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society of jesus

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Society of Jesus

eienaam, naamwoord
An order of Roman Catholic clergy, the Jesuits, having a tradition of education, theological scholarship, and missionary work

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Collegium Ragusinum of Society of Jesus
isusovačko učilište Collegium Ragusinum
Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus
Filozofski fakultet Družbe Isusove


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Luis del Castillo was ordained priest on 30 July 1966 in the Society of Jesus.
Luis del Castillo je zaređen za svećenika 30. srpnja 1966. godine.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My name is Martin Alvito of the Society of Jesus, captain-pilot.
Zovem se Martin Alvito i dolazim iz Isusovačkog društva, kormilaru.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The pastoral responsibility for the chapel has been entrusted to the Society of Jesus.
Pastoralnu odgovornost za djelovanje Kapelice nosi Družba Isusova.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Society of Jesus is famous for interfering.
Isusovci su poznati po upletanju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Society of Jesus is famous for it.
Družba Isusova po tom je znamenita.Literature Literature
Abolished in 1773 , the Society of Jesus left Zagreb .
Raspuštena 1773 . godine , Družba Isusova je napustila Zagreb .hrenWaC hrenWaC
In the seventeenth century the house where he was born was given to the Society of Jesus.
U sedamnaestom stoljeću kuća u kojoj je rođen dana je Družbi Isusovoj.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A True Society of Jesus?
Prava družba Isusova?jw2019 jw2019
I'm a brother of the Society of Jesus!""
Ja sam brat iz Družbe Isusove!Literature Literature
On February 17, 1592, he entered the Society of Jesus.
7. kolovoza 1602. godine je stupio u Družbu Isusovu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On July 30, 1917, he entered the Society of Jesus.
21. srpnja 1773. godine dokinuo Družbu Isusovu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yesterday we commemorated St Ignatius of Loyola, the Founder of the Society of Jesus.
Jučer smo se spomenuli svetog Ignacija Loyolskog, utemeljitelja Družbe
Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, III, 1, 26).
Konstitucije Družbe Isusove, III, 1, 26)
Father Martin Alvito of the Society of Jesus was enraged.
Pater Martin Alvito iz Družbe Isusove bijaše ljutit.Literature Literature
Have they lived up to their name —the Society of Jesus?
Jesu li živjeli u skladu sa svojim imenom — Družba Isusova?jw2019 jw2019
The Society of Jesus is the name that Ignatius of Loyola, the Spanish founder, gave the order.
Družba Isusova je naziv koji je tom redu dao Ignacije Loyola, španjolski utemeljitelj.jw2019 jw2019
My name is Martin Alvito of the Society of Jesus, Captain- Pilot
Zovem se Martin Alvito i dolazim iz Isusovačkog društva, kormilaruopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
He entered the Society of Jesus on 19 January 1663 and became a successful popular missionary.
Jeningen je ušao u Družbu Isusovu 19. siječnja 1663., i postao uspješan popularan misionar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Society of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuits, was established in 1540.
Družba Isusova, općepoznata pod imenom jezuiti, osnovana je 1540.jw2019 jw2019
That's more than your annual subsidy from the King of Spain for your whole Society of Jesus in Asia.
To je više nego vaša godišnja potpora od španjolskog kralja za cijelu vašu Družbu Isusovu u Aziji.Literature Literature
The papal bull that established the Society of Jesus in 1540 was entitled “For the Rule of the Church Militant.”
Papinska bula koja je godine 1540. utemeljila Družbu Isusovu imala je naziv “Za upravljanje borbene Crkve”.jw2019 jw2019
In view of the Jesuits’ record, past and present, can it truly be said that they are a society of Jesus?
Može li se, s obzirom na isusovačku reputaciju, i u prošlosti i danas, s pravom reći da su družba Isusova?jw2019 jw2019
India: The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) grew as part of the Counter-Reformation, a movement to revive Catholicism following Reformation reverses.
Indija: Društvo jezuita nastalo je kao posljedica protureformacije, pokreta koji je trebao doprinijeti ponovnom oživljavanju katolicizma nakon poraza Reformacije.jw2019 jw2019
St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus whom the Church is commemorating today, also bore witness to this.
Svjedoči nam to također sveti Ignacije Loyolski, utemeljitelj družbe Isusove, kojeg se Crkva danas
He was an associate of Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the religious order the Society of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuits.
On je bio suradnik Ignacija Loyole, osnivača religioznog reda Družba Isusova, poznatog kao jezuiti ili isusovci.jw2019 jw2019
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