Literature
We're relegated to the parking lot, remember.
Ograničeni smo na parkiralište, znate.Literature Literature
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