set the screen oor Kroaties

set the screen

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I'll be setting the screen today.
Ja ću te blokirati.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hugo, you and Todd set up the screens.
Hugo, ti i Todd ćete biti blokovi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I set up the screen on server five.
Na zaslonu ti je na serveru 5.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So with the captain’s approval, the Hemmaways set up the screen on the deck and the projector in a cabin that had a window in the right position.
Tako je bračni par Hemmaway, uz kapetanovo dopuštenje, na palubi postavioekran”, a projektor su stavili u kabinu čiji je prozor gledao prema njemu.jw2019 jw2019
He turned his attention back to the large screen set up at the head of the table.
Obratio je pozornost na veliki zaslon postavljen na čelo stola.Literature Literature
When the segment was finished, Michael flipped off the set and stared at the dark screen
Kada su vijesti završile, Michael je isključio televizor i zagledao se u tamni ekranLiterature Literature
The setting screen must be sufficiently wide to permit examination of the cut-off over at least 5o on each side of line v-v;
Širina zaslona za namještanje mora biti dovoljna da omogući provjeru granice „svijetlo-tamno” u području od najmanje 5° na svakoj strani crte v-v;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
And you can always see the set / screen separation line in every Apollo footage, every Apollo image, and the video footage that has a background.
I uvijek ćete vidjeti liniju razdvajanja na svakom snimku Apolla, na svakoj slici, na svakom video snimku s pozadinom.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Outside, he had to dump everything on the ground again to reach through the ripped screen and set the hook into the eye.
Vani ih je morao ponovno odložiti na zemlju kako bi provukao ruku kroz poderanu mrežu i vratio kuku na mjesto.Literature Literature
As Mike watched, the Soldier raised his hands and set them flat against the fine-mesh screen.
Dok ga je Mike tako promatrao, vojnik je podigao ruke i pritisnuo ih uz gustu mrežu.Literature Literature
He tapped the screen, pointing to a set of numbers in the upper right-hand corner.
On je dodirnuo zaslon, pokazujući niz brojeva u gornjem desnom kutu.Literature Literature
Then he leaned forward and tapped the screen of the satellite navigation system set into the dashboard.
Zatim se nagnuo prema naprijed i kucnuo po zaslonu satelitskog navigacijskog sustava na armaturnoj ploči.Literature Literature
It's that famous " zip " girl of the screen the darling of the flapper set Zelda Zanders!
Dolazi slavna zvijezda s ekrana... ... voljena i obo`avana...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The big screens, the fryers, the whole nice set-up.
Veliki ekrani, na friteze, cijeli lijepo set-up.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The first IMAX screen was set up in Romania 's largest mall, the AFI Palace in Bucharest, on Monday (October # th
Prvo IMAX platno postavljeno je u najvećem trgovačkom središtu u Rumunjskoj, AFI palači u Bukureštu u ponedjeljak ( # listopadaSetimes Setimes
We're gonna set you up on the wide-screen.
Idemo na široki ekran.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
CDC's setting up screening systems at the airports, harbors- - everything is being monitored.
CDC postavlja sisteme za nadzor Na aerodromima, u lukama Sve se nadzire.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
whereas 10 EU Member States have set the target of screening 100 % of the female population for breast cancer, and whereas eight have such a target for cervical cancer screening;
budući da je deset država članica EU-a utvrdilo cilj da se pregledi za otkrivanje raka dojke provode na 100 % ženskog stanovništva te budući da je takav cilj za preglede za otkrivanje raka vrata maternice postavilo osam država;Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The Court found that in the first two recruitment procedures members of the Pre-selection Committee did not sign a declaration of absence of conflict of interests and that questions for interviews and their weightings, as well as the threshold scores for being included in the list of suitable candidates were set after the screening of candidates.
Sud je u prva dva postupka zapošljavanja utvrdio da članovi predselekcijskog odbora nisu potpisali izjavu o nepostojanju sukoba interesa, te da su pitanja za razgovore, odgovarajuće bodovanje te prag za uvrštavanje na popis prikladnih kandidata određeni tek nakon prve faze odabira kandidata.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Until 30 June 2014, the screening requirements set out in point shall, as a minimum, meet ICAO standards.
Do 30. lipnja 2014. zahtjevi za zaštitni pregled iz točke moraju najmanje ispunjavati standarde ICAO-a.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
He set his eyes on the radar screen and the GPS to keep his course straight toward the Invader.
Gledao je zaslon radara i GPS kako bi ostao na ravnom kursu prema Invaderu.Literature Literature
With the UUT off, set the ambient light level such that the measured screen illuminance is less than 1,0 lux (see Section 5.2(B)).
Dok je UUT isključen, namjestite razinu svjetla u okolini tako da je izmjereno osvjetljenje zaslona manje od 1,0 luksa (vidjeti odjeljak 5.2.( B)).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
908 sinne gevind in 33 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.