sight less oor Kroaties

sight less

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He’s no more capable of murder than you and I are, probably a bloody sight less.
On nije ništa sposobniji za ubojstvo od vas ili mene, možda samo manje.Literature Literature
And a damn sight less useful in jail than out.""
I vraški manje korisni u zatvoru nego vani.”Literature Literature
“And I’ll tell you something else, they’re a damn sight less critical than the sane ones.
Oni su vraški manje kritični od onih zdravih.Literature Literature
It is a good sight less than most, girl.
Dobar izgled je najvažniji, djevojko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A damn sight less keenly than every merchant in the city is after mine, I daresay.
U znatno manjoj mjeri nego što se svi trgovci u gradu žele napiti moje, siguran sam.Literature Literature
Forty-nine sightings in less than five months.
49 viđenja u manje od 5 mjeseci.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So you could dismantle and reassemble a drift sight much less take a reading on one.
Znali mogao bi rastaviti i sataviti taj okular bolje nego očitati kroz njega.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Now I know you; and therefore, though I burn more ardently, yet you are in my sight much less worthy and lighter.
Sad sam upoznao tebe, i premda žudim još žešće, za mene sasvim si lak, bezvrijedan odsada plijen. »Kako je moguće?Literature Literature
Both patrols head into the midsection shadows out of sight for not less than thirteen seconds nor more than nineteen.
— Oba stražara ulaze u mrak središnjeg dijela i tu se gube iz vida ne manje od trinaest sekundi i ne više od devetnaest.Literature Literature
And the news of each sighting was met with less and less hope.
A svaka takva sljedeća novost dočekivana je sa sve manje i manje nade.Literature Literature
The old man was as naked as the girl, though he made a markedly less attractive sight.
Martin – Sraz Kraljeva Starac bijaše nag poput djevojke, iako je činio znatno manje privlačan prizor.Literature Literature
Our Matica monthly magazine also carries reports on the known and less known sights , people and regions of our homeland .
Ujedno , naš mjesečnik MATICA donosi reportaže o znanim i neznanim ljepotama , ljudima i krajevima naše domovine .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Thanks to an ambitious recycling project, illegally dumped trash is becoming a less frequent sight along Macedonia 's rivers, lakes and forests
Zahvaljujući ambicioznom projektu reciklaže, nepropisno bačeno smeće duž makedonskih rijeka, jezera i šuma postaje rjeđa pojavaSetimes Setimes
In fact, some experts say that sight would be far less efficient if this layer of cells were in front of the retina.
“Kad bi se tkivo pigmentnog epitela nalazilo ispred mrežnice, naš bi vid bio znatno slabiji”, napisali su biolog Jerry Bergman i oftalmolog Joseph Calkins.jw2019 jw2019
“I think it would be best if you stay more or less out of sight for the time being.”
"""Mislim da bi bilo najbolje kad biste bili što manje vidljivi dok sve ovo ne završi."Literature Literature
“After that, he more or less dropped out of sight.
Nakon toga je on, manje ili više, nestao.Literature Literature
Less edifying was the sight of his long, muscular arm draped over the shoulders of Fausta.
Manje moralno poučan prizor bila je njegova dugačka mišićava ruka prebačena preko Faustina ramena.Literature Literature
"""After that, he more or less dropped out of sight."
Nakon toga je on, manje ili više, nestao.Literature Literature
Well, I know if I were him, I wouldn't let you out of my sight for a minute, much less 2 months.
Da sam na njegovom mjestu, ne bih te ispuštao iz vida ni minute, a ne dva mjeseca.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even with a clear line of sight, these little radios were good for less than ten miles.
Čak i u uvjetima dobre vidljivosti, predajnici su imali doseg odašiljanja manji od šesnaest kilometara.Literature Literature
The Soviet aircraft had come up short, their range being fifty miles less than they needed to sight the Kennedy.
Sovjetski avioni su se približili; radijus im je bio samo pedeset milja manji od potrebnog da bi došli do Kennedvja.Literature Literature
Less than a minute after the sighting report was given, a gruff voice came over the radio.
Manje od minute nakon slanja izvješća, grubi glas se začuje preko radija.Literature Literature
If he stayed put...same difference, more or less, except the stabbing got a sight more likely.
Ako ostane na mjestu... ista stvar, manje-više, osim što je malo vjerojatnije da će ga izbosti.Literature Literature
It may be in the sight of heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man's child.
Možda u očima nebeskim si ti bezvrjedniji od njih... od milijuna drugih koji jedva žive kao ovo jadno dijete.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tyrion had never been fond of singers, and he liked this one even less than the run of the breed, sight unseen.
Tyrionu se nikad nisu sviđali pjevači, a ovaj mu se sviđao još manje od onih obične vrste, iako ga još nije vidio.Literature Literature
95 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.