stepparent oor Kroaties


A stepfather or stepmother

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


What needs of yours does your stepparent fulfill?
Za koje se tvoje potrebe očuh savjesno brine?
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• A stepparent feels jealous of a six-year-old child.
Maćeha je ljubomorna na muževu kćerkicu iz prvog braka.
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James and Sara are both my stepparents.
James i Sara su moji drugi roditelji.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Following are just a few suggestions to help the growing number of stepparents.
Slijedi samo nekoliko prijedloga koji mogu pomoći rastućem broju očuha i maćeha.jw2019 jw2019
‘Parent’ is the counterpart of the ‘natural or adopted son or daughter’ (natural or adoptive parent) or ‘stepson or stepdaughter’ (stepparent).
„roditelj” je biološki roditelj ili posvojitelj „biološkog ili posvojenog sina ili kćeri” odnosno očuh ili maćeha „pastorka ili pastorke”.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Challenge 1: Coping With the Authority of a Stepparent
1. izazov: Teško ti je poštovati autoritet svog očuhajw2019 jw2019
• Children who got along fine with a prospective stepparent before the marriage tend to struggle afterward.
Djeca su se isprva dobro slagala s budućim očuhom, no nakon vjenčanja počela su se prepirati s njim.jw2019 jw2019
Can stepparents play a positive role in building a successful stepfamily?
Mogu li očuh ili maćeha odigrati pozitivnu ulogu u izgradnji uspješne obitelji?jw2019 jw2019
What needs of yours does your stepparent fulfill?
Za koje se tvoje potrebe očuh savjesno brine?jw2019 jw2019
The newlyweds may not realize the emotional turmoil, the conflicts of loyalty, and the feelings of jealousy and resentment that the stepparent’s arrival sparks in the stepchildren.
Novi bračni par možda nije svjestan emocionalne uznemirenosti, konflikta lojalnosti i osjećaja ljubomore i ljutnje koje kod pastorčadi uzrokuje dolazak očuha ili maćehe.jw2019 jw2019
A stepparent’s discipline is usually an expression of his or her love and concern for you.
Kad te očuh poučava ili ukorava, to zasigurno čini zato što te voli i zato što mu je stalo do tebe (Mudre izreke 13:24).jw2019 jw2019
Information to help stepparents was published in the March 1, 1999, issue of our companion journal, The Watchtower.
Informacije koje mogu pomoći očusima i maćehama nalaze se u našem popratnom časopisu Kula stražara od 1. ožujka 1999.jw2019 jw2019
What I would like to ask my parent or stepparent about this subject is .....
Što o ovoj temi želim pitati svoju mamu (tatu) ili očuha (pomajku)? .....jw2019 jw2019
How could remembering your stepparent’s good qualities help you to respect him or her more?
Kako ti razmišljanje o njegovim dobrim osobinama može pomoći da ga više poštuješ?jw2019 jw2019
Pressures of the moment will lead stepparents to act unreasonably.
Pritisci koji se u takvim trenucima javljaju dovest će do toga da očuh ili maćeha postupi nerazumno.jw2019 jw2019
How devastating such words can be to a well-meaning stepparent!
Koliko samo takve riječi mogu pogoditi dobronamjernog očuha ili maćehu!jw2019 jw2019
22 If you are a stepparent, you may recall that as a friend of the family, you were perhaps welcomed by the children.
22 Ako si očuh ili maćeha, možda se sjećaš da su te kao kućnog prijatelja djeca vjerojatno dobro prihvaćala.jw2019 jw2019
Despite their special circumstances, why should stepparents look to principles found in the Bible for help?
Zašto bi očusi i maćehe, unatoč svojim posebnim okolnostima, pomoć trebali tražiti u načelima koja se nalaze u Bibliji?jw2019 jw2019
On the other hand, stepparents can give children a sense of continuity by supporting the routines they have long enjoyed —such as taking long walks or playing games together.
S druge strane, očusi i maćehe mogu djeci dati osjećaj sigurnosti, podržavajući navike u kojima su već dugo uživala — kao što su duge šetnje i zajedničke igre.jw2019 jw2019
After talking matters over, some parents have decided that, to begin with, the biological parent should be the main disciplinarian in order to give the stepparent time to build a closer relationship with the children.
Nakon što su razmotrili situaciju, neki su roditelji odlučili da bi u početku najvećim dijelom biološki roditelj trebao pružati stegu, kako bi očuhu ili maćehi dao dovoljno vremena da izgradi prisniji odnos s djecom.jw2019 jw2019
What if the stepparent is the father?
Što ako je otac taj koji nije biološki roditelj?jw2019 jw2019
While true Christians today are free from the practice of polygamy, there are nonetheless many blended families among them, with stepparents, stepchildren, and stepsiblings.
Iako među pravim kršćanima nema poligamije, mnogi od njih žive u obiteljima s pastorcima.jw2019 jw2019
Are all stepparents really so bad?
Jesu li svi očusi ili maćehe uistinu tako okrutni?jw2019 jw2019
Stepparents may likewise need to learn to be patient and compassionate, not hurriedly becoming offended when faced with seeming rejection.
A očuh i maćeha možda također moraju naučiti biti strpljivi i samilosni i ne uvrijediti se odmah kad naiđu na prividno odbacivanje (Priče Salamunove 19:11; Propovjednik 7:9).jw2019 jw2019
Give It Time: Stepparents must remember that it takes time for stepchildren to accept a new parent.
Dopusti da prođe vrijeme: Očuh ili maćeha moraju zadržati na umu da je djeci s kojom trebaju živjeti potrebno vrijeme kako bi prihvatila novog roditelja.jw2019 jw2019
As a result, they may rebuff the sincere efforts of the stepparent to be a good father or mother.
Zbog toga možda nepovoljno reagiraju na iskrena nastojanja očuha odnosno maćehe koji nastoje biti dobrim ocem odnosno majkom.jw2019 jw2019
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